Embed from Getty ImagesThree week after repeatedly refusing to apologise over the Post Office Horizon scandal, Ed Davey has apologised. He has done it in an article for the Guardian and a specific and limited way: The Post Office Horizon scandal is the greatest miscarriage of justice of our time, and I am deeply sorry for the families who have had their lives ruined by it. As one of the ministers over the 20 years of this scandal, including my time as minister responsible for postal affairs, I'm sorry I did not see through the Post Office's lies - and ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England
Thu 1st

Tax cuts?

To cut or not to cut. . . .? For some time now the government has been dangling the prospects of (income?) tax cuts in the coming budget and its supportive press has been salivating over the prospect. However, a few days ago the IMF warned that in the UK's present circumstances this was not a good idea. On Wednesday 31st January the Guardian's Economics Editor, Larry Elliott (a Brexiteer, ouch) reported the IMF spokesperson's summary of their reasoning as follows: "Preserving high quality public services and undertaking critical public investments to boost growth and achieve the net-zero targets will ...

Posted by Peter Wrigley on Keynesian Liberal

Andrew Gimson, serial biographer of Boris Johnson and scion of a great Leicester Liberal family, has been to Wellingborough for Conservative Home. 44 Midland Road, though still named on the leaflets of Wellingborough Conservative Association as its address, was on Tuesday locked and deserted. And this is curious, for in two weeks' time a by-election will be held in Wellingborough, and one would expect the Conservative office to be a hive of industry as the party defends its majority of 18,540 over the Labour Party, won in December 2019 by Peter Bone, who gained the seat in 2005 and first ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Ed Davey has been writing in The Guardian today under the heading "I fell for Post Office lies - and I'm sorry. But I won't be silent as Tories prey on victims' trauma" He writes: The Post Office Horizon scandal is the greatest miscarriage of justice of our time, and I am deeply sorry for the families who have had their lives ruined by it. As one of the ministers over the 20 years of this scandal, including my time as minister responsible for postal affairs, I'm sorry I did not see through the Post Office's lies - and that ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice
Thu 1st

The Joy of Six 1200

"We're not where we want to be in the polls, the election draws closer with every passing day, because we're media homeless people generally don't know what we stand for now there's no strong USP like opposing Brexit. We have good economic and social policies. They really could be an asset if we articulated them more strongly." Matthew Pennell says a neo-Beveridge vision that rewards and brings kindness and generosity back to the mainstream of British politics could be the ticket for the Lib Dems. Louise Tickle explains why she has fought for years to report what goes on in ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Costa Coffee closed its King Street shop in May 2023. Now it is coming back to Ludlow, this time on the outskirts of the town. The planning application for the new site at Rocks Green will be submitted towards the end of February. We are releasing this news ahead of time because the proposal has been leaked. The new Costa Coffee will be on the vacant plot next to Sainsbury's. This was once destined to be petrol filling station but fuel retailers weren't interested in the location, the town already having two petrol stations, with others not far away at ...

Posted by andybodders on
Thu 1st

Not for the EU

As if it wasn't bad enough that we have sabotaged our own economic future by leaving the single market, we are now going to be reminded of this disastrous decision every time we go to the supermarket. The Mirror reports that as part of the deal to get the DUP back into a power=sharing government, ll meat and dairy products sold anywhere in the UK will now be labelled "Not for EU" They say that ministers have announced plans to minimise checks on goods crossing between Great Britain and Northern Ireland, as part of a package of measures to allow ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

The Ludford Question. Should Ludlow Town Council area be extended into Ludford parish to encompass the new developments and existing housing east of the A49 bypass, along with the Foldgate Lane development? The answer is yes from Ludlow Town Council. Ludford Parish Council's position has not been announced but it is thought that Ludford is supportive providing the historic area of Ludford village and Whitcliffe is retained at Ludford Parish. Shropshire Council's consultation is now closed. We will know the final position of both councils and other respondents when the results of the consultation is published. The proposals are bound ...

Posted by andybodders on

Michael's ward surgeries take place today and every Thursday during school term time. They are as follows : Thursdays at 5.45pm prompt - West End Campus (come to reception area of St Joseph's RC and Victoria Park Primary Schools) Thursdays at 6.30pm prompt - Harris Academy reception area All welcome - no appointment necessary!

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End