WHEN you write an obscure blog as an occasional self-indulgent hobby, the world is not waiting for your take on the big issues. That much I have learned. So in reactivating this site I resolved to remember that and stick to rambling on about my own inconsequential nonsense. So on the Post Office miscarriages of justice scandal, I was simply going to nod along with Jonathan Calder's judgement that 'Ed Davey should go easy on calling for people to resign' and ponder quietly why it is that after reading intermittently about this case over several years, muttering that it did ...

Posted by Iain Sharpe on Eaten by missionaries

It seems as though the Green Party in Gateshead are continuing to target Bridges ward. Another leaflet was popped through people's doors in December. Labour hold the ward and had previously won with comfortable majorities with opposition campaigns aimed at flying the flag. Labour's hold however is based on a low turnout. Any party that could mount a good campaign could run Labour close in

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace

The Guardian has an obituary of the actor David Kernan, who died on Boxing Day: Kernan had been asked by Cleo Laine and Johnny Dankworth to put together a revue for their Stables theatre in Wavendon, Buckinghamshire, and, bowled over by Sondheim's music and lyrics, he had the idea of creating a show of his songs that had not previously been performed live in Britain. After consulting Sondheim, Kernan sought help from the broadcaster Ned Sherrin, producer of the 60s satirical TV series That Was the Week That Was, in which Kernan had performed topical songs. They recruited Millicent Martin, ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Another short extract from David Storey's A Stinging Delight. This one contains a thumping dangling participle, but the book was published posthumously, so he probably never got to revise it as he would have wished. I returned to Andrassay's, but soon afterwards I discovered that I could earn more as a bus conductor and applied to the West Riding Bus Company at the Belle Isle depot in Wakefield for their one-day training course. Held in a mock-up of a bus interior sets out as rows of chairs in an otherwise cheerless office, I was the only student in a room ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

It's not at all spooky, but I was led to this amusing Birmingham Mail story of unsuccessful criminals by the latest issue of Fortean Times:It was during this incident, Mr Harrington told jurors, Everitt had mistakenly called the emergency services as the group attempted to get into the cash machine. He said Everitt was using a Nokia phone and "importantly here he made a mistake." Mr Harrington said the phone had a feature which meant the owner could accidentally make a call to the emergency services. "That is precisely what Everitt's phone did during this event and of course calls ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Shropshire Council's Southern Planning Committee this afternoon approved the application for a foodstore off Sheet Road outside the A49 bypass. There were concerns about the impact the store will have on the town centre. Committee members were more concerned about the safety of pedestrians crossing Sheet Road between the Eco Park bus stops, Ledwyche Rise and the M&S site. There was a motion to delay a decision until the committee had more information on what improvements could be made to the current plans for Sheet Road but that was defeated on a majority vote. The committee went on to approve ...

Posted by andybodders on

What we stand for. Join us at http://www.libdems.org.uk Our beliefs, principles and values The Liberal Democrats exist to build and safeguard a fair, free and open society, in which we seek to balance the fundamental values of liberty, equality and ... Continue reading →

Posted by richardkemp on But what does Richard Kemp think?

The Mirror reports that plans to launch an energy social tariff which would help low income households with energy costs have reportedly been "quietly shelved" by the Government. The paper says that the Tories first pledged to consider energy social tariffs - which are cheaper tariffs for certain groups - in 2022, and this was doubled down on by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Energy Secretary Grant Schapps last year. However, Government sources have indicated that social tariffs are "no longer a priority" and that ministers are looking into other ways to help those struggling with energy costs: The move ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Beating the Conservatives isn't enough That was the thrust of Ed Davey's new year message, majoring on the importance of how our politics operates: We must do nothing less than transform the nature of British politics for good. Fight for a fair deal, that empowers everyone, and holds the already powerful to account. Smash the two-party system, reform our elections, and give everyone an equal voice. Because that is the only way we can build a fairer, greener, more caring country. You can watch his new year message in full here. But while that's our positive message for the country... ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Liberal Democrat Voice

Colin Rallings and Michael Thrasher have their authoritative analysis of the new Parliamentary constituency boundaries out, and the impact of the changes on parties. The key thing to remember about their analysis is that it doesn't, indeed can't, take into account how parties would have campaigned differently if the new boundaries had been in place at the last general election. This particularly matters for parties like the Liberal Democrats where the level of campaign activity varies massively from seat to seat, and so an area that got no campaigning last time might have got a by-election style level of campaigning ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Fraser's weekly ward surgeries take place later today and every Tuesday during school term time. They are as follows : Tuesdays at 5pm prompt - Blackness Library Tuesdays at 5.45pm prompt - Ancrum Road Primary School All residents welcome - no appointment necessary.

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End