Urgent theft from vehicle reports in London up 31% Welsh Lib Dems look ahead towards Cardiff Spring conference Urgent theft from vehicle reports in London up 31% London is facing an epidemic of thefts from vehicles, new figures show. Data obtained by Lib Dem London Mayoral candidate Rob Blackie, under the Freedom of Information Act (FOI), show that there has been a 31% increase in 999 calls relating to theft from vehicles since 2015 – the year before Sadiq Khan took office. There were 27,584 theft from vehicle emergency reports in the capital in 2023 - up from 21,009 in ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

Ed Davey has just responded to the Prime Minister's speech: The British people will take no lessons from a Prime Minister and Conservative party who have sowed the seeds of division for years. This is the same Prime Minister who made Suella Braverman his Home Secretary and Lee Anderson his party's Deputy Chairman. If the Prime Minister is serious about bringing people together, he would call a General Election now, so that the British public can decide the future of our country.

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

It has been rare leap year by-election week. Thursday's 5 council by-elections were the first to be held on February 29th since 1996 and though they were a mixed set of results we can still celebrate 2 excellent Lib Dem wins - and the fact that we stood in every single contest. There were 2 by-elections on the East Riding of Yorkshire Council in Minster & Woodmansey and Tranby wards, both of which were Lib Dem defences. We recorded stonking victories in both of them thanks to a brilliant effort from the local team. Councillor Tony Henderson held Minster & ...

Posted by Charles Quinn on Liberal Democrat Voice
Fri 1st

How can we find peace?

A couple of week ago, I responded to a post in a Facebook Group trying to create a grassroots movement for peace between Israelis and Palestinians. The post challenged us to outline our vision for peace, this was my response: My vision for Peace isn't a detailed plan. Simply, it is that Palestinians and Israelis, Jews and Arabs, Christians, Jews and Muslims learn to accept each other, learn that to live in that small sliver of land between the River and the Sea they must share it with people with a different background, different history, different beliefs but with a ...

Posted by Leon Duveen on Liberal Democrat Voice

Welcome to my summary of the latest national voting intention poll from each pollster currently operating in Britain. If you'd like to find out more about how polls work, how reliable they are and how to make sense of them, check out my book, Polling UnPacked: the History, Uses and Abuses of Political Opinion Polls, or sign up for my weekly email, The Week in Polls: General election voting intention polls PollsterConLabLDGrnRUKCon leadFieldwork WeThink 23% (-2) 47% (+3) 9% (nc) 5% (-1) 10% (nc) -24% 29/2-1/3 YouGov 20% (nc) 46% (nc) 7% (-2) 7% (nc) 14% (+1) -26% 28-29/2 Techne ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack
Fri 1st

The Joy of Six 1208

"There's not even the tiniest attempt to explain how globalists and socialists and Islamists can all be running Britain. The only coherence is the idea that whoever is running things, and whoever is responsible, it isn't the Conservative Brexiters. And this idea is impervious to the observation that Conservative Brexiters have been running the country for years, since its proponents insist that those in charge were not 'true' Conservatives and Brexit was not 'real' Brexit." Chris Grey explains why nothing will ever be the Brexiters' fault. Caitlin Doherty says attacks on social media are discouraging women from standing for parliament: ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

The Guardian reports on findings by the National Audit Office that Rishi Sunak's flagship plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda will cost taxpayers £1.8m for each of the first 300 people the government deports to Kigali. They say that the overall cost of the scheme stands at more than half a billion pounds, and even if the UK sends nobody to the central African state, Sunak has signed up to pay £370m from the public purse over the five-year deal. That is a commitment to spend more than a third of a billion pounds on a policy that has ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Five principal authority council by-elections this week, alongside a Parliamentary contest. The headlines are dominated by the Rochdale by-election, where thanks are due to Iain Donaldson for being the Liberal Democrat candidate: Rochdale By-Election Result: [IMG: ⚙] WPB: 39.7% (New) [IMG: 🙋] IND (Tully): 21.3% (New) [IMG: 🌳] CON: 12.0% (-19.2) [IMG: 🌹] LAB*: 7.7% (-43.9) [IMG: 🔶] LDM: 7.0 (-0.0) [IMG: ➡] RFM: 6.3% (-1.8) [IMG: 🙋] IND (W. Howarth): 1.7% (New) [IMG: 🙋] IND (Coleman): 1.5% (New) [IMG: 🌍] GRN*: 1.4% (-0.7) [IMG: 🙋] IND (M. Howarth): 0.8% (New) [IMG: 🎩] ... — Election Maps UK (@ElectionMapsUK) March ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Waking up to the news that the divisive George Galloway has yet again been elected to Parliament is not what any liberal minded person ever wants to do. Galloway topped the poll in Rochdale by over 6000 votes on a turnout of 39.7%. However, he is unlikely to be there for long given that there is a General Election coming very soon. He won in a bitter campaign where both Labour and the Greens had disowned their candidates. Here's the result in full: George Galloway (Workers Party of Britain) – 12,335 – 39.7% (+39.7%) David Anthony Tully (Independent) – 6,638 ...

Posted by Caron Lindsay on Liberal Democrat Voice

There's a Rascals Rummage pre-loved kids' items market at Logie & St John's (Cross) Church Hall tomorrow - Saturday 2nd March - from 10.30am. All are welcome to join the fun, community spirit, and fantastic finds where you can dive into a treasure trove of pre-loved toys, clothes, and more!

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End