Lib Dems call for any fiscal rule changes to be used to build new hospitals amid under-threat projects Prison release error: Shocking news which needs "immediate action" McArthur reveals scale of prison self-harm as he marks 1,000 days since suicide strategy expired Lib Dems call for any fiscal rule changes to be used to build new hospitals amid under-threat projects The Liberal Democrats have written to the Health Secretary ahead of his speech at Labour Conference today calling on the government to use any changes to the fiscal rules which are reported to be being made at the Budget to ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

A very Leicestershire video filmed in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire. Steve and friends from LeiceExplore look at what remains of the closed stretch of the Nottingham Canal from Great Northern Basin at Langley Mill in Derbyshire to the city of Nottingham. They end their ride at Meadow Lane Lock, where the navigable stretch of the canal joins the Trent.

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

The Eastern Daily Press wins our Headline of the Day. Most of the story is behind the paper's paywall, but what we can see is worth quoting: A window cleaner who threatened to kill people in a town centre told the court "I've got as many convictions as Donald Trump".

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Liberal Democrat Newswire #188 came out last week and you can now read it in full below. But if you'd like the convenience of getting it direct by email in future just sign up now: The big news since last time of course was the party's extended celebration in Brighton kicked off by Ed Davey arriving via jet ski, aka Federal Conference. Two particular themes were notable during it: talk of the party being a constructive opposition to Labour and within those constructive criticisms, not only the NHS and social care but also Europe featuring regularly. You can catch up ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Tom Morrison, our new MP for Cheadle, made his maiden speech on 5 September on the Great British Energy Bill. The text is below: Thank you very much, Madam Deputy Speaker. I congratulate the hon. Member for Stratford and Bow (Uma Kumaran) on that incredible maiden speech. Her pride in her community really shone through and was incredibly infectious. I am truly honoured to be given the opportunity to deliver my maiden speech in this House. I begin by paying tribute to my predecessor, Mary Robinson. Despite our political differences, I had a good working relationship with her and was ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

Liz Jarvis, the Lib Dem MP for Eastleigh, made her maiden speech on 5 September on a debate on the Great British Energy Bill. Enjoy. The text is below: Thank you, Madam Deputy Speaker, for giving me the opportunity to make my maiden speech during the debate on this important Bill. I welcome efforts to provide renewable energy, bring down heating bills and support the growth of our green manufacturing industry. I hope the Bill will make clear provisions for GB Energy to engage with local communities such as mine in Eastleigh. I would also like to congratulate the hon. ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

The Guardian reports that Labour has promised to crack down on benefit fraud by reintroducing "snooper's charter" proposals mooted under the last government that would allow welfare officials to request information from claimants' bank accounts. They say that a fraud, error and debt bill will require banks and other financial institutions to share data that may help identify benefit fraud as part of a package of measures designed to "catch fraudsters faster" and save £1.6bn over five years: Campaigners warned ministers against adopting any legislation based too closely on the previous government's widely criticised data protection and digital information bill, ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black
Wed 25th

Fixing Britain ?

There has been a flurry of books published recently, on the subject of 'broken Britain'. Some look at the big picture of why 'nothing seems to work', like 'Great Britain?' by Torsten Bell, and 'Failed State' by Sam Freedman (featured at a Liberal Reform fringe at Conference). Others address more specific problems, like 'Bad Buying' by Peter Smith or 'Fixing Broken Britain' by Alun Drake. There are some scandal-specific books too which draw broader conclusions, like 'The Great Post Office Scandal' by Nick Wallis, 'Death in the Blood' by Caroline Wheeler, and 'The Rise & Fall of DfID' by Mark ...

Posted by Paul Reynolds on Liberal Democrat Voice

Many thanks to the residents who recently contacted us about the unkempt condition of parts of the Union Place car park. We have therefore raised this with environment management at the City Council to ensure a proper tidy-up takes place.

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End