This 1949 newsreel starts with the expected Mr Cholmondley-Warner commentary and ends with something sublime. Joe Hill was a Swedish-American labour activist, songwriter and member of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW, familiarly called the Wobblies). He was controversially convicted of murder and executed in 1915. Robeson's song was originally written as a poem by Alfred Hayes, and was set to music by Earl Robinson in 1936.

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

And so a new year begins, this time in Dover, New Hampshire, where Ros and I are on grandparent duty. It's been a peaceful trip, with plenty of time spent with our nearly four-year-old granddaughter and her parents, plus my stepdaughter-in-law's family. Not exactly intense, but enjoyable nonetheless. One should count one's blessings, really, especially given events elsewhere. The Israeli attack on Gaza has turned from simple retaliation into something rather more sinister - and if some Israeli politicians are talking about "relocating the Palestinian population", then the phrase "ethnic cleansing" becomes more apposite. The Israeli government, if it truly ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Bureaucracy

This is a guest post from Annabelle who is one the entrepreneurs moving into SY8 Studios in the formerly redundant workhouse and maternity unit at Ludlow Community Hospital. In the post, Annabelle Brousse de Gersigny explains the plans for Gather and Hundred House Coffee. The current applications (planning, licence) are open for consultation. Hi, this is Anabelle from Gather and Hundred House Coffee. Hundred House Coffee has been running since 2016 - we're a small, micro roastery supporting the arts through industry. You can find out a lot more about us on our website. Supporting the arts through industry was ...

Posted by andybodders on

Welcome to 2024, which will almost certainly see a general election. If you want to promote a policy or make your predictions, why not write a guest post for Liberal England? As you can see from the list below, I'm happy to cover subjects far beyond the Liberal Democrats and British politics. I don't have to agree with every word in a guest post, but I'd hate you to spend your time writing something I really wouldn't want to publish. So do please get in touch first. These were the last 10 guest posts on Liberal England:Will compulsory ID at ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

It's become a tradition of mine to pile up the books I've read each year for a once-a-year bookshelf filing binge. Which also means I can handily record in one photograph what I've read in the last year.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack
Mon 1st

Desperate Measures

The revelation that Dominic Cummings and Rishi Sunak held top secret meetings over general election strategy, as reported here in the Independent, shows just how desperate this Tory government is getting. The paper says that the Prime Minister reportedly asked Boris Johnson's ex-chief aide for advice on winning over the public as he pushed for a "secret deal" with Mr Cummings to help the Tories "smash" Labour in 2024: Mr Sunak was branded "weak and desperate" by Labour and the Liberal Democrats for "secretly begging" Mr Cummings to return to No 10. The Tory leader, whose party is trailing behind ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Happy New Year! Let's hope for a better year in 2024, and in particular for a change of government. As Martin Carthy's recording of The January Man has reappeared on YouTube, I can give Benjamin Britten's New Year Carol the day off for once. What I really need is a wider repertoire of New Year songs.

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England


Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End