Budget: Rishi's recession followed by Hunt's hangover Scot Lib Dems respond to a spring budget that lets down NHS and mortgage holders "Bottler's Budget": Hunt and Sunak slammed for running scared of May General Election Dock Donelan's pay to foot £15,000 legal cost Rwanda Bill Votes: Policy is fatally flawed Budget: Rishi's recession followed by Hunt's hangover Responding to the Spring Budget, Liberal Democrat Leader Ed Davey MP said: This is a bottom-of-the-barrel Budget from a Conservative government that has given up on governing. Rishi's recession is being followed by Hunt's hangover, with years of unfair tax hikes while local ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

Liberal Democrats call for health spending in forthcoming budget Donelan legal payments: Lib Dems demand Cabinet Office inquiry Budget: 'nothing for London' says Lib Dem mayoral candidate Donelan must pay libel action costs herself Liberal Democrats call for health spending in forthcoming budget Speaking ahead of the budget, Liberal Democrat Scottish Affairs spokesperson Christine Jardine said: All Rishi is doing is prolonging the agony for all of us. Families are fed up picking up the tab for his economic mismanagement. Conservatives have been bad for the economy and bad for the country's health. The Conservatives must put the NHS at ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

I won't say Keir Starmer's Labour Party is right wing, but it's just expelled the Sheriff of Nottingham for being too much of a socialist. From BBC News:The Sheriff of Nottingham has been suspended from the Labour Party for opposing a huge package of council cuts. Shuguftah Quddoos was the only member of the party who voted against savings approved by Labour-run Nottingham City Council on Monday. She said she could not "in good conscience" support cuts she felt would harm the city. Labour said it expected its members to set a "responsible and legal budget". Mrs Quddoos has now ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Back to the Modernist gem I happened across in Belsize Park last week, the Isokon Building, which was known more prosaically as the Lawn Road Flats in its early years. This video gives a brief history of the building and of Agatha Christie's time there in particular.

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

In his Budget speech the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy Hunt, claimed that Britain's creative industries are world leaders. There is, for once, some truth in that, and certainly Hunt's speech was a bravura example. To listen to him you're think that God was in His heaven, all was right with the world and the UK was a spanking modern country in which inflation, which had reached 11% for reasons entirely out of our control, was, through Conservative policy, was poised to reach is target "soon" and those of us who deserve it by doing the right thing in hard ...

Posted by Peter Wrigley on Keynesian Liberal

Well, there you go. Another Conservative budget served with more invective directed against the Lib Dems than you might expect. You would be forgiven for thinking that they were frightened of us in the Blue Wall. Tim Farron was quick to jump in on Twitter: The Chancellor wouldn't waste his breath slagging off the Lib Dems if he wasn't terrified of losing to us. A speech carefully crafted into soundbytes for social media. Lots of impressive sounding numbers, but being a big number doesn't mean it's an adequate number. It's so annoying when politicians of all flavours do this. Here's ...

Posted by Caron Lindsay on Liberal Democrat Voice

Wild Rutland is inviting residents to a public engagement exhibition at Victoria Hall in Oakham, on Wednesday 13 March from 2pm to 7pm, to learn more about its proposed wildlife and British nature reserve. This is the plan I blogged about at Christmas, quoting the Leicester Mercury: Bears, wolves and even lynxes could be on the doorstep of Rutland Water if plans are approved. The move, if successful, would see wildlife return to the area for the first time in nearly 1,000 years. The plan, which is to be formally proposed in the New Year, would see a new nature ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Two Lib Dem MPs and a Peer have made it into Politics Home's Women in Westminster 100 for 2024. The list is made up of prominent women in Parliament and political media. Daisy Cooper, Layla Moran and Federal Campaigns and Elections Committee Chair Baroness Kath Pinnock are all mentioned. Daisy Cooper "brings the single-,minded focus of a seasoned campaigner to the Liberal Democrats." Her citation sets out her campaigning career prior to becoming an MP, working for organisations such as More United, Hacked Off and for human and LGBT rights internationally. Layla's personal experience of the terrifying and heartbreaking situation ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Alex Cole-Hamilton MSP will be hosting a visit from Russian dissident, Ekaterina Schulmann, in the Scottish Parliament following the death of Russian opposition politician, Alexei Navalny. As a Russian dissident, Ekaterina has been labelled a foreign agent by the Kremlin which means she is unable to work in Russia. She is a high-profile lecturer, a columnist and gives expert commentary to the media. She is also an associate fellow of Chatham House and hosts a YouTube channel on which she commentates on Russian affairs to her 1.2 million subscribers. On Wednesday, Ekaterina will be delivering a ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice


Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End