More about the JCPCP on the Egalitarian Publishing site. I've slightly lost the thread of which issue which column has appeared in, but this one came out some time last year. I reviewed The Premonitions Bureau on this blog. Sighcology The hospital consumed 865 pints of milk per day. The grounds were infested with feral cats, which were a source of ringworm. There was a single post box, by the front door, for patients, staff and the hospital itself, which was often full to overflowing, meaning that letters often went missing. Nurses smoked constantly, in part to block out Shelton ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

The latest edition of my weekly political polling round-up, The Week in Polls, is out. As it says: As you can see from the usual polling table further down, the Conservatives continue to be a long way behind in the polls. Hence my uses of yardsticks involving the Duke of Wellington or Michael Foot. But how much – if at all – should we expect the polls to close between now and the general election? Or more precisely, how much of a difference should we expect between what the polls currently say and what the general election result turns out ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

With the end of another, rather interesting, quarter, another update to PollBase, my database of British voting intention opinion polls since 1943 is now up. This time, as well as another quarter of polls, the update includes additional leader and government approval data from Gallup for the period before 1980. Thank you to Will Jennings for providing much of the data being used. There is more data to come. Enjoy! P.S. For the very latest polls, see my polling scorecard and for the history of polls, how to spot the good from the bad and what the future holds for ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Editor's Note: Eight years, at the beginning of the 2016 year of Brexit and Trump Hell, Kevin Lang, now our Group Leader on the City of Edinburgh Council, found himself in Iowa during the caucuses. Across three articles, he gives us a great insight of what happened at the Democrat caucus. Much of what he says about the Hillary campaign is worth our own opposition politicians thinking about as we approach our own election later this year. I thought you might like to re-read Kevin's posts. Of course this year it's the Republicans going mad in Iowa with the front ...

Posted by Kevin Lang on Liberal Democrat Voice

Visiting Jim Dale's birthplace in Rothwell led me to this record from 1957, a parody of Lonnie Donegan's popular recording of Rock Island Line. The songwriting credits on Piccadilly Line are Dale-Robinson-Dale - perhaps a British anticipation of Motown's Holland-Dozier-Holland? Jim Dale himself is the first Dale and I suspect the second, no relation, is Stanley Dale, a sort of skiffle entrepreneur. Jim Dale compered his his National Skiffle Contest in 1957-8. Robinson must be the composer and arranger Harry Robinson - a not very imaginative pseudonym for Harry Robertson. His story was that he once received a cheque made ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Following my previous update of 45 new Liberal Democrat Prospective Parliamentary Candidates, there's been another 43 made public. So once again take a deep breath and wish good luck to... Blackpool North: Bill Greene, Blaydon and Consett: Vicky Anderson, Cardiff South and Penarth: Alex Wilson, Chatham and Aylesford: Nick Chan, Chesham and Amersham: Sarah Green (surprise!), Chingford and Woodford Green: Josh Hadley, Clwyd East: Alec Dauncey, Daventry: Jonathan Harris, East Grinstead and Uckfield: Benedict Dempsey, Edinburgh South West: Bruce Wilson, Gateshead Central and Whickham: Ron Beadle, Gloucester: Rebecca Trimnell, Gower: Franck Banza, Hackney North and Stoke Newington: Rebecca Jones, Halesowen: ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack
Sun 14th

Tom Arms' World Review

Donald Trump and NATO While NATO and its partners pull together to protect world shipping it has emerged that ex-president Donald Trump has been doing his best to pull the Western Alliance apart. According to French EU Commissioner Thierry Breton, who is responsible for EU defense issues, Trump told commission president Ursula von der Leyen that NATO is dead and that America would refuse to defend Europe. M. Breton, told the European Parliament this week, that the threat was issued in 2020 during a private bilateral at the World Economic Forum between Trump and Ms. Van der Leyen. According to ...

Posted by Tom Arms on Liberal Democrat Voice

It was only a matter of time. The Mirror reports that government ministers are already getting AI to read documents for them and decide which are the most important. The paper says that Tory minister Alex Burghart admitted he uses an experimental "AI Red Box", developed by the Cabinet Office, to sift through the stack of papers he's given to read every day, and he claimed another minister is also using the experimental system, as is top civil servant Alex Chisolm.: He also revealed officials had tried to implement a chatbot to sit on top of the Gov.UK website and ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Tuesday, 16th January heralds big increase in eligible overseas voters - let's ensure it makes a difference in key Lib Dem marginals With a crucial UK General Election on the horizon this year, Liberal Democrats Abroad (LDA) are urging millions of Brits living overseas to make sure they register to vote so they can exercise their full democratic rights. Up to now, British citizens living overseas have only been able to vote in UK elections if they had lived in the UK in the previous 15 years and had been registered to vote. But on Tuesday 16 January, all that ...

Posted by George Cunningham on Liberal Democrat Voice

Many thanks to the residents who drew to our attention damage to a illuminated traffic safety reflector on Glamis Road. We reported this to the Street Lighting Partnership and are grateful for its prompt repair as the 'before' and 'after' photographs indicate :

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End

This story had passed me by until today. From the Leicester Mercury: Road closures will be put in place for a major project to remove unsafe cladding from a Leicester building. The Phoenix building will undergo the works amid a safety clampdown in the wake of the Grenfell Tower disaster. The building, which is in Leicester's Cultural Quarter, encompasses a number of privately-owned apartments, business units and the Phoenix Cinema and Art Centre. However, it is surrounded by cladding which has been deemed unsafe following reviews in the wake of the 2017 Grenfell Tower fire which killed 72 people. The ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England