Just a little Shropshire hill porn while I plan my holidays.

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England
Sun 25th

At your convenience

The next meeting of Sunniside History Society will be held on Wednesday 6th March at 7pm at Sunniside Social Club. The speaker is Richard Pears and he will be talking about the history of "The British Toilet". So be ready to take your seat. This is not a crap subject. Hopefully the meeting will be flushed with success. Etc......

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace

The latest edition of my weekly political polling round-up, The Week in Polls, is out. As it says: Thirty-eight years ago, the BBC aired probably the most famous TV or film scene about opinion polls. It came in the second episode of Yes, Prime Minister in which Jim Hacker, newly installed as Prime Minister and having dealt with nuclear deterrence in the first episode, moved on to worrying about public opinion. Find out more by reading this edition of The Week in Polls here, and you can sign up below to receive future editions direct to your email inbox:

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Embed from Getty ImagesNBC News reports on CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference), the US event addressed by Liz Truss last week: At the Young Republican mixer Friday evening, a group of Nazis who openly identified as national socialists mingled with mainstream conservative personalities, including some from Turning Point USA, and discussed so-called "race science" and antisemitic conspiracy theories. One member of the group, Greg Conte, who attended the deadly 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, said that his group showed up to talk to the media. He said that the group was prepared to be ejected if CPAC ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Liberal Democrat Newswire #181 includes stories on the long-term Lib Dem plan, the role of TikTok in our politics and a bizarre Conservative solution to sewage dumping.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

A temporary repair has now been put in place for the fencing on the Tollgate play area which blew down last October. I raised the lack of repairs at Shropshire Council's cabinet last Wednesday and was promised temporary repairs. I pressed for these to begin the next day. The temporary repairs began that afternoon and were completed Friday. Permanent repairs, however, will cost £25K according to the response I received, an outrageous amount for around 40 metres of fencing. "Quotes have been sought for permanent repairs to the play area but costs circa £25k are prohibitive in the current financial ...

Posted by andybodders on
Sun 25th

Bob Marley: Judge Not

From The Islander: My Life in Music and Beyond by Chris Blackwell: I put out several Bob Marley songs and Wailers songs in the UK, where I own had a deal with Leslie Kong to distribute some of his records via Island. I was living in the London in 1963 when I first heard Judge Not. Looking back, it's a remarkable, inspirational record, especially when you think about what Bob would go on to achieve. He recorded it the very month that Jamaica gained its independence. It was as ska as anything at the time, quite modern, a sign of ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Ed Davey did his first interveiw of the year on Laura Kuenssberg on Sunday this morning. The first question, was, of course, on the Post Office scandal and Ed's role as Minister. Her first question : Why did it take you so long to say sorry? I probably should have said sooner early on. It's a huge scandal and our hearts go out to postmasters. They need to get exonerations and compensation quickly and we need to get the truth from the enquiry. He talked about two sub postmasters in his constituency, one of whom spent 16 months in prison. ...

Posted by Caron Lindsay on Liberal Democrat Voice
Sun 25th

Democracy in danger

Time Magazine points out that globally, more voters than ever in history will head to the polls in 2024 as at least 64 countries (plus the European Union)—representing a combined population of about 49% of the people in the world—are meant to hold national elections, the results of which, for many, will prove consequential for years to come. And yet, despite this, democracy is facing its greatest test, and its most existential crisis with a number of key players on the right seeking to subvert it to get their own way. Chief amongst these players is Donald Trump, whose reaction ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black
Sun 25th

Tom Arms' World Review

Alexei Navalny is dead. His body lies in a prison morgue inside the Arctic Circle. It is generally accepted that he was murdered, or at the very least Vladimir Putin is responsible for his death by sentencing him to a frozen penal colony. After days of standing at the prison gates, Navalny's mother was finally allowed to see his body. But she has been denied permission to take it away for burial. Instead she was told that she had to agree to agree to a secret burial at a hush-hush site. Otherwise, Lydmilia Navalny reported, "the authorities said they would ...

Posted by Tom Arms on Liberal Democrat Voice

From the Curator of Museum Services at the University of Dundee : The latest exhibition in the Lamb Gallery is "Un-Earthed" and features art and artefacts exploring our connections to the land. As human beings we are all dependent on the land and the resources it provides. Yet we are increasingly becoming disconnected from the natural world around us and our overexploitation of the land is causing an environmental crisis. This thought-provoking exhibition looks at ways in which we have explored, represented and exploited the land and how artists in Scotland have responded to these themes over the years. The ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End