Ed Davey launches plan for free personal care to end hospital crisis and help people stay in their own homes Chamberlain: Liberal Democrats will restore public service to our politics McArthur responds to SNP Government scrapping recycling target Alex Cole-Hamilton's opening statement in STV Leaders' Debate Ed Davey launches plan for free personal care to end hospital crisis and help people stay in their own homes Liberal Democrats announce groundbreaking plans to offer free personal care to all those who need it Ed Davey will put care at the heart of the Liberal Democrats' plan for the country, becoming the ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

The Stockport Branch Canal was not officially abandoned until 1962. It ran from the Ashton Canal at Clayton in Manchester for five miles to a basin in the centre of Stockport, through what was then a heavily industrialised area. As this remarkable video shows, the structures of the canal are still in place - including even an aqueduct over a four-track electrified railway near Gorton station - and crying out for restoration. The last stretch into Stockport has been lost to redevelopment, but the reservoir at Gorton makes an enticing alternative goal in this era of leisure boating. More about ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England
Mon 3rd

the Joy of Six 1234

Pragna Patel argues that the establishment of Britain's first Sikh court threatens women's rights: "The use of religious laws to regulate minority women's lives is not only discriminatory, it is immensely harmful in a context where domestic abuse and related femicides of South Asian and other minority women remain persistently high." "People didn't really care about the immorality. Lib Dem leader Paddy Ashdown discovered this when news of his adulterous affair was published under the headline "Paddy Pantsdown" ("dreadful, but brilliant," he acknowledged), and he enjoyed an opinion-poll bounce." Alwyn Turner looks back to the Nineties - "Britain's golden age ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Daisy Cooper takes to the water while the Prime Minister remains oblivious: Don't think Rishi Sunak was aware that a boat filled with Lib Dems popped up behind him on the campaign trail today... And I'm pretty sure that's the Lib Dem Deputy Leader, Daisy Cooper on it too... pic.twitter.com/BJhEox9XlQ — Shehab Khan ITV (@ShehabKhan) June 3, 2024

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Don't think Rishi Sunak was aware that a boat filled with Lib Dems popped up behind him on the campaign trail today... And I'm pretty sure that's the Lib Dem Deputy Leader, Daisy Cooper on it too... pic.twitter.com/BJhEox9XlQ — Shehab Khan ITV (@ShehabKhan) June 3, 2024 This is brilliant. We really have grasped that providing the media with striking images will get you reported. Word has it that Lib Dem deputy leader Daisy Cooper was at the helm.

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

I believe Hong Kong immigrants in the United Kingdom are paying a lot of attention to the upcoming UK General Election. Over 100,000 Hong Kong people have immigrated to the UK in the past few years. This will be the first time in their lives that they can directly participate in deciding who leads their new country. Obviously, the stance of each political party on Hong Kong affairs will influence how they vote. On May 30th, the court in Hong Kong delivered a verdict on the Hong Kong pro-democracy primary election case. In July 2020, the pro-democracy camp in Hong ...

Posted by Christopher on Liberal Democrat Voice
Mon 3rd

Carved in Stone

A profile in today's South Wales Evening Post reveals that the parachuted-in Labour candidate for Swansea West, Torsetn Bell, when he was head of policy for then-Labour Leader, Ed Milliban, who thought up the Edstone gimmick. This wss an eight foot, six inch high slab of stone, into which Labour carved its pledges on tax, the NHS and immigration. Rumours that if elected, Mr Bell will have the stone dragged from the obscure barn where it is gathering moss and have it installed on the Guildhall lawn cannot be confirmed.

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

We're well into the second week of the campaign now, and whilst the polls don't appear to be showing any signs of significant movement yet, there's still that slightly nervous sense that, surely, the Conservatives have a trick or two up their sleeve to turn things around, even a bit. Admittedly, having blown a whole bunch of the obvious advantages that being able to call the date of an election offer – the element of surprise being one, and choosing the best feasible scenario for persuading voters that things are getting better – and with time inexorably passing, you do ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

DUNDEE CITY COUNCIL - WEEKLY ROAD REPORT REPORT FOR THE WEST END WARD - WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY 3 JUNE 2024 Blinshall Street (Douglas Street to 50 metres south) - closed until December 2024 for construction works. Douglas Street (Blinshall Street to Brown Street) - temporary traffic lights until December 2024 for construction works. Brown Street (south of Douglas Street) - closed until December 2024 for construction works. Seafield Road, Dundee - closed from its westmost end (in cul-de-sac) extending for a distance of no more than 20 metres in an easterly direction to facilitate a site access for a new ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End