Windermere illegal sewage dumps: A complete scandal that can't go on PMQs: Armed forces homes only to be repaired in emergencies as PM refuses to stump up extra cash Sewage vote: Conservative MPs vote against law that would have sent water companies to court 80,000 Scottish households face mortgage rate hike by November Accounts Commission report shows councils have faced a scythe to their funds "Deliver a payment scheme that farmers can have faith in" – Welsh Lib Dems call for Welsh Gov to listen to farmers over SFS reforms Windermere illegal sewage dumps: A complete scandal that can't go ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

Who's been England's greatest allrounder in the years I have been following test cricket? They say a true allrounder has a batting average higher than his bowling average. So here are the four obvious candidates ranked with that in mind. The second column is batting average, the third is bowling average and the fourth is the former minus the latter. Tony Greig 40.43 32.20 +8.23 Ian Botham 33.54 28.40 +5.14 Ben Stokes 35.48 31.99 +3.49 Andrew Flintoff 31.77 32.78 -1.01 I'm not that surprised by this outcome, because we seem to have forgotten just how good Greig was. As the ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Economic optimism is not in plentiful supply at the moment. Former Leader, Jo Swinson, now Director for Partners for a New Economy, has managed to find some, though, in a recent blog post on WINGS, which is a community of thought leaders and changemakers who are committed to ensuring philanthropy reaches its fullest potential as a catalyst for social progress. We are committed to end inertia, break down silos, challenge conventional wisdom and create an enabling environment for philanthropy to flourish. Our goal is to encourage collaboration and ignite potential — to rally philanthropic actors everywhere to build a more ...

Posted by NewsHound on Liberal Democrat Voice

It would mean a lot to the Liberal Democrats to be the third party in the Commons. again. Our leader would get two questions at every PMQs: our spokespeople would get called more and earlier in debates. And all that would mean more media coverage and more clips on social media. But there's no likely Lib Dem performance at the next election which would leave the reclaiming of this status entirely in our hands. Have a look at this opinion poll and the resultant forecast of how many seats each party will win by Stats for Lefties. 🗳️ Labour lead ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Colin Breed, who was the Liberal Democrat MP for South East Cornwall between 1997 and 2010 has died. From Cornwall Live: On the retirement of the sitting Conservative MP Sir Robert Hicks, Mr Breed was selected to fight the seat at the 1997 general election and won, with a majority of 6,480, three days before his 50th birthday. His first parliamentary job was as the party's spokesman on competition and consumer affairs, and his report Checking Out the Supermarkets sparked the Competition Commission's investigation into supermarket profitability. In October 1999 leader Charles Kennedy appointed him to the Liberal Democrat Shadow ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice
Wed 15th

63rd straight

The dawn played false again this year.We dared and lost, now bad blood curdles us;our hollow 'mate' hangs upside down,a winner only for September... Mired in the ash-end of our hopes,we are conflicted to the core:a win for pride would lessen us.How did it come to this? Again. But hey! The stadium is new and [...]

Posted by AL Franklin on Maintain the Advance!

When I become Lord Mayor of Liverpool on 15th May at 17.00 my lovely wide Erica will be become the Lady Mayoress. Together we will try and support the organisations, charities and businesses of Liverpool in full partnership of the ... Continue reading →

Posted by richardkemp on But what does Richard Kemp think?

Conservatives who want to see fewer foreign students won't be put off by telling them this could put some universities out of business, because they want to see fewer British students too. Robert Jenrick has been making the running on the Tory right's agitation against foreign students, and his new sidekick is my own MP, Neil O'Brien. So let's turn to an article O'Brien wrote for Conservative Home in 2020:The most recent Institute for Fiscal Studies analysis found that, viewed from the point of view of the student, their degree isn't worth it for around 10 per cent of women, ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

If it wasn't such a mess it would be funny. In their attempt to reconcile the irreconcilable the Brexiteers in government have created precisely the sort of United Kingdom they are opposed to, one that is structurally divided within itself and partly within the jurisdiction of the European Union. The Independent reports that a ruling by the high court in Northern Ireland effectively means that the Illegal Immigration Act does not apply in that part of the UK. Furthermore. ministers now have concerns that a similar challenge on the Safety of Rwanda Act, to allow deportation flights, will also be ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

A friend who hoards his newspapers for years has just passed on to me an interview by Roy Hattersley with JK Galbraith in the latter's 90th year (1998) The article is headlined "Sage of the Century"* and there is no doubt that, after Keynes's death, Galbraith was the pre-eminent economist of the second half twentieth century. He got most things right (including opposition to the Vietnam War) and many of the issues raised in the interview are as relevant today as they were a quarter of a century ago. Indeed, having ignored his views provides a good explanation as to ...

Posted by Peter Wrigley on Liberal Democrat Voice

The Harris Academy Former Pupils' Association is holding a summer dinner on Friday 7th June in the school - 7pm for 7.30pm. Sheena Wellington will be guest speaker and Lesley Mackie will give the toast the school. Tickets are £25. All FPs welcome - please contact Freida Soutar at by this Friday - 17th May - if you wish to attend.

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End