A few weeks ago, I visited Dublin for the first time. The Republic of Ireland is a wonderful place. During my trip, I've learnt about the symbolism of the Irish flag. I visited the Society and State exhibition at Dublin Castle, which was truly fascinating! I now feel much stronger connected with the country, its culture, people, and at times very difficult history. However, during my short stay in the capital, I immediately noticed a huge difference; the city was full of posters in relation to the upcoming European Elections. In contrast, in Britain, we spoke very little about these ...

Posted by Michal Siewniak on Liberal Democrat Voice
Sat 15th

The Joy of Six 1237

Nick Cohen criticises collaborationist journalism: "Instead of a robust defence of democratic debate, we have had writers for the Financial Times opining that: 'A time will come when politicians can tell voters that Brexit was a turkey of an idea, that it makes Britain poorer than it needs to be, that it doesn't even work as an immigration-cutting retreat from the world. That time isn't far off. But it isn't now.' The job of the collaborator here is not to ask hard questions but to police debate by saying that hard questions, or indeed any questions, are an inopportune tactic." ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Lord Bonkers has resumed command upon his return from Africa. I've a feeling we've had an entry about Well-Behaved Orphans being photographed for candidates' election addresses before, but as it presumably happens at every general election, I stand astonished at my own moderation. I'm always pleased to see nuns appearing here, particularly as these ones aren't immediately devoured by wild beasts. I've a feeling the Convent of Our Lady of the Ballot Boxes may prove to have legs. Tuesday Not surprisingly, the calling of a general election has turned things upside down on the Estate. In particular, my Home for ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Emmanuel Macron is either a fool, a political genius or – what is most likely – supremely arrogant. Or perhaps it is a confusing mix of all three. His decision to call early parliamentary elections is – on the face of it – a gamble worthy of a high stakes Las Vegas poker game. But then, within hours of the president's televised announcement, things were looking up for Macron as France's political right started tearing itself apart. Then there is the strong possibility that a far-right victory could prove to be the poisoned chalice that keeps Marine Le Pen out ...

Posted by Tom Arms on Liberal Democrat Voice

Welcome to my summary of the latest national voting intention poll from each pollster currently operating in Britain. If you'd like to find out more about how polls work, how reliable they are and how to make sense of them, check out my book, Polling UnPacked: the History, Uses and Abuses of Political Opinion Polls, or sign up for my weekly email, The Week in Polls: General election voting intention polls – indicates that party didn't feature in the polling questions separate from 'Others' or that the data is not yet available. Numbers in brackets show change since the previous ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Congratulations to former St Albans council leader, and Federal Board colleague, Chris White.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

The Lib Dems have published their manifesto for the 4 July general election. Key policies are more money for the NHS and adult social care, fairer treatment of carers and WASPI women. Among other policies are increased insulation, net zero homes and increased defence and international development spending. Free school meals will be extended, maternity and paternity leave extended and pay increased. Of course, the Lib Dems are not going to form the next government. But on current projections, the Lib Dems are likely to have sufficient MPs to influence government policy and secure at least some of the change ...

Posted by andybodders on

The Connecting Scotland Helpline provides digital support to anyone in Scotland. It is free to call and is open from Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm. Anyone can call this freephone number and receive support and advice on topics including : · Using devices like smartphones, tablets, laptops or desktop computers · Connecting to the internet · Navigating the web and social media · Completing everyday tasks online · Connecting with the community, family and friends · Managing finances, paying bills and saving money online · Reducing costs (energy, data plans, shopping, etc.) · Finding opportunities for education and ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End

It is beginning to look as if senior Labour politicians cannot help themselves. Vaughan Gething may be Starmer's man, but the price he is having to pay for that support is a series of snubs on long-standing Welsh Labour policy. Yesterday, I blogged on how the Shadow Home Secretary had indicated that she was opposed to her Welsh colleagues position of devolving policing to the Senedd. Today's snub is a tad more serious. The BBC report that Shadow Welsh secretary Jo Stevens told BBC Radio Wales Breakfast that the Welsh government will not have full control over the replacement for ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Huge congratulations to Chris White, a former member of the Lib Dem Voice team, who has been awarded an OBE. The citation reads: "Lately Member and Leader, St Albans City and District Council. For services to Local Government". Chris stepped down earlier this year having led the Lib Dem administration since 2019. He also served on Hertfordshire County Council for nearly 30 years. Thanks to a reader who has told us that Janet Goldsbrough-Jones in Worthing has been awarded an MBE "for services to the community". Janet is a long term Lib Dem activist and council candidate in Worthing, who ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice