Covid Inquiry Report must be a moment for change Chamberlain tables two child benefit cap parliamentary motion Sadiq Khan refuses to back removing the two-child benefit cap Cole-Hamilton: Scotland badly let down by SNP Government's pandemic planning Covid Inquiry Report must be a moment for change Commenting on the first Covid Inquiry Report, Liberal Democrat Health Spokesperson Daisy Cooper MP said: Today's damning findings confirm in black and white what we unfortunately already knew. Our hearts go out to all those who lost loved ones during the pandemic, yet sadly these findings of systematic and political failings will provide little ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

Here are the videos of the Lib Dem leader's appearance before the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry today. He began to give evidence shortly before the lunch break - that's the video above, which should start where Ed's evidence begins - and returned for a much longer session after it. That's in the video below. Ed suffered sounded increasingly contrite and suffered some awkward moments. I'll add more comment when Nick Wallis has published his blog post on his evidence. Later. Wallis has now posted his piece on Ed Davey's evidence and it's not flattering. You can read it on ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Of course they do. Every former politician now has a podcast. And, no, I've not listened to it. If you want to - and it's your right in a free country - you will find the pair of them on YouTube.

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

I was back in my beloved Creeting St Peter on Monday, in my capacity both as Chair and Responsible Finance Officer of our small, but perfectly formed, Parish Council. In fairness, it couldn't be described as an exciting one. Efficient yes, thrilling... no, not really. We're pretty effective in a low-key way. Our finances are healthy, our relationships with our County and District Councillors thriving - they give us money from their locality funds too - and we're making progress on our next big community safety investment, a Speed Indicator Device (or SID to the highways cognoscenti), in that we've ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Bureaucracy

As I write Ed Davey is appearing at the Post Office Horizon IT inquiry. You can watch him here: You can use the same live link to watch Jo Swinson at the inquiry tomorrow morning . You can catch up here. * Mary Reid is a contributing editor on Lib Dem Voice. She was a councillor in Kingston upon Thames, where she is still very active with the local party, and is the Hon President of Kingston Lib Dems.

Posted by Mary Reid on Liberal Democrat Voice

A deliberately eye-catching question from Miranda Green and the Financial Times but plenty of substance to the discussion.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Planning for the Autumn Federal Conference this year has been fraught with difficulties. First, there was a real worry that it would coincide with an intensive General Election campaign, and arrangements were made for a shorter version of the event. Then, when the July election was announced, planning was put on hold until after polling day. It is now back to normal and running for its full length from 14th to 17th September in Brighton. Registration finally opened last Friday. Since then members have been complaining about the short period for the Early Bird rates, ending on 23rd July, some ...

Posted by Mary Reid on Liberal Democrat Voice

Whisper it softly, Labour could well end up out of government at the next Senedd elections. That at least is the verdict of one Welsh academic, who says that there is a real possibility that a midterm slump in support for Labour at the UK level could augur the unthinkable, namely an election in Wales in which Labour does not emerge as the largest party. In the Guardian, Richard Wyn Jones argues that Vaughan Gething's resignation in the midst of a donations scandal in which no rules were broken, and a mishandled ministerial sacking, combined with a poor General Election ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Because of the school holidays, Michael's usual ward surgeries do not take place today. However, we can be contacted at any time on Dundee 459378 or by e-mail at

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End