Layla Moran has been talking to the BBC about the plight of her family members, who remain trapped in a Catholic Church in Gaza. One family member died last month and her fear for the others is clear. The Liberal Democrat says her family are "days away from dying" without access to water or food. Her relatives and the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem say a mother and daughter were killed inside the Holy Family Church complex on Saturday by sniper fire. Members of Ms Moran's extended family – a grandmother, her son, his wife and their 11-year-old twins – are ...

Posted by Caron Lindsay on Liberal Democrat Voice

If the recall petition against Peter Bone succeeds then Labour will have the support of a former Conservative leader of Wellingborough Borough Council, reports the Mirror:Martin Griffiths, who has served as a councillor for 17 years, and is a former leader of Wellingborough Borough Council, said the area needs an "honest MP. Someone with integrity who puts residents first." In a video message announcing he'd back Labour candidate Gen Kitchen, he said: "Our former Conservative MP has exploited his position, refused to stand down when called out and is costing taxpayers in excess of £100,000."The petition closes on Tuesday and ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

This blog's hero Neal Ascherson writes on the former East Germany in the current London Review of Books: Travelling around Mecklenburg in 1991, in what had been the GDR six months before, was a disorienting experience. Again and again, I was reminded of Reconstruction in America, the traumatic aftermath of the Civil War. Here again was a sullen, defeated society. There had been no gunfire, but West Germany felt as victorious as the American North must have done in 1865. Here once more came the carpetbaggers, smart operators from Frankfurt or Düsseldorf pouring into East Germany to loot its collapsing ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

I think this is genuine... this is incredible if it's not fake – an anti-Dan Andrews robocall appears to have called a lift in NSW (via jack begbie on tiktok) — Leonardo Puglisi (@Leo_Puglisi6) November 23, 2022

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Welcome to my summary of the latest national voting intention poll from each pollster currently operating in Britain. If you'd like to find out more about how polls work, how reliable they are and how to make sense of them, check out my book, Polling UnPacked: the History, Uses and Abuses of Political Opinion Polls, or sign up for my weekly email, The Week in Polls: Sign up to The Week in Polls "*" indicates required fields Email* Enter Email Confirm Email If you submit this form, your data will be used in line with the privacy policy here to ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Ed Davey has given an interview to the Times Radio podcast What I Wish I'd Known. He talks about his life as a carer for his Mum, Nanna, son and wife. The Times newspaper has a report on the podcast (£) He describes how he was with his mother when she died of Cancer when he was 15, in his school uniform and how he felt afterwards: It must have felt like a huge responsibility at such a young age. "I don't think I felt that way. I just got on with it. It was relentless. There was a lot ...

Posted by NewsHound on Liberal Democrat Voice

Those who oppose state funding for political parties and who believe that the current system of elections being funded by big private donors is fit for purpose, will do well to consider this article in the Guardian, providing the back story to Labour's 2004 ban of hunting foxes with dogs. The paper relies on claims from Lord Mandelson, that Tony Blair banned foxhunting in 2004 after coming under pressure from an animal rights group the Labour party had accepted a large donation from: Peter Mandelson, the peer and former Labour MP, said the former prime minister included a commitment to ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Presidential wannabe Nikki Haley is a charismatic, hard-headed woman who hides her ambition and political nous behind a veil of southern charm. In 2016 candidate Donald Trump attacked her for suggesting he release his tax returns, the then Governor Haley, flashed an ironic smile and replied: "Bless your Heart." Trump simply smiled back. He did not realise that the phrase was Carolina code for "May you rot in Hell." The steel magnolia allure of Ms Haley has taken this daughter of Sikh immigrants from the South Carolina legislature to the state governor's mansion, to the ambassador's job at the UN ...

Posted by Tom Arms on Liberal Democrat Voice

Following concerns from pedestrians about a minority of cyclists not taking care when passing them or using their bell on the shared path along the waterfront at Riverside Drive, the City Council kindly agreed to our request for new warning signage which we are pleased to say is now in place.

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End