The old lead mine at Snailbeach has cropped up here a few times, but it really is a remarkable site. I'll be exploring it again myself later this summer, but for the time being here's a good video of the remains there.

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

An article in today's Guardian features Lib Dem candidate in Bicester and Woodstock and also has a wider look at the other seats where we are competitive. Knocking on doors in the community on the fringes of Bicester, just north of Oxford, the Liberal Democrat candidate spoke to locals with all manner of political backstories and motivations, some who had previously voted Tory, Labour or neither, as well as those who had either backed Brexit or wished to remain. All, however, had arrived at a common conclusion: this time they would vote for him, to try to defeat the Conservatives. ...

Posted by NewsHound on Liberal Democrat Voice

A reminder from 1997 why people going to help in target seats matters.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack
Wed 19th

The Joy of Six 1239

"The UK and EU cannot help but matter to each other. Regardless of the formal terms of the relationship, developments on one side of the Channel do affect what happens on the other." Brexit boredom is one thing, but there's a real problem when Britain's leaders won't even talk about Europe any more, says Simon Usherwood. Anusha Singh profiles Hina Bokhari, the new leader of the Liberal Democrats in the London Assembly. Hina is the first ethnic minority woman to lead a group at City Hall since its establishment in 2000, and also the first ethnic minority woman to lead ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

This is more on message from the old boy, and I think he's safe from Freddie and Fiona - they would never read Liberator, where his diaries first appear. You, however, look just the sort. It's the Liberal Democrats' combination of the New Statesman and Private Eye, and you can download the latest issue - that's no. 423 - free of charge. Saturday Looking at the list of Liberal Democrats who have received the coupon from Freddie and Fiona, I find myself enormously encouraged. There's a woman who has rowed the Atlantic, which will come in useful if we need ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

It was a real honour and pleasure to preside over the conferment of the Freedom of the City upon Sue John stone yesterday, 18th June. As the then Leader of the Opposition, I seconded the motion of Conferment in 2022 ... Continue reading →

Posted by richardkemp on But what does Richard Kemp think?

We have over some time now received complaints about weeds at road edges in various West End streets and have reported these to the City Council. We were given assurances that this nis being dealt with across the ward but most recently we had further concerns in the Hillside area - see photo. We have now received a response specifically about this from our local environment manager as follows : "Thanks for your below email concerning the weeds within the Hillside area. I can confirm that our operative has recently attended the area to apply contact herbicide. Given a week ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End

This will be no surprise to many people, but Nation Cymru reports on a Cardiff University School of Journalism, Media and Culture study, which has found that an analysis of guests on BBC's flagship programme, Question Time over a period of nine years suggests an overuse of rightwing voices. Their findings reveal that while the Question Time producers have broadly balanced the main political parties, they have frequently relied upon a small number of rightwing guests to provoke entertaining debates: Question Time has long been accused of bias towards both the left and right - usually a good indication of ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black