Sunak press conference: Out of touch and out of ideas UK Stats Authority criticises Sunak over asylum backlog claim "The Tories have failed Port Talbot" – Welsh Lib Dems Sunak press conference: Out of touch and out of ideas Responding to Rishi Sunak's press conference on the Conservative government's Rwanda policy, Liberal Democrat Leader Ed Davey said: This Conservative government crashed the economy, sent mortgage rates spiralling and has made it almost impossible to see a GP. Instead of tackling these major challenges, Rishi Sunak's government is too busy fighting over an unworkable and expensive policy that is destined to ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

This is a good video on XTC, the tensions within the band and the genesis and extraordinary success of their song Dear God. I love the story (at 13:50) that British Steel countered the song Making Plans for Nigel by rounding up Sheffield steelworkers called Nigel so they could tell the press how great their jobs were. But another of the stories is not right - this one is at 15.45. Andy Partridge was not prescribed Valium as a boy because of hyperactivity. As he once told the Guardian: He had been attempting to get off the Valium he had ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Phil Bennion with William Lai With other members of the Liberal International Bureau and senior members of CALD (Council of Asian Liberal and Democrats) I flew to Taiwan for a 5-day mission in solidarity with the Democratic Progressive Party, our sister party in Taiwan, who were facing a challenging election. The emergence of the Taiwan People's Party as a third force made the election results less predictable and unprecedented and relentless messaging from China was urging the Taiwanese to "choose peace" by ditching the Taiwan People's Party. Our first meeting was with the International Republican Institute, a refreshingly centrist group ...

Posted by Phil Bennion on Liberal Democrat Voice

Pseuds Corner isn't the only poor column in Private Eye: I was pleased to see the current issue has another letter from a reader criticising The Agri Brigade. If the Eye has an, if you will, eyedeology, it is centred on opposition to the way big business is given vast sums of public money with little or no accountability for how it is spent. Yet this principle is reversed when it comes to agriculture, as The Agri Brigade is devoted to the idea that farming should be subsidised and that no one outside the business should criticise what farmers do. ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

As campaigning kicks off in the Kingswood by-election, the Liberal Democrats have announced local councillor Andrew Brown as their candidate.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

An unusual campaign is emerging in London over adverts for wood burning stoves. The context is the Mayor of London's drive against air pollution, with the extension of the ULEZ across the whole of Greater London. ULEZ = Ultra-Low Emission Zone. The driver of any vehicle which does not meet the ultra-low emission standards has to pay £12.50 per day to drive through the zone. Nationwide about 10% of all vehicles do not meet the standard. In principle, Lib Dems in London support the measures to reduce air pollution although we have many concerns about the implementation – inadequate scrappage ...

Posted by Mary Reid on Liberal Democrat Voice

Yesterday, Shropshire Council's cabinet agreed to a public consultation on increases in parking charges across the county. There are increases in costs for on street and off street parking in Ludlow of 20p an hour. Charges will also be increased for permits to park on street. Car park season tickets will increase steeply. The aim is to raise more money for the cash strapped council to improve the maintenance of car parks and increase parking staff. In Shrewsbury, there is the additional aim of discouraging cars from parking in the loop. Across the county, the new changes will raise an ...

Posted by andybodders on

Michael's ward surgeries take place today and every Thursday during school term time. They are as follows : Thursdays at 5.45pm prompt - West End Campus (come to reception area of St Joseph's RC and Victoria Park Primary Schools) Thursdays at 6.30pm prompt - Harris Academy reception area All welcome - no appointment necessary!

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End