I've watched as a number of my friends and colleagues have given up on Elon Musk's train wreck. And there's no doubt that, for a variety of reasons, it isn't the site it was. The quality of the advertisements - mostly for unknown companies selling things that I don't want or, occasionally, for scantily clad women - has certainly fallen off, and whilst blocking them gives me a certain degree of grim satisfaction, it is a bit of a nuisance. And the "For you" option seems to specialise in vaguely annoying people who paid for their blue tick status, thus ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Bureaucracy

"No more tinkering, we need bravery"- Welsh Lib Dem leader Jane Dodds sets out her priorities for new FM Welsh Lib Dems urge for clarity over future of Bwndel Babi scheme Welsh Lib Dems criticise Welsh Labour government over "lack of vision" with budget "Communities must feel that they are being listened to when it comes to their safety"- Welsh Lib Dems urge Welsh Government "No more tinkering, we need bravery"- Welsh Lib Dem leader Jane Dodds sets out her priorities for new FM Today, the leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats Jane Dodds has urged both Welsh Labour leadership ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

Mental Health: Shocking stats show Govt are failing young people Vennells CBE: Now Dowden needs to explain why he failed to sack her as a Cabinet Office Director Surrey oil drilling given go-ahead: A shameful decision. Local MP, Jeremy Hunt must intervene Mental Health: Shocking stats show Govt are failing young people Ahead of Lib Dem MP Munira Wilson's Bill to introduce mental health professionals into schools, statistics show that 61% of those waiting for mental health support had stopped attending school, college, university, or work. 58% missed more than two weeks of school, 42% missed more than a month ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

Scan the Wikipedia entry for Paula Vennells and you find a paragraph on her involvement with the Church of England: From 2002 to 2005, Vennells trained for Holy Orders on the St Albans and Oxford Ministry Course. She was ordained in the Church of England as a deacon in 2005 and as a priest in 2006. She has served as a non-stipendiary minister at the Church of St Owen, Bromham, in the Diocese of St Albans. She was reported to have 'stepped back' from duties in 2021. Her membership of the Church of England Ethical Investment Advisory Group was also ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England
Tue 9th

The Joy of Six 1193

Matthew Pennell uncovers the roots of the Post Office Horizon scandal: "The political origins for Horizon date back to 1994, with the idea of computerising payments and moving away from Girocheques being proposed by Social Security Minister Peter Lilley. It needs to be understood, however, that a brand new IT system for the Post Office and DSS fitted in perfectly with the New Labour ethos of using tech to transform anything and everything." "The thing is ... this is not a new story. It's a fairly old one, and in 2019, [Epstein victim Sarah] Ransome told New Yorker writer Connie ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

The application for an M&S Food store in opposite the Eco Park will be debated by the Southern Planning Committee on Tuesday 16 January. Planning officers have recommended that the committee approves the application. Twenty people and organisations have supported the application. Ten have opposed it, including Davies Street, the owner of the Sainsbury's site. Ludford Parish Council has commented on the application requesting more information but it has not objected. It opposes the allocation of the site for development but the decision on that was made a decade ago. The store is expected to employ around 70 people in ...

Posted by andybodders on

Many years ago Winnie Mandela, wife of Nelson Mandela was considered to be a hero. She had to suffer for years whilst her husband was in jail, maybe for life. Yet she still carried on the struggle for freedom against apartheid South Africa. I also considered her a hero, then one day she announced "With our boxes of matches, and our necklaces, we shall liberate this country". What she was describing was a horribly sadistic method of murdering someone. In that instant, for me, she was no longer a hero. She was in fact a very nasty person. I was ...

Posted by Geoffrey Payne on Liberal Democrat Voice

Ed Davey is a decent and honourable man. The attempt to scapegoat him in a scandal started under a Labour Government and was continued by the Tories long after he left the role of Post Office Minister tells us all ... Continue reading →

Posted by richardkemp on But what does Richard Kemp think?
Tue 9th

More revolting Tories

The Independent reports on yet another Tory MP who has decided that he is not going to roll over and accept Sunak's abandonment of policies to tackle climate change. The paper says that senior Tory MP, Sir Alok Sharma has said he will not support Rishi Sunak's "smoke and mirrors" oil and gas drilling bill, with the former cabinet member and Cop26 president arguing that the legislation is a "total distraction, which frankly changes nothing". Sharma went on to accuse the PM of "chopping and changing" climate policies, reinforcing "the unfortunate perception about the UK rolling back from climate action": ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Fraser's first weekly ward surgeries of 2024 take place later today and every Tuesday during school term time. They are as follows : Tuesdays at 5pm prompt - Blackness Library Tuesdays at 5.45pm prompt - Ancrum Road Primary School All residents welcome - no appointment necessary.

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End