Cancer polling: New govt's number one priority should be to get NHS back on its feet Lib Dems call for new laws on GP appointments and cancer care in King's Speech Far North MP to lead debate on access to rural healthcare Cancer polling: New govt's number one priority should be to get NHS back on its feet Responding to Cambridge University polling, conducted by Public First, showing that cancer is the biggest health concern among the UK public, Liberal Democrat Health and Social Care spokesperson, Daisy Cooper MP said: On the doorsteps throughout the campaign, we heard countless harrowing ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

Salisbury Cathedral's foundations are so shallow that it effectively rests on a bed of gravel and water. If the water gets too low, it has to be topped up to keep the building up. Which is why the cathedral, as well as attracting dubious Russian tourists, inspiring The Spire by William Golding and housing a bust of Richard Jefferies, has a dipstick. This was used to measure the water level under the cathedral, so it could be topped up if necessary. Paul Whitewick says a system of sluices was built to make this possible, but today the water is monitored ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Northampton's history doesn't get the attention it deserves, says Mike Ingram, plugging his book in an interview with Northants Live. The building he talks about in particular is the working men's club in St Giles' Street. That's the club we saw John Rogers and Iain Sinclair discuss in a video recently. The one I used to play chess for in the national club knock-out cup. Ingram says the club was established in 1863 to provide evening classes and was intended to be "a diversion from public houses". It was the idea of the Rev Robson from St Giles' Church in ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Living in the UK gives me incredible opportunities to work and meet people from every corner of the world. Although some disagree, this is in my opinion one of the British greatest assets and advantages; the mixture of talents, skills and ethnicities. I think that I was lucky enough to be well prepared for my life in a very multicultural British society, especially during my studies in Croatia. My stay in the Croatian capital, Zagreb, made a huge impact on my personal development. This is where, for the first time, I actually experienced living among a diverse community and encountered ...

Posted by Michal Siewniak on Liberal Democrat Voice

Ed Davey, the leader of the Liberal Democrats, will appear before the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry on Thursday. Two former leaders of the party are also about to give evidence to the inquiry. Jo Swinson will give evidence on Friday and Vince Cable on Thursday of next week (25 July). My impression as a follower of these hearing's is that Jo's name has cropped up in proceedings more often than the other two, but I suspect those who think responsibility for the scandal will be pinned on past government ministers are in for a disappointment. Writing in the Guardian, ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Yes, they're back, and so, with a new Parliament to look forward to, let's try again with this column... A King's Speech means only one thing, huge amounts of pomp and ceremony whilst seventy-two Liberal Democrat MPs (and Jennie) try to work out where best to get a vantage point for "His Majesty's Gracious Speech". Meanwhile, the Lords Chamber will be packed with Peers and their spouses in all of their finery – unfortunately, my tiara is in for cleaning, so I won't be present. But, after lunch, the robes will be back in storage as the debate on the ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

This article was inspired by a clip I came across on Instagram of Labour MP Clive Lewis being sworn in, where he noted that he made the oath under protest, in the hope that one day people would live in a Republic. This reinforced to me the idea that our Members of Parliament swear an oath not to their constituents or the people who elected them, but instead to the Monarch and his heirs. My distaste for the Monarchy as an institution is well known to those around me, but I think that regardless of your opinion of the institution ...

Posted by Zagham Farhan on Liberal Democrat Voice

A few years ago, I wrote for Lib Dem Voice arguing that Lib Dem politicians who employed people should up there game when it came to HR practices. I argued that the best way of explaining liberalism is to show what in means in all that we do – especially in how we treated our staff colleagues. With Westminster now paying for the staff for 72 (yay!) fine Lib Dem MPs (and Short Money hopefully adding to the central staff we can afford), this is a good time to be reminded of this. However, that's not why I'm writing today. ...

Posted by Stephen Harte on Liberal Democrat Voice

DUNDEE CITY COUNCIL - WEEKLY ROAD REPORT REPORT FOR THE WEST END WARD - WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY 15 JULY 2024 Blinshall Street (Douglas Street to 50 metres south) - closed until December 2024 for construction works. Douglas Street (Blinshall Street to Brown Street) - temporary traffic lights until December 2024 for construction works. Brown Street (south of Douglas Street) - closed until December 2024 for construction works. Seafield Road, Dundee - closed from its westmost end (in cul-de-sac) extending for a distance of no more than 20 metres in an easterly direction to facilitate a site access for a new ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End
Mon 15th

Dark Underbelly

I was on a plane coming back from New York when a gunman tried to take out Donald Trump, so it was a shock when I switched my phone back on and saw the news. It is not as if American politics is a stranger to violence. As one blogger wrote shorty afterwards, they have experienced one founding father killing another in a duel, four U.S. presidents were assassinated while in office; another 13 were the targets of unsuccessful plots. In the past few years alone Gabby Giffords, Steve Scalise, and Paul Pelosi were the targets of politically-motivated attacks. Three ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black