Lee Anderson: Sunak needs to condemn his comments for what they are Bathing Water announcement: Half-baked which does not ban sewage in swimming spots Wales' Biggest Scarf? Showing Some Love to Our Care Experienced Community. Lee Anderson: Sunak needs to condemn his comments for what they are Responding to Rishi Sunak and Mark Harper's latest comments on Lee Anderson this morning, Liberal Democrat Deputy Leader Daisy Cooper MP said: The refusal of Rishi Sunak and his ministers to properly call out Lee Anderson's extreme comments shows just how low the Conservative Party has fallen. Rishi Sunak needs to condemn Anderson's ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

The Strathspey & Badenoch Herald reports: Former Conservative Wester Ross, Strathpeffer and Lochalsh Councillor who resigned from the Conservative group last year has joined the Scottish Liberal Democrats at Highland Council. Welcome, Patrick. Sign up to get the latest news and analysis

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Welcome to another preview of the week's events in the Upper House, one in which a space will become apparent following the loss of Conservative Peer, Patrick Cormack, who passed away over the weekend. But on to business in what is another long week for the denizens of the red benches. Monday starts with a Liberal Democrat Oral Question – Lorely Burt will be asking the Government what is being done to encourage businesses to employ people with criminal convictions. The Victims and Prisoners Bill reaches Day 6 of its Committee Stage but the major debate will be over the ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice
Mon 26th

The Joy of Six 1207

Gaby Hinsliff reviews Tom Baldwin's biography of Keir Starmer: "The kind of overly simplistic working-boy-made-good stories politicians are coached to tell about themselves on the campaign trail invariably hide complicated subplots, in this case about those who will always be vulnerable or left behind in the most upwardly mobile families. If Keir Starmer still seems frustratingly hard to pigeonhole, maybe that's ultimately our problem, not his." "In almost every recent by-election, Reform have underperformed compared to what the Brexit Party's vote share in 2019 and current national voting intention would predict," say Paula Surridge and Sophie Stowers. "Benefit sanctions imposed ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

It has now sadly been over two years since the latest phase of Russia's war against Ukraine. I was living in Kyiv back in early 2014 when the conflict began after Russia invaded Crimea and East Ukraine. Since then, the UK has rightly been one of Ukraine's strongest allies, providing economic, military, political and diplomatic support. This has also very much been a cross-party endeavour, which I strongly welcome. There is though more that the UK and our allies – particularly the USA – need to do to now ensure that Kyiv has the military means to defeat Moscow. Refugees ...

Posted by Mike Giles on Liberal Democrat Voice
Mon 26th

Works in progress...

Glastonbury Tor, pastel sketch on paper Don't forget you can keep up to date with what I'm working on over on my Instagram account. I use it like a virtual sketchbook and you can find the finished pieces for sale over in my Etsy shop here: Glastonbury Tor, linocut

Posted by Trisha xx on ripplestone review

Following the success of r/UKPolitics, a subreddit dedicated to discussion of current affairs in the UK, and their regular "Ask Me Anything", or AMAs for short, the r/LibDem subreddit mod team, of which I'm a new member of, have reached out to Mark Pack, our Party President, to trial an AMA of our own on Sunday 3rd March at 6PM. The thread to ask questions went up on Sunday Afternoon, and anyone, member, supporter or a curious individual, will have the chance to submit questions to Mark to answer on the Sunday. You'll have the opportunity to ask Mark about ...

Posted by Brandon Masih on Liberal Democrat Voice

I was a little tardy last week, which I blame on the beach I was sitting on in Bali. But, still slightly jet-lagged, I return for another Monday here at LDV Towers. And it seems that, whilst I was away, all sense of Conservative discipline has gone, blown to the four winds. The idea that senior figures in the Party, Members of Parliament, Cabinet members, former Prime Ministers, could suggest that the country is under the control of "Islamists", or is run by the "Deep State" should horrify any sane member of their Party. But no, the line is to ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

I have written about this many times before a few years ago, at a time when Labour's problem with anti-semitism was being echoed by the Tories suffering from Islamophobia, and now we are back full circle. The Independent reports that the UK's largest Muslim group has written to the Conservative Party demanding an investigation into claims of "structural Islamophobia" within its ranks. The paper tells us that the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) have said it addressed a letter to Conservative chair, Richard Holden, on Sunday after what it alleged was "a week of inflammatory statements and Islamophobia from senior ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

DUNDEE CITY COUNCIL - WEEKLY ROAD REPORT REPORT FOR THE WEST END WARD - WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY 26 FEBRUARY 2024 Blinshall Street (Douglas Street to 50 metres south) - closed from 27 November 2023 for 6 months for road safety concerns. Brown Street (south of Douglas Street) - closed until May 2024 for construction works. Seafield Road, Dundee - closed from its westmost end (in cul-de-sac) extending for a distance of no more than 20 metres in an easterly direction to facilitate a site access for a new housing development. Commencing Tuesday 22 August 2023 for 15 months. Kirsty Semple ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End