Record high numbers living in temporary accommodation as Lib Dems call on govt to end homelessness this Parliament Ed Davey calls for boost for unpaid carers as figures show one in four not in work Cole-Hamilton pens letter to former Conservative voters urging them to abandon party 1 in 9 Scots report mental health condition 627,700 unpaid carers in Scotland Cole-Hamilton comments on further Creative Scotland funding delay Record high numbers living in temporary accommodation as Lib Dems call on govt to end homelessness this Parliament The number of families living in temporary accommodation has reached a record high, the ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice
Thu 3rd

The Joy of Six 1274

Anthony Broxton looks back to Neil Kinnock's speech to the 1985 Labour Party Conference - and gives us a sense of the leadership the Conservatives now need but won't get: "In just one passage of speech, Kinnock flipped the trajectory of the party and, most importantly, the dynamics of party conference on its head. The left - for so long used to a monopoly on the righteous anger of leadership betrayal - was now being told to wear their own failures of the working class." "A failure to defeat Russia will be felt not just in Europe but also in ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England
Thu 3rd


We do get some surprising offers here on Lib Dem Voice. Of course, we all get spam in our personal mailboxes, but as a media giant we also get people offering to pay for posts on LDV. This is all about Search Engine Optimisation – in other words gaming Google to get their organisation high in the search lists. We never fall for these proposals, but we do have some fun with them behind the scenes. Here is a typical request: Hello, Hope you are doing well I'm looking for guest posts with "Home/ Business / Office Furniture / Lifestyle" ...

Posted by Mary Reid on Liberal Democrat Voice

In the previous post I reported my answers to "Labour List's" question , what do think are the three most important priorities that should be in the Budget at the end of this month. They are: 1. End the Two Child Benefit Cap (I've gathered since that the Household Benefit Cap also need lifting) 2. Significantly increase the funding of local government. 3. Restore the Aid Budget to at least 0.58% of GDP, and publish plans to get back to 0.7% asap. There are further and better particulars in today's Guardian (03/10/24) about the strains under which local government is ...

Posted by Peter Wrigley on Keynesian Liberal

Diego Garcia (Photo: BBC) In 2017, the International Court of Justice sought to answer the following two questions (a) Was the process of decolonization of Mauritius lawfully completed when Mauritius was granted independence in 1968, following the separation of the Chagos Archipelago from Mauritius and having regard to international law, including obligations reflected in General Assembly resolutions 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960, 2066 (XX) of 16 December 1965, 2232 (XXI) of 20 December 1966 and 2357 (XXII) of 19 December 1967?; (b) What are the consequences under international law, including obligations reflected in the above-mentioned resolutions, arising from the ...

Posted by Andrew on A Scottish Liberal

In the course of his review of William Dalrymple's The Golden Road: How Ancient India Transformed the World in the London Review of Books last month, Ferdinand Mount quotes a passage from a book by Warwick Ball: The existence of the 'Silk Road' is not based on a single shred of historical or material evidence. There was never any such 'road' or even a route in the organisational sense, there was no free movement of goods between China and the West until the Mongol Empire in the Middle Ages, silk was by no means the main commodity in trade with ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

A Real Treat for me this week is to present Citizens of Honour illuminated scrolls to The Real Thing and then attend their concert tomorrow night (Friday 4th) and re-present them in front of their fans This week I have been proud to preside over two fantastic events in the concert room at St Georges Hall. The first was to launch Black History Month in our City and the second, which is intrinsically connected with the first was to award the position of Citizen of Honour to the Two remaining members of the Real Thing and the family of those ...

Posted by richardkemp on But what does Richard Kemp think?

Remember Dominika the Braybrooke skunk who, last month, escaped from her Braybrooke home and was recaptured around the corner from me? I didn't tell you at the time, because it was too upsetting, but she escaped again shortly after she got home. But now there's good news again. Here's HFM News: A pet skunk missing from Braybrooke has been found safe and well over 10 miles away in Corby after spending five weeks on the run. Dominika escaped from owner Jayne McLaughlin's home last month and had not been seen since a sighting in Market Harborough the following week. The ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Sarah Gibson, newly elected Lib Dem MP for Chippenham, made her maiden speech in the Building Safety and Resilience debate on 11 September. The text is below: I am grateful for the opportunity to make my maiden speech in this building safety debate. I congratulate the hon. Members for Bromley and Biggin Hill (Peter Fortune) and for Calder Valley (Josh Fenton-Glynn), my hon. Friend the Member for Guildford (Zöe Franklin) and the hon. Member for Burnley (Oliver Ryan) on the love that they have shown for their constituencies. My first contribution to this House was in the Prime Minister's statement ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

Conservative leadership: To call this contest scraping the bottom of the barrel would be an insult to barrels Davey: New Govt must make repairing our broken relationship with Europe a priority Welsh Government urged to adopt successful family court model – Substance use among parents dropped by over a quarter McArthur comments on prisoner early release figures Conservative leadership: To call this contest scraping the bottom of the barrel would be an insult to barrels Responding to the speeches made by the four Conservative leadership candidates at their party's conference today, Liberal Democrat Deputy Leader Daisy Cooper MP said: To ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

I am currently reading James O'Brien's book 'How they broke Britain' in which he recounts how David Cameron was reported to have met with Rupert Murdoch's executives on 26 separate occasions during his first 15 months in office, while Gordon Brown and Tony Blair also worked assidiously to woo the media magnate. Despite this chumminess, Cameron couldn't avoid setting up the Leveson Inquiry following the revelation that missing school girl, Milly Dowler's voicemail had been hacked by journalists working for the News of the World. However, none of the legislation needed to fulfil Leveson's recommendations ever materialised, while Leveson 2, ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Michael's ward surgeries take place today and every Thursday during school term time. They are as follows : Thursdays at 5.45pm prompt - West End Campus (come to reception area of St Joseph's RC and Victoria Park Primary Schools) Thursdays at 6.30pm prompt - Harris Academy reception area All welcome - no appointment necessary!

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End