From the Guardian website today: The portrayal of a former university official in Steve Coogan's film about the discovery of the remains of Richard III is defamatory, a high court judge has ruled. Richard Taylor, a former deputy registrar at the University of Leicester, is suing Coogan, the production company Baby Cow and the distributors Pathe. He claims the 2022 movie The Lost King shows his character, played by Lee Ingleby, behaving in an "abominable way" towards the amateur historian Philippa Langley, played by Sally Hawkins, who spearheaded the dig. Taylor claims the film shows him taking credit for himself ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Spoiler alert: it is still the Labour Party! And also the Lib Dems! Ever since Nigel Farage announced his candidacy as a Reform candidate for the constituency of Clacton, there has been breathless anticipation of a Crossover- the first poll showing higher support for Reform than the Conservatives. And now it has happened, courtesy ofContinue reading "Reform is not the biggest threat to the Conservatives"

Posted by freethinkingeconomist on Freethinking Economist
Fri 14th

Liberator 423 is out

You can download Liberator 423 for free here. What's inside this issue? SEVEN WAYS TO EXPLOIT LABOUR'S FRACTURES The Tories look finished, but Labour is not as united or powerful as it looks and the Liberal Democrats can exploit this if they are bold enough, says Roger Hayes 'USELESS' LEAVES The SNP's recent fiascos have opened opportunities for other parties in Scotland, says Nigel Lindsey PUB TALK AFTER 2 MAY Crystal ball gazing may belong in the pub but the 2 May results give some clear pointers for what may be about to happen to each party, says Chris White ...

Posted by Liberator Collective on Liberal Democrat Voice

Three principal authority council by-elections this week. With three holds (counting the independent to independent result as a hold for independents), they were a less dramatic set of results than the general election is likely to be. But there was a welcome increase in the number of wards being contested by the Lib Dems: Mottingham, Coldharbour & New Eltham (Greenwich) Council By-Election Result: [IMG: 🌳] CON: 47.1% (+3.7) [IMG: 🌹] LAB: 38.2% (-5.8) [IMG: ➡] RFM: 8.0% (+4.6) [IMG: 🌍] GRN: 3.5% (New) [IMG: 🔶] LDM: 3.1% (-6.0) Conservative HOLD. Changes w/ 2022. — Election Maps UK (@ElectionMapsUK) June 14, ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

The 2024 election is in full swing and this week is Manifesto Week. All the major parties have shown their hand and it's gratifying to see a positive response to the Lib Dems manifesto across the board. If the Lib Dems play their cards right they can hit a sweet spot – differentiated enough away ... Continue reading Election 2024: Those Lib Dem manifesto endorsements

Posted by returnoftheliberal on returnoftheliberal

An additional 2.1 million Brits abroad will be eligible to vote at the General Election on 4th July, but many still don't know about their new rights. There's just five days left to get the word out and have them register, as registration closes on Tuesday at 23.59hrs UK time, whether at home or abroad. The abolition of the 15-year rule - which had previously stopped the right to vote for any Brit who has been out of the country for longer than that – means that all British citizens abroad of voting age who have ever lived in the ...

Posted by George Cunningham on Liberal Democrat Voice

There was a headline on Sky News the other day: Four Tops star says hospital put him in straitjacket and ordered psychological examination after not believing he was famous singer I thought it too serious for my Headline of the Day Award, though 'funny' headlines often stop being funny if you think about them for more than a moment. But this story did make me think of several things. The first was a description of Shelton Hospital, Shrewsbury, in the 1960s:The hospital consumed 865 pints of milk per day. The grounds were infested with feral cats, which were a source ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

My rosette has stayed in its drawer as I observe political neutrality as Lord Mayor of Liverpool Well, the last few weeks have been extremely strange for me. In every other General Election since the one I participated in in ... Continue reading →

Posted by richardkemp on But what does Richard Kemp think?
Fri 14th

Election heroes: Agents

We are now half way through the election campaign and most of us will be feeling a bit knackered. Elections are a bit like the Tour De France. A massive daily effort with actual and metaphorical daily climbs and sprint finishes. We thought we'd take a minute to appreciate the key people in the election in a series of posts which will hopefully sustain us through to polling day. Up today are the election agents. They take a lot of legal responsibility to keep the campaign and their candidate on the right side of the law. They are the ones ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

The new issue of Liberator - that's Liberator 423 - is on the magazine website. You can download it as a pdf free of charge. Which means, you lucky people, that it's time to spend another week with Rutland's most celebrated fictional peer. We find him returning from Africa to the news that a general election has been called. Monday Well, I got back just in time, didn't I? Someone tipped me off that the government was offering a free holiday in Rwanda with plenty of spending money, so I put my hand up sharpish. It turned out that they ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

The Conservative Manifesto confirms that they have dug in on tax cuts as their core offer to the voting public. They know that this is an illusion, on which they would not be able to deliver if they won. Opinion polls show that most of the public don't think it's realistic. An IPSOS poll in early June found 68% of the public describing public services as 'underfunded' - confirming similar responses in multiple polls over the past year. Labour have been so frightened of the Daily Mail that they have committed themselves to holding almost all major sources of revenue ...

Posted by Lord William Wallace on Liberal Democrat Voice

From the City Council : THE ROAD TRAFFIC REGULATION ACT 1984 - SECTION 14(1) THE DUNDEE CITY COUNCIL AS TRAFFIC AUTHORITY being satisfied that traffic on the road should be prohibited by reason of carriageway resurfacing works being carried out HEREBY PROHIBIT the driving of any vehicle in : Apollo Way, Dundee Gemini Crescent, Dundee Explorer Road (between Luna Place and Apollo Way), Dundee This notice comes into effect on Monday 24 June 2024 for 2 nights (7pm to 6am). Pedestrian thoroughfare will be maintained. Alternative routes for vehicles are available via Riverside Avenue / A90 Kingsway / Myrekirk Road ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End

Of course one of the perils of devolution is that a party can pass all the policies it likes at a national or regional level, but if they don't get their colleagues on board at a UK level then they end up whistling into the wind. This can be particularly embarrassing if you head up a longstandin Welsh Labour administration and have been arguing for some time that you can work more closely in partnership with a UK Labour Government. And so it has proved even though not a single vote has yet been cast. Wales on Line reports that ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black