I went to The Langtons this afternoon. I wanted to try the reopened Bell at East Langton, believed by many to be an inspiration for the Bonkers' Arms, and to pay my respects at the grave of this blog's hero J.W. Logan at Church Langton. This tree, planted as a memorial for the people from Church Langton who died from Covid, or at least during the Covid pandemic, is also in the churchyard at St Peter's, Church Langton.

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

If you're a political anorak or a massive Fatboy Slim fan you'll be familiar with the notorious 'Daisy' party political broadcast from 1964. It was shown only once because it was thought to be too melodramatic but it's been talked about ever since. The purpose of Daisy was to portray Lyndon B Johnson's opponent in ... Continue reading There won't be a nuclear war

Posted by returnoftheliberal on returnoftheliberal
Sat 16th

The Joy of Six 1212

Helen Salisbury says it's time to push back against the destruction of general practice in the NHS: "The down-skilling of general practice is often euphemistically referred to as a 'diversification of the workforce', but it's hard not to see it as a deliberate attempt to deprive patients of expert medical care. The motives may relate to cost, despite it being well documented that high quality general practice with built-in continuity saves money in the long run (as well as lives). Or perhaps it's about control, as GPs are notoriously independent and averse to obeying orders." "Far from seeming out of ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England
Sat 16th

Bad habits

Like the Bourbons, it seems that this Tory government has learnt nothing and forgotten everything when it comes to awarding lucrative public sector contracts. The Mirror reveals that a pair of wealthy former Tory donors are set to profit from a £6.4million Home Office contract to practice forcing asylum seekers onto planes to Rwanda: The Mirror revealed earlier this year that the Government had taken over a vast film studio at the disused Cardington airfield ahead of the deportation training. Security firm Mitie will work with elite prison "riot squad" officers to train up escorts in the former hanger building ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Senator Chuck Schumer is America's senior American politician. He is also the Senate Majority Leader. So when attacks the government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and calls for fresh elections to oust him, people sit up and take notice. The left-wing of the Democratic Party love it, and it is doubtful that Schumer would have spoken without first clearing the speech with his close friend and political ally President Biden. The Israeli government is furious. "Israel is not a banana republic," it fumed. "Senator Schumer is expected to respect Israel's elected government and not undermine it. This is always ...

Posted by Tom Arms on Liberal Democrat Voice

Residents will be aware that we have long campaigned for - at the request of residents - a lower speed limit in the Logie estate, where roads are very narrow and there is a large population of elderly people, particularly on the north side of the estate where the sheltered housing is. Fraser raised this at the council's former City Development Committee some time ago and this was agreed as a future 20mph project. The City Council will shortly be consulting on a proposed new 20mph which is rather larger than Logie itself. Please see the proposed public notice which ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End

I'm writing this in my bed in York on Friday morning, propped up in bed with lots of plump and luscious pillow, a cup of Earl Grey at my side. I arrived here on Thursday lunchtime and spent an enjoyable afternoon in the pub (me drinking tea I'll have you know) with my friends. In the evening we went to Toto's the Italian near the Barbican. Eat there if you get the chance. The food was brilliant and the company stunningly good. I had prawns with avocado and Marie Rose sauce – a very generous portion – and then tagliatelle ...

Posted by Caron Lindsay on Liberal Democrat Voice