Here's a pilgrimage I should make myself one day. Richard Jefferies is buried at Worthing because he spent his last days near the Sussex coast. It was hoped that the sea air would ease his tuberculosis, but it had no such effect and he was dead at 38. Another notable rural writer is buried at Broadwater Cemetery: W.H. Hudson: William Henry Hudson was one of Britain's greatest nature writers but was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina of English parents in 1841. His powers of description when writing about the countryside were said to be unrivalled. He died in 1922 and ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

GB Energy: We cannot be left at the mercy of Putin again Chamberlain urges transport infrastructure funding McArthur comments on prison report and plans for young prisoners Cole-Hamilton responds to Health Secretary reannouncing £30m of NHS money GB Energy: We cannot be left at the mercy of Putin again Responding to the government's deal between GB Energy and the Crown Estate, Leader of the Liberal Democrats Ed Davey said: In recent months we heard countless harrowing stories of parents having to choose between putting food on the table or keeping their children warm as the energy crisis sent their bills ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

Embed from Getty ImagesI just hope this piece in Big Issue doesn't go to her head: The most popular newcomer in parliament knows I've been eating bacon and sausages. Jennie leans on my knee and licks my hand. But she's not fussy. She nibbles on the end of a banana which Steve Darling, the Liberal Democrat MP for whom Jennie is a guide dog, feeds her as she wiggles in excitement beneath the table. As Darling and I munch on the breakfast served up in parliament (£2.75 for pretty much an entire full English), Jennie sits loyally at his feet. ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Labour promised as it came into government that it would bring in a 'Take Back Control' Bill to return power from Whitehall and Westminster to local communities across England. If it actually moves in that direction, it will deserve heartfelt support from Liberal Democrats. But the indications of what is intended provided in the King's Speech debate and the accompanying Briefing Note are not encouraging. The English Devolution Bill, we are told, defines local leaders as mayors of Combined and Combined County Authorities. 'Mayors are critical to delivering economic growth and will be vital partners' with central government. The Bill ...

Posted by Lord William Wallace on Liberal Democrat Voice

We were lucky last year and this year to see an orchid growing in our front garden. This occurred because neither Andrew nor I is an intrepid gardener. We quite enjoy letting the grass grow long and then getting it cut back later in the summer, which gives the orchid the chance to grow and be seen. Many people across Ireland are helping to record the island's wildlife. We can do this by recording what we see with the National Biodiversity Data Centre. There is an iPhone app, an Android app, and Ireland's Citizen Science Portal to record entries. I ...

Posted by Michæl McFarland Campbell on Michæl McFarland Campbell

Max Wilkinson gave his maiden speech on Tuesday. Scroll down for the full text. In my maiden speech [IMG: 👩‍⚕️] I pledged to champion local NHS services. [IMG: 🍻] I paid tribute to our fabulous local hospitality sector, culture and festivals. [IMG: 👶] I gave thanks to local people who run groups for parents of young children. And thanked my predecessor Alex Chalk. (1/5) [IMG: 🧵] — Max Wilkinson MP (@mpmwilko) July 24, 2024 It is my honour to stand in this Chamber as the Member of Parliament for the beautiful town of Cheltenham, and it is a pleasure ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice
Thu 25th

The Joy of Six 1251

The new voter ID rules rolled out in this month's General Election may have prevented 370,000 people from casting their ballots, disproportionately affecting women and people of colour, reports Josiah Mortimer. Huw Lewis examines how Vaughan Gething's short period as first minister fell apart and what it means for Welsh Labour: "As we look ahead to the next Senedd election in 2026 (which will be fought using a fully proportional electoral system), the multiparty nature of Welsh devolved politics is only likely to increase. How Labour responds to that challenge is a question that the party should consider carefully as ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Vince Cable is appearing today at the Post Office Horizon inquiry: If you miss the live stream you can catch up here. * Mary Reid is a contributing editor on Lib Dem Voice. She was a councillor in Kingston upon Thames, where she is still very active with the local party, and is the Hon President of Kingston Lib Dems.

Posted by Mary Reid on Liberal Democrat Voice

Paul Kohler made his maiden speech in the House of Commons on Tuesday. Here is the text of his speech. Thank you, Madam Deputy Speaker, for giving me the opportunity to make my maiden speech—although I must admit to a degree of trepidation following the excellent maiden speech of the hon. Member for Glenrothes and Mid Fife (Richard Baker). It was a compelling, poignant and witty speech, as were so many of those that went before. It is a huge and humbling honour to be elected to represent and serve the people of Wimbledon, a name that is synonymous with ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

In January I was told by members of the congregation that Sunniside Methodist Church would be closing in March. The numbers in the congregation had fallen to 11, most of whom are elderly. The chapel and hall were too much for them to cope with and the running costs are huge. There had been valiant attempts to keep the hall and chapel in operation but sadly they were defeated. The closure

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace

Crime Stats: Conservative failures mean victims of crime don't know if they will see justice Conservative Leadership: a group of arsonists asking for a new box of matches Scot Lib Dems issue warning over worst hit rivers for sewage dumps SNP Government dodges question of its backing for Heathrow third runway Welsh Lib Dems call on new Welsh Labour leader to "restore trust in Welsh Politics" Councils agree to seek meeting with Government over pay deals and bin strikes Crime Stats: Conservative failures mean victims of crime don't know if they will see justice Responding to the latest crime statistics ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

Because of the school holidays, Michael's usual ward surgeries do not take place today. However, we can be contacted at any time on Dundee 459378 or by e-mail at

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End
Thu 25th

Royal prerogative

The royals have a lot of privileges, including the right to veto aspects of legislation from a directly elected government that impacts on their financial interests, but for those who believed that the days when a king can plunder the assets of the nation for his own enrichment disappeared with Henry VIII and the dissolution of the monastries, the way that the Crown Estate is managed should disabuse them of that notion. The Guardian reports that official accounts reveal that King Charles is set for a huge £45m pay rise with an increase of more than 50% in his official ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black