A striking story from the BBC News Kent pages: Residents and visitors to Canterbury have been treated to the unusual sight of baby beavers swimming in the River Stour. The babies, called kits, are thought to be the first to be born in a wild urban setting in England for centuries. The semi-aquatic rodents are known as a keystone species because of the enormous impact they have on the wildlife around them. Sandra King, chief executive officer of the Beaver Trust, said: "It's so exciting to see them here." Even more striking, though, is a story from May that this ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

As usual, I had my video camera with me when I was at the Pride Picnic in the Park at Saltwell Park yesterday. So here is my latest blockbuster video of the event!

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace
Mon 12th

Picnic in the Park

There was a good turnout of Gateshead Lib Dems for the borough's first Pride Picnic in the Park, held in Saltwell Park yesterday. We were joined at one point by Cllr Freda Geddess, Deputy Mayor, accompanied by her consort Cllr Alex Geddess.An enjoyable event and hopefully it will become a regular event in future years.

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace
Mon 12th

Bridges action day no. 3

Gateshead Lib Dems held our 3rd action day in Bridges ward of Gateshead on Saturday morning. A bunch of Lib Dems descended on my car and stripped me almost bare of Focuses newsletters. Thank you to everyone who helped. I had to head quickly to the office to get another batch of leaflets. It's early days in this by-election but from conversations reported back to me by our leafletting team,

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace

The next meeting of Sunniside History Society will be held on Wednesday 4th September 2024 at 7pm at Sunniside Club. I will be the speaker! Washingwell Woods is packed with historical sites going back to the Roman period. These will be discussed as part of the park.All welcome.

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace
Mon 12th


The beacon is lit! North Shropshire calls for aide! Such was the cry in December 2021 on the Facebook HQ page of the by-election campaign that eventually saw a stunning victory for Helen Morgan and her team as the campaign went into the final week. The fantastic result this July has given us a huge boost, especially coming on the back of a great set of May election results, where we displaced the Tories and came second in the seat table in England for 2024 – now sadly overlooked by the national media. What I want to consider is the ...

Posted by Mick Scholes on Liberal Democrat Voice

It's been a somewhat disconcerting week or so in British politics, especially if you're not at home. Where I am, people are responding to the news of riots with concern – is your country safe, will things settle down soon? And it's easy to get defensive in response. But the response of the police and the judiciary, as well as that of thousands of decent, thoughtful people rallying to protect the vulnerable, appears to have dissuaded significant follow-up in the days that followed. That's a reassurance for many of us who worry about the ability of foreign actors to threaten ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

DUNDEE CITY COUNCIL - WEEKLY ROAD REPORT REPORT FOR THE WEST END WARD - WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY 12 AUGUST 2024 Blinshall Street (Douglas Street to 50 metres south) - closed until December 2024 for construction works. Douglas Street (Blinshall Street to Brown Street) - temporary traffic lights until December 2024 for construction works. Brown Street (south of Douglas Street) - closed until December 2024 for construction works. Seafield Road, Dundee - closed from its westmost end (in cul-de-sac) extending for a distance of no more than 20 metres in an easterly direction to facilitate a site access for a new ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End
Mon 12th

Welsh Tories in crisis

Nation Cymru reports that there are no plans for the Welsh Conservatives to hold an emergency meeting concerning allegations of racism within the party despite the increasing public unrest amongst senior Tory politicians about the actions of Senedd leader, Andrew R.T Davies. They say that the Chair of the Welsh Conservative Sam Kurtz told Nation.Cymru: "No requests for a meeting have been received. The Group will meet after the Welsh Parliament recess in September, as scheduled": His comments came after former leader Lord Nick Bourne told BBC Radio Wales there should be a meeting to make clear that "we are ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black