Nine factors have been frequently present when previous Conservative eras have ended. How many are present today?

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

After the judges had drawn up and pored over a family tree, they resolved to give today's Headline of the Day Award to the News Shopper. Thank you to the reader who nominated it. Photo by binks from MorgueFile.

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

There's a very interesting article over on the New Statesman website. George Eaton writes on his interview with Ed Davey. The article covers a variety of fascinating topics – how many seats the LibDems will win the general election, working with other parties, the chances of Reform UK, Keir Starmer, John Rawls, the Orange Book, the Post Office scandal, and where the LibDems sit on the political spectrum: "We are the party that wants to change the system," he said in reference to policies such as electoral reform and a written constitution. "Labour has centralising tendencies - we don't. We ...

Posted by News Meerkat on Liberal Democrat Voice

Too often the political choice is not between good and bad or moral or immoral. It is between bad and worse. Ukraine's President Vlodomyr Zelensky is facing just such a choice. And he must decide soon or sooner. Eastern Europe's bitter winter is coming to a close. The spring thaw and rains are turning the wheat fields into mudflats. But summer is coming and the ground will be hard, flat and ready for tanks. It is strategic decision time. Does Zelensky abandon the counter-offensive hopes of last summer, withdraw to defensible positions and start digging trenches, laying minefields and constructing ...

Posted by Tom Arms on Liberal Democrat Voice
Sat 30th

Not flying the flag

Keir Starmer's attempt to rebrand the Labour Party as a more moderate form of the Conservatives has hit a snag, his members are revolting at the idea. The Guardian reports that the Labour leader is facing discontent from Labour MPs over the dominant use of the union flag in election campaign material amid concern it may alienate ethnic minority voters and others. They say that concerns were raised at recent meetings of the party's black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) group at Westminster and also by London members of the parliamentary Labour party. There is also unhappiness among some activists ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Michael is pictured in the path from Bankmill Road to Rosefield Place where residents reported dumped foliage at the south end. There's also some graffiti back on the wall to the west side of the path - disappointing as it was previously all removed at our request. We raised both issues with our local environment manager who responded helpfully as follows : "With regard to your below enquiry re Rosefield Place / Bankmill Road. I have contacted Construction Services requesting the graffiti on the wall to be painted over once more. Our operatives will attend to remove the accumulation that ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End