Embed from Getty ImagesLucy Fisher, for me at least, emerges from behind the Financial Times paywall to report: The prospect of party leader Sir Ed Davey suddenly becoming wildly popular and lulling activists into a false sense of security over voter support was one of a range of scenarios considered by campaign staff last month, according to party insiders. In a sign the party, which is polling a distant third nationally, is switching into election gear, it hosted an away day for around 120 key staff working in their campaigning, digital and press teams at a central London hotel on ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Welcome to my summary of the latest national voting intention poll from each pollster currently operating in Britain. If you'd like to find out more about how polls work, how reliable they are and how to make sense of them, check out my book, Polling UnPacked: the History, Uses and Abuses of Political Opinion Polls, or sign up for my weekly email, The Week in Polls: General election voting intention polls PollsterConLabLDGrnRUKCon leadFieldwork WeThink 28% (+2) 44% (nc) 9% (-3) 6% (nc) 8% (nc) -16% 30/11-1/12 YouGov 22% (-3) 45% (+1) 9% (-1) 7% (nc) 10% (+1) -23% 29-30/11 Techne ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

There were 3 principal Council by-elections this week with Liberal Democrat candidates - and there was so much to celebrate in all three. There were an additional 2 by-elections on City of London Council but these were only contested by independent candidates. The only place to start is North Yorkshire Council with a historic Lib Dem gain from the Green Party in Sowerby and Topcliffe ward. Congratulations to Councillor Dan Sladden on an extraordinary victory that is remarkable for a number of reasons. Not only did we get a brilliant 42% of the vote, we did so from nowhere having ...

Posted by Charles Quinn on Liberal Democrat Voice

It was very promising how soft the Labour vote was when out canvassing with Paul Kohler in Merton this morning.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

The Liberal Democrats are the only major party pledging to raise Universal Credit repeatedly to lift people out of poverty. THE LIBERAL DEMOCRATS ARE THE ONLY MAJOR PARTY PLEDGING TO RAISE UNIVERSAL CREDIT REPEATEDLY TO LIFT PEOPLE OUT OF POVERTY. THE LIBERAL DEMOCRATS ARE THE ONLY MAJOR PARTY PLEDGING TO RAISE UNIVERSAL CREDIT REPEATEDLY TO ... Continue reading Being bold: Lib Dems election strategy

Posted by returnoftheliberal on returnoftheliberal

Now it can be told... Email elves@rockinghamforest for your own supply. Tuesday The housing debate at Bournemouth, as you may have noticed, took a heated turn, and it behoves me to confess my part in the affair. I have for some years been in the habit of carrying with me a little bottle of the elixir sold by the Elves of Rockingham Forest - add a couple of drops of that to your hipflask and you'll last through the dreariest all-night sitting. It so happened that I met Tim Farron in the refreshment queue before the debate and, discerning that ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

It's not often Liberator has a "hold the front page" moment but we did to briefly fit in something on the Guardian letter about party strategy and Ed Davey's reaction to the 30 signatories, including by all accounts dissent at the Federal Policy Committee. Find out the news in Radical Bulletin and the thoughts of Lord Bonkers, and this is what is in Liberator 420, which you can download for free here. You can sign up to be emailed when each new Liberator comes out. FOUR DAYS GOOD. What is the Government scared of in Lib Dem South Cambridgeshire's trial ...

Posted by The Liberator Collective on Liberal Democrat Voice

Today - Saturday 2nd December - sees a whole host of West End Christmas Fortnight events taking place! 9.30am and 10.30am - Children's Craft events. For young school age children, these 2 one-hour free workshops are led by Lisa Earl of 'Create ... Kids Create Crafts'. Blackness Library. Booking required to be in advance. 10am onwards - Harris Academy Christmas Fayre - including stalls - all welcome! 11am to 1pm - Animal Decoration Making - D'Arcy Thompson Zoology Museum - create Christmas decorations for your tree - book at www.tiny.cc/Animal-decorations 11am to 5pm - Dundee Art Society Winter Art and ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End

This is my article in the latest edition of Liberator - Number 420: When I was elected to Swansea Council in 1984, I was the only Welsh Liberal Councillor, sandwiched between a dominant Labour group and a substantial group of Tories. My response was to find some distinctive issues, to raise the party's profile and work to get more councillors elected to sit with me. I understand, therefore, how hard it can be as the only Lib Dem on the Welsh Senedd, and as a member of that body myself for seventeen years, I know how difficult it can be ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black