The London Necropolis Railway carried the deceased and their mourners from Waterloo to Brookwood Cemetery in Surrey. Its original station at Waterloo was demolished when the number of lines into the mainline station was increased. The second station opened in 1900 and operated until it was damaged by wartime bombinig in 1941. Its platforms and railway sidings were demolished long ago, but the company's headquarters o the site remain, and this is the building you can bid for. The company also had two stations at Brookwood - one for Church of England customers and one for Nonconformists. According to Wikipedia, ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Yesterday, while I was on dialysis, a secretary from the Vascular Clinic at Midlands Regional Hospital in Tullamore called to schedule an arm scan. I've been waiting for this scan for several months to determine if there's enough space in my arm for another arteriovenous (AV) fistula, which would aid in dialysis access. Given the opportunity to attend today's appointment, I eagerly took it and travelled to Tullamore by train. Upon arrival, I was asked to remove my t-shirt, which seemed excessive for an arm scan, but I complied. The nurse then informed me she was ready to scan my ...

Posted by Michæl McFarland Campbell on Michæl McFarland Campbell

The 2024 general election campaign feels, smells and sounds like the election of 1997. Those of us politically active 27 years ago will recall how the campaign had a Labour landside built in to election expectations. The Conservatives were fighting a rearguard action based largely on their MPs trying to save their own skins and hoping the tsunami of anti-Conservative sentiment could be held back

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace

There's an intriguing entry at the bottom of the Islington Council page listing the nominated candidates for Islington North, current MP Jeremy Corbyn.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Kate Smith, chief executive of Connexus, has responded to Tracey Huffer's complaint about the destruction of bird nests, death of fledglings and possibly disturbance of bats on Tuesday. Her full response is below. The essence of the response was that Connexus received a report of rats and employed contractors to clear an overgrown garden including a tree which was judged to be dangerous. It was not aware that birds were present and has apologised to residents. The response from Connexus does not provide a convincing explanation of why this crime happened. If there were rats present a professional pest control ...

Posted by andybodders on

Why it matters A stark fact from this May's local elections: just 97 more people switching from our opponents to us would have given us outright control of three more local councils. That is the brutal reality of first past the post elections. Votes in the key places count for much more than votes in safe seats and in lost causes. It is why we want to get rid of first past the post. To do that, we first have to win under first past the post. That means concentrating our efforts where they can make the most difference to ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Liberal Democrat Voice

Michael's ward surgeries take place today and every Thursday during school term time. They are as follows : Thursdays at 5.45pm prompt - West End Campus (come to reception area of St Joseph's RC and Victoria Park Primary Schools) Thursdays at 6.30pm prompt - Harris Academy reception area All welcome - no appointment necessary!

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End

Photo courtesy of the Guardian Of particular interest to Welsh politicos, the Guardian reports that Rishi Sunak's closest parliamentary aide placed a £100 bet on a July election just three days before the prime minister named the date. The paper says that the Gambling Commission is understood to have launched an inquiry after Craig Williams, the prime minister's parliamentary private secretary, who became an MP in 2019, placed a bet with the bookmaker Ladbrokes on Sunday 19 May in his local constituency of Montgomeryshire: On 22 May, Sunak made the surprise announcement that a general election would be held on ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black