92% of burglary cases go unsolved in some areas as Lib Dems call for police response guarantee Fining parents will lead to "national service tax" 92% of burglary cases go unsolved in some areas as Lib Dems call for police response guarantee Ed Davey warns "too many families now feel unsafe in their own homes" as new figures show some areas see over nine in ten burglary cases go unsolved Liberal Democrats will call for Burglary Response Guarantee in manifesto to ensure all domestic burglaries are attended by a police officer At least 85% of burglary cases went unsolved in ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

Steve Baker, who had a majority of 4214 over Labour in his Wycombe constituency in 2019, has flown off to Crete for a holiday, despite the general election. The Mirror reports: Northern Ireland Minister Steve Baker defiantly told The Mirror that he had continued with his holiday plans despite Rishi Sunak calling a snap election. He said that before he booked his break, he and fellow MPs were assured by the PM that it would be ok to head off to the beach this week. Baker has also complained that Sunak's National Service policy was sprung on ministers and MPs ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Liberal Democrats uncover "disgusting revelation" from Information Request to Thames Water South West London site suffers from over 500 million litres of sewage in just one day Liberal Democrats call for Thames Water to be "ripped up" The River Thames has suffered from at least 14.2 billion litres of sewage in 2023, the Liberal Democrats have discovered. Environment Information Requests by the party has revealed that since 2020, at least 85.9 billion litres of sewage has been pumped into the capital's river. Water firms have no legal obligation to report the volume of sewage discharged, only the duration of the ...

Posted by NewsHound on Liberal Democrat Voice

Embed from Getty ImagesStaff at Conservative Party HQ have sent out a candid report detailing failures by the party's MPs to get behind its general election campaign, Trouble is, they've sent it to those same MPs. The full story is behind The Times paywall, but Sky News has some details: Staff at Tory headquarters accused some MPs of focusing too much on ministerial business and said some were refusing to knock on doors or were away on holiday. And there's more: Some of the concerns detailed by the Times include a reference to the Plymouth Moor View MP Johnny Mercer, ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Good news for lovers of the Liberal Democrat Conference and for party democracy: there will be a full-length event in Brighton this September. This was to have been the fourth year in five without a proper Lib Dem Conference. When everyone expected an autumn election, and shortly before Rishi Sunak scuppered those expectations, the party's federal board proposed that a greatly curtailed event should be held this year. Now comes news that the board wants to return to the original plan: a conference at the Brighton Centre between 14 and 17 September. This decision is subject to review by the ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Liberal Democrat leader Ed Davey and Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Alex Cole-Hamilton today officially launched the Scottish party's campaign for the General Election. The pair held a rally with candidates and activists in North Queensferry, beneath the iconic Forth Bridge, to set out how the party is targeting the "acid yellow wall of the SNP" to win the change Scotland desperately needs. They also highlighted how NHS dentistry has been left to rot all across the UK, leaving millions without the care they need. Liberal Democrat leader Ed Davey said: Just like the Conservatives, the SNP have got to go. ...

Posted by NewsHound on Liberal Democrat Voice

The Federal Board met last night and agreed to rescind the cancellation of Autumn Conference in the light of the general election. This means we return to the original dates and venue for the event. As both the key staff and key volunteers who prepare a conference will be working flat out on the campaign, the Board also ask Federal Conference Committee (FCC) to consider using its powers to set later deadlines for submission of motions and reports so that people have a some time to recover after polling day. The Board also asked FCC to plan in opportunities for ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack
Mon 27th


You barely scratched my skin:a weal across my cheeks(I welcomed that regard)but nothing permanent Your scar is in my soul:like bruising on the bone,a trace that darkens thoughtsand does not rightly heal

Posted by AL Franklin on Maintain the Advance!

At a meeting of the Federal Board last night, it was decided to reinstate September's Autumn Conference to its normal length. As Party President, Mark Pack, stated this morning on Facebook: The Federal Board met last night and agreed to rescind the cancellation of Autumn Conference in the light of the General Election. This means we return to the original dates and venue for the event. As both the key staff and key volunteers who prepare a conference will be working flat out on the campaign, the Board also ask Federal Conference Committee (FCC) to consider using its powers to ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice
Mon 27th

Fresh thinking required

As global climate concerns underscore capitalism's flaws, who will lead the transformation of economics? "A toxic combination of 15 years of low economic growth, and four decades of expanding inequalities, leaves the UK poorer and falling behind its peers" – not my analysis but that of the highly respected Resolution Foundation. And they go further, 'Productivity growth is weak. Public investment is low. Wages today are no higher than they were before the financial crisis.'. The view from the doorstep concurs, "We now pay far more for much less to enable wealth to be extracted by the few.". That general ...

Posted by David Brunnen on Liberal Democrat Voice

The General Election campaign in Wimbledon (the closest LD/Con seat in the country) got off to a cracking start at the weekend. On Friday we heard that one of our longest running campaigns - for step free access at Raynes Park station (used by 4.3 million people a year) has succeeded in getting funding from the 'Access for All' fund for feasibility works on making it step-free. Key to this was our Raynes Park Councillors meeting with the rail companies and co-ordinating letters of support from the public. We knew that it would help to have an initial engineering study ...

Posted by Simon McGrath on Liberal Democrat Voice

Perhaps it was all a grand bluff. It is just possible that when the various panicked policies currently coming out of CCHQ were conceived, Rishi Sunak's true intention was to hit enough trigger points for enough people that they rouse themselves in fury, join other parties and reinvigorate popularly engaged democracy on a mass scale. Maybe that is the true Sunak legacy, revealed like the final move in an elegant game of chess. I doubt it though. The Conservative Party believe in a mythical creature - 'ordinary people' - and thinks it understands what they want. It has an instinctual, ...

Posted by Jack Nicholls on Liberal Democrat Voice

Here's the letter from now former Conservative Harvey Whitby with the news of his decision to join the Liberal Democrats.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

DUNDEE CITY COUNCIL - WEEKLY ROAD REPORT REPORT FOR THE WEST END WARD - WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY 27 MAY 2024 Blinshall Street (Douglas Street to 50 metres south) - closed until December 2024 for construction works. Douglas Street (Blinshall Street to Brown Street) - temporary traffic lights until December 2024 for construction works. Brown Street (south of Douglas Street) - closed until December 2024 for construction works. Seafield Road, Dundee - closed from its westmost end (in cul-de-sac) extending for a distance of no more than 20 metres in an easterly direction to facilitate a site access for a new ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End