A few days ago, I wrote something optimistic about the incoming administration, suggesting that they might actually be governing, something that I approve of. I also noted that, regardless of whether or not I agree with them, the fact that they are governing is, in itself, a good thing. And then, Wes Streeting came along. Now, before I continue, I will freely admit that, when it comes to medical science, I know almost as much as I know about the tactics of lacrosse, or oceanic navigation. What I do have though, is a set of liberal principles that guide my ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Bureaucracy

Ed Davey on King's Speech: Liberal Democrats will make the voice of carers heard Child Poverty: Right that Government looks at how to tackle child poverty after economic damage by Conservatives Chamberlain tables WASPI Parliamentary motion London Lib Dems – King's Speech - Extra Powers for Metro Mayors Welcome, but Need the Financial Powers to Back Them Up Scottish Liberal Democrats respond to King's Speech Renew Europe: End Orbán's Council Presidency Ed Davey on King's Speech: Liberal Democrats will make the voice of carers heard Responding to the King's Speech, Liberal Democrat Leader Ed Davey said: After years of crisis ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

The new Private Eye has an article on Lucy Letby that the magazine was unable to publish at the time of her second trial. I don't know if there's anything in it that hasn't appeared in the press since that trial concluded, but it is well written and leads you disquieted about the prosecution and verdict. During this trial, an article on the case on New Yorker site was blocked in the UK. Here the barrister Alan Robertshaw, whose legal videos I have praised before, explains why. He also reveals some shenanigans over a jury member that threatened to derail ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

You may know the story of Mary Whitehouse's fellow campaigner John Smyth QC. The new Private Eye reminds us: In a purpose-built garden shed at his home in Winchester, Smyth administered sadistic beatings to his victims until they bled. When his criminal abuse was first revealed to church leaders in 1982, Smyth was hustled out of the country to Zimbabwe there he is set up his own network of Christian camps were at least 90 children were abused and one died. And the Eye reveals that Justin Welby, the current Archbishop of Canterbury, was one of those who funded Smyth's ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

If you force someone to swear an oath, you are not trying to change their mind but humiliating them. It was, I believe, Conor Cruise O'Brien who said that, in his biography of Edmund Burke, thinking of the British Crown's treatment of the people of Ireland in the eighteenth century. I thought of his point when I heard that Clive Lewis was being made to take his oath of allegiance to the king again because be omitted some words the first time. It ought to be possible for MPs to be republicans, just is at possible for them to be ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

The Week in Polls* has an interesting analysis on the LibDem performance in the general election, entitled "7 things we know about the LibDems and 2 things we don't". Some headlines: We won because of health, bar charts and local candidates pointing at things. Our targetting was strong and there was large tactical voting, particularly in the last few days before voting. You can read the analysis in full here. Please do leave any thoughts on the analysis in the comments below. *some content available for free – subscription needed for more detailed content * Paul Walter is a Liberal ...

Posted by Paul Walter on Liberal Democrat Voice
Wed 17th

HM's Gracious Speech

HM's Gracious Speech I seriously wonder if this silly Ruritanian flummery has now outlived its usefulness. Maybe it's just my age. I used to get a bit of a thrill our of it, but not anymore. HM seemed rather bored too. The new government's programme is an encouraging wish list of mostly useful proposals, but those that cost money, that is most of them, are to be financed not by our current ability to pay for them, which we have "in spades" but out of further growth, a "something for nothing" device which , as far as I know, was ...

Posted by Peter Wrigley on Keynesian Liberal

The Liberal Democrats have always championed progressive and pragmatic approaches to drug policy, and their stance on cannabis is no exception. It's time to acknowledge that the criminalisation of cannabis—a natural herb—was a historical misstep. The Liberal Democrats advocate for legalisation, emphasizing that this approach is not only more sensible but also just. Ending Criminalisation Cannabis should never have been criminalised. The Shaffer report in 1972 advised against criminalisation, but Nixon banned it anyway, along with psychedelics, which also have ancient healing properties. This ban was never about public safety; it was a politically motivated attempt to attack Nixon's enemies ...

Posted by Darren Ross on Liberal Democrat Voice

Intriguing new polling from YouGov, asking people rate their preferences for the main political parties.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Labour have dominated Welsh politics for nearly a hundred years, and have formed the government in the Welsh Senedd since it was formed in 1999, but are cracks beginning to appear in this hegemony, and if so how serious is it? We have already seen an implosion in the Senedd, with the First Minister being forced out by his own colleagues, Boris-Johnson-style, and there is no doubt that this, combined with Labour's inability to get to grips with public services, is going to hit them badly in the polls, but it is the long-term electoral trends, heavily disguised by the ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Shropshire Council has this morning announced significant improvements to bus services in Ludlow, along with improvements to bus services elsewhere in the county. The changes are due to be introduced over a three-to-four month period from August 2024. Ludlow will at long last have a dedicated park and ride service, with an express shuttle running to and from the town centre via the station. Fares will be reduced to £1. The 722 will be freed up from serving the Eco Park which hopefully allow it to keep to better time. The 701 service will be improved with "a new 702" ...

Posted by andybodders on

The Tayside Parachute Regimental Association will be be hosting Airborne Forces Day Scotland for the first time on Saturday 20th July at Riverside - on the pitches west of Barnetts Motors and east of the pavilion opposite the Bridgeview Station Restaurant. The event - which is free of charge to attend - will start with a special military tribute at 11am, complete with band, and the event runs until 5pm. There will be hot and fresh food from Angus Farmers' Market with over 20 vendors. There will be WWII military vehicles on show, a British Army Jackal 3 vehicle, an ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End