Continuing the Watford FC theme, I see that following a campaign by Hornets supporter Roy Moore, Mayor Peter Taylor has arranged for Watford Council to agree the renaming of Occupation Road, which runs alongside the Elton John stand at Vicarage Road stadiums, as the Yellow Brick Road.

Posted by Iain Sharpe on Eaten by missionaries

Another lost London river walk with John Rogers. As his YouTube blurb explains: This week we follow the beguiling Norbury Brook as it wends its way through South London from Selhurst through Thornton Heath to Streatham where it becomes the River Graveney. The Norbury Brook is the most significant tributary of the River Wandle. We first encounter the Norbury Brook in its culvert on the far side of Heavers Meadow, in the London Borough of Croydon, where it emerges in its concrete culvert from beneath the Selhurst Railway Sidings. It's believed that the brook rises somewhere on the far side ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England
Fri 1st

The Joy of Six 1183

"I am a Liberal Democrat because of my belief in liberty and social justice, and I expect those who lead the party to be expounding the distinctive and radical messages associated with that philosophy at every opportunity. Instead we have settled for a sort of bland mediocrity, a quest for the vanilla centre ground that is neither distinctive nor radical." Peter Black says he would have happily signed that letter to Ed Davey. Imran Mulla and Peter Oborne ask if David Cameron has revived the Tory Arabist tradition. "Despite this still being a trial we have recruited into 13 notoriously ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

The Government has called on Local Authorities to innovate and that is exactly what we're doing in South Cambridgeshire, but it appears to be the wrong sort of innovation if you are a Tory. They have gone so far as issuing a Best Value Notice when our corporate peer review has just reported that we have really sound finances and an enviable record of delivering on the Government's priorities. In more 'advanced' parts of the world such as Scandinavia and Australia the four-day working week is becoming the norm and in the UK over 90% of those private sector businesses ...

Posted by Cllr Bridget Smith on Liberal Democrat Voice

Keep in touch with a global community helping young people all over the world deliver the UN's SDGs in their area. Greetings changemaker, Curious about the opportunities that recognise your social impact? Dive into our QS ImpACT November Newsletter for insights ... Continue reading →

Posted by richardkemp on But what does Richard Kemp think?

The new Liberator is on the magazine's website - you can download it free of charge from there. I've just realised that I have forgotten to reprint anything from Lord Bonkers' diaries in the October and November 1992 issues, but the old boy hasn't noticed yet, so let's get stuck into his latest thoughts. Monday So Cameron has decided to emerge from his shed and become foreign secretary, nabbing himself a peerage in the process. You may remember him: face like a carved ham; used to be prime minister; decided he was a political genius and called a referendum to ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

"UBI" (Universal Basic income) has staggered and lurched in Lib Dem Land. I believe most of the arguments against it are the prejudices of ignorance or the handicaps of expertise. I shall try to explain why and how UBI and PR must and can work in harness. I shall not here consider the objections to it, but I do hope others will. UBI is not too expensive – it should be managed by the Inland Revenue, and subject to Income Tax – simply one more thing to add to each taxpayer's Income Tax total bill. Everyone receiving UBI would pay ...

Posted by Roger Lake on Liberal Democrat Voice

Perhaps the heady successes of the 1990s and the 2000s spoilt us and led us into a false sense of our own destiny. Perhaps we take ourselves too seriously. But I am a Liberal Democrat because of my belief in liberty and social justice, and I expect those who lead the party to be expounding the distinctive and radical messages associated with that philosophy at every opportunity. Instead we have settled for a sort of bland mediocrity, a quest for the vanilla centre ground that is neither distinctive nor radical. That is why I would happily have signed the letter ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Four principal authority council by-elections this week with a "full slate" of Lib Dem candidates. (The quote marks reflecting that one contest doesn't have a Lib Dem, but it's for the City of London Corporation.) The three Lib Dem candidates is two up on the last time these seats were up. First up, what may be only the second Lib Dem by-election gain from the Greens: Sowerby & Topcliffe (North Yorkshire) Council By-Election Result: [IMG: 🔶] LDM: 41.6% (New) [IMG: 🌳] CON: 25.1% (-23.0) [IMG: 🌍] GRN: 16.7% (-35.3) [IMG: 🌹] LAB: 13.6% (New) [IMG: ⚪] Yorks: 1.9% (New) [IMG: ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Local writer George Burton will be at the Book Attic, 93 Perth Road, tomorrow between 12 noon and 2pm to sign copies of his first novel 'Balgay Park'. The stories are based around the park and cemetery; none are based based on fact - they are all supernatural stories concerning unusual happenings. There will also be an official launch of the book at the Victoria Gardens community garden in Blackness Road at 10am tomorrow. The Courier recently had an article about George and the novel that you can read at

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End