Wed 10th

First day at work!


Posted by Mary Reid on Liberal Democrat Voice

I've always detested First Past the Post. As a child getting into politics, one of the first things I did was learn about all the voting systems out there, and each one I learnt about seemed better than FPTP. This election has brought home to me just how flawed this system is, and how rigged it is in favour of the political establishment. I've spent much of the last couple of the days reminding people that Labour got just 34% of the votes in this election. Just over a third of voters endorsed Sir Keir Starmer's Labour, but he'll spend ...

Posted by Zagham Farhan on Liberal Democrat Voice

The council's cabinet is expected to approve an annual charge of £54 a year for collection of green bins. Food waste will no longer be collected. Those that wish their green bin to be collected will need to register and pay the fee. Those that do subscribe will receive a sticker for their bin. Bins without a sticker won't be collected. The council is not planning to collect redundant bins until after the first year. Those that do not wish to repurpose them or keep then during the first year would need to take them to Craven Arms HRC or ...

Posted by andybodders on

United Utilities is hosing down Herondale Road and others to get the sewage back into the drainage systems. Thank goodness it was not hot today or the smells and flies would have been dreadful. The Council updated me at 09.00 ... Continue reading →

Posted by richardkemp on But what does Richard Kemp think?
Wed 10th

The Joy of Six 1246

Richard Kemp says the Liberal Democrats must be a party of the major cities as well of the shires and suburbs: "We will only be a truly national party when we represent people in all areas and from all walks of life. We will now have a greater resource than at any time in my political career to begin to achieve this." Jason Beer KC discusses being crowned Barrister of the Year, the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry and what it has done for public understanding of the role of barristers. "If you don't already have generational wealth, your kid ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Donation totals published by the Electoral Commission are not the sum total of all donations received by a party. But...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Remember this? Sadly the claim that barking dogs deter drones seem no to be true, as we still have a problem with drugs, phones and other illicit good being smuggled into prisons that way, From the Leicester Mercury: A drug dealing gang used drones to smuggle around £1 million worth of contraband into prisons. Among the group's targets was HMP Gartree in Leicestershire. The group was led by 47-year-old Lucy Adcock who organised 22 drops in a month across six UK prisons. HMP Gartree, in Market Harborough, was among the mum's targets before she was eventually apprehended, reports Wales Online. ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

New polling from More in Common on why people voted Liberal Democrat at the general election.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

It's just as well that Labour reduced the election slogans on the placards to one word. I hope that Keir Starmer's verbal repetition of the "country before party" slogan is quickly forgotten. It comes with its own dangers. Patriotism is fine, provided you and your hearers understand what you mean by that word. Unfortunately it is easily confused with nationalism. The sleaze, cronyism and breaking of rules by government ministers and MPs over the past decade were offences committed by people, elected as Conservatives who put themselves before the country and indeed before their party. If only these miscreants could ...

Posted by Geoff Reid on Liberal Democrat Voice

All welcome at the Ninewells Community Garden Big Biodiversity Bash next Saturday 13th July - 11am to 3pm. Just drop in and event is free of charge!

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End