PC Dixon was in no doubt: "There's nothing worse than a rotten copper. Nothing. The lowest thing that crawls on God's earth." That's him addressing a corrupt young constable played by Paul Eddington. You can see the whole episode on TPTV Encore until midnight on Saturday. (You have to register, but the site is free to use after that.) These days the police call corrupt officers "bad apples", with the implication that every organisation is bound to have a few and there's no need to look for deeper causes or effects. But as a good Wikipedia entry points out, "bad ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

On 18 February, it will be eleven years since a section of the town walls bounding St Laurence's churchyard collapsed. Some maintenance has been done to prevent further decay. Consultants have reported on the work needed to repair the scheduled monument to a heritage standard. Archaeological surveys have been conducted. Beyond that, years have passed by without the repairs beginning. Yesterday, Ludlow Town Council issued a statement on progress on repairing the walls. This tells us little beyond the statement it made in April 2022, except that it is once again engaged in a legal argument on who is responsible ...

Posted by andybodders on

Shropshire Council's licencing subcommittee has approved an application from Festival Sounds for eight large events at Ludlow Castle. The castle is already licenced for events up to 4,999 people every day of the year. This approval will allow events with up to 7,999 people attending. The application was fiercely opposed by residents nearby who suffer from noise during major events. There was strong support across the wider town for an increase in entertainment in Ludlow and the footfall generated by the events. The hearing took place on Tuesday and the verdict has now been issued. It can only be challenged ...

Posted by andybodders on

Would you like to contribute to the running of our party? The Federal Finance and Resources Committee has a casual vacancy for a volunteer member, which will be filled by the Federal Board. Applications are invited with a closing date of 12th February. There are full details of the context and responsibilities on the party website, but here is some extracts: This is your opportunity to play a pivotal role in the Party's work in a volunteer non-executive position. You will help us win by ensuring our financial resources are well used. You must be a member of the Liberal ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

In the coming election the we will be focussing (sic) on the Blue Wall seats where we have a chance to beat the Tories. I have no quarrel with that, although it does leave those of us who have spent most of our lives fighting Labour feeling a little bit out in the cold. I accept that the priority in this election must be to restore our position in Parliament as the third party. The penalty of being fourth has become plainly evident in the last nine years when, however sensible and relevant our parliamentarians and spokespersons have been, the ...

Posted by Peter Wrigley on Liberal Democrat Voice
Thu 25th

Hollow popularism

The Guardian reports that Downing Street wants to give UK families higher priority for social housing in a controversial scheme that will be badged as "British homes for British workers". The paper says that Officials will launch a consultation in the coming weeks into how they can give British citizens faster access to social housing, a move designed in part to bolster Rishi Sunak's reputation for being tough on immigration. They add that the move has prompted anger from some in government, who warn it could further fuel support for the rightwing Reform UK party, while housing experts say it ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Michael's ward surgeries take place today and every Thursday during school term time. They are as follows : Thursdays at 5.45pm prompt - West End Campus (come to reception area of St Joseph's RC and Victoria Park Primary Schools) Thursdays at 6.30pm prompt - Harris Academy reception area All welcome - no appointment necessary!

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End

Chris Huhne says the public documents in the cases brought by three former Liberal Democrat ministers - Vince Cable, Norman Lamb and Huhne himself - show that phone-hacking was directed by News Group executives who had no journalistic role. This hacking, claims Huhne in an article for Byline Times, had two objectives: The first was to target political figures who were perceived to be unsympathetic to News and Murdoch in order to smooth the way for achieving the boss's is objectives. The second was to gather intelligence from the heart of government in order to further News's objectives, in particular, ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England