Tue 15th

Traffic Babylon

Paul Rees tells the story of Steve Winwood's second band, with more of an emphasis on its darker side than you normally see: With the extravagant Capaldi cheerleading, and fragile, mystical Wood bringing with him a traditional English folk tune called John Barleycorn - which he'd heard on Frost And Fire, a 1965 album by Hull folkies The Watersons - the stage was set for Traffic to at last become the band Winwood had wanted all along: one capable of harnessing a dizzying array of musical styles and then make them over into a fresh, original form that ebbed, flowed ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

News from the Guardian thatThe UK's biggest and richest ­private schools are in line for substantial financial windfalls as a consequence of the government's plan to impose VAT on their fees, according to official new guidance issued by tax authorities.has done nothing to undermine the impression that out new government isn't terribly good at governing. But this wasn't the reason that Liberal Democrat MPs gave for voting against Labour's plans last week. Today, #LibDem colleagues and I voted against ending the VAT exemption on private school fees because we believe in protecting parental choice and opposing the taxation of education. ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Love them or hate them, one of the enduring legacies of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher - the beacons of conservatism for the English-speaking world in the late 20thcentury - was the pursuit of excellence. "Hard work," Thatcher pragmatically opined, "will not always get you to the top, but should get you pretty near." More optimistically, Reagan claimed that "Entrepreneurs are the heroes of modern times." Democrats and liberals may dismiss this aspirational language as impractical, even cringeworthy. We might read in them a dismissal of the more bitter realities of work and opportunity, which are often accidents of birth. ...

Posted by Em Dean on Liberal Democrat Voice

Do judges really need wigs other than to cancel the increased balding of many of them!!?? On Sunday I went to the annual Judges Service at the Liverpool Anglican Cathedral. This is an important event in the annual civic calendar when the Judges and magistrates reaffirm their commitment to providing justice and we reaffirm our support for them in doing so. In addition, we thank all those who also help the delivery of justice from the Police, Probation Service, Prison Officers, and many others who strive, in often dangerous circumstances, to keep our streets safe. But I have to say ...

Posted by richardkemp on But what does Richard Kemp think?

Embed from Getty ImagesFrom the Guardian: The World Conker Championships is investigating cheating allegations after the men's winner was found to have a steel chestnut in his pocket. David Jakins won the annual title in Southwick, Northamptonshire, on Sunday for the first time after competing since 1977. But the 82-year-old was found to have a metal replica in his pocket when he was searched by organisers after his victory. The retired engineer has denied using the metal variety in the tournament. Meanwhile on Chess.com: 22-year-old GM Kirill Shevchenko has been expelled from the 2024 Spanish Team Championship with his draw ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England
Tue 15th

Top of the class divide

Private education is the very antithesis of the moral arguments that can be traced back through time. The US Declaration of Independence, based largely on the writings of John Locke, states that we may treat basic moral and political equality as a fundamental moral truth that is self-evident. Kant argues that it is the human being's rational nature unconditionally that leads to his famous dictum that human beings, all human beings, are ends in themselves. Let's see how these high ideals of human intent square with UK society today. Consider the cost of private education. The average cost per child ...

Posted by Leslie Jones on Liberal Democrat Voice

Monica Harding made her maiden speech on Monday 7 October in the debate on the NHS. The text is below: Thank you, Madam Deputy Speaker. It is a true privilege to be standing here among the green Benches, not only as the Member for Esher and Walton but as the first Liberal MP for my constituency for over 100 years, and its first female MP. The biggest issue on the doorstep in my constituency is undoubtedly the state of the NHS, so I am pleased to make my maiden speech in this debate. First, however, it would be remiss of ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

In Labour's mixed-up world the so-called closer co-operation between the Welsh Labour Government and their party colleagues in Westminster has not got off to a good start, at least when it comes to dentistry. The BBC reports on comments by the Secretary of State for Wales that defy belief, namely her remarks to the Labour Party Conference that the "UK government will take inspiration from Wales on dentistry, where reforms have already unlocked almost 400,000 appointments in the last two years". Meanwhile, a Welsh MP, Stephen Kinnock has been given the role of managing dentistry in England, to the extent ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Just a reminder that, with the schools closed for the October holidays, Fraser's usual weekly ward surgeries do not recommence until after the school holidays, but will be back next week. However, we can still be contacted on any local issues or concerns - just e-mail westend@dundeelibdems.org.uk - many thanks!

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End

The Times reports that Reform UK has been trying to flog tours of parliament with an MP for a whopping £300 in a clear breach of House of Commons rules. They say that a fundraising email was sent to some activists offering the tours for up to £300 as part of a drive to raise money despite there being strict rules around how MPs can use their access to parliament for financial gain: The Times has been told an email to Reform supporters in one region was sent out in recent weeks advertising a Christmas party for supporters at a ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black