My Doctor was Jon Pertwee, though Roger Delgado as The Master and Nicholas Courtney as the Brigadier did just as much to make those years special. To celebrate the show's 60th birthday, the BBC has put every Doctor Who episode it can - more than 800 - and many other related programmes on iPlayer. Though I fully approved of the show's revival in 2005, I rarely watch it. Perhaps, with its talk of 'story arcs' and 'showrunners', I feel has it has its devoted adult fans too much in mind. So if you click on the image above you will ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

As I attended this event at the Royal Liverpool Hospital yesterday I was enabled to think more deeply about the role of overseas doctors in our Country and the role of art in healing. Why am I surprised that Tories ... Continue reading →

Posted by richardkemp on But what does Richard Kemp think?

I do love reading about the Census. To some people, it might be a "silly hobby", however analysing and understanding data is hugely important in relation to mapping out the needs of our communities and facilitating adequate e.g. health, leisure, parking and social care provision. It was fascinating to see how much the UK has changed in the last decade. As a practising Christian, I found it really interesting that in 2011 in Welwyn Hatfield, 27% of residents reported no religion, however this number increased to 37% in 2021. Given that the population of Welwyn Hatfield, where I live and ...

Posted by Michal Siewniak on Liberal Democrat Voice

Welcome to my summary of the latest national voting intention poll from each pollster currently operating in Britain. If you'd like to find out more about how polls work, how reliable they are and how to make sense of them, check out my book, Polling UnPacked: the History, Uses and Abuses of Political Opinion Polls, or sign up for my weekly email, The Week in Polls: General election voting intention polls PollsterConLabLDGrnRUKCon leadFieldwork WeThink 26% (+1) 44% (-1) 12% (+1) 6% (+1) 8% (-2) -18% 23-24/11 Opinium 26% (-1) 42% (+2) 11% (-1) 7% (nc) 8% (-1) -16% 22-24/11 Techne ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack
Sat 25th

A new austerity?

We suspected it, but now the Institute for Fiscal Studies have confirmed it. The IFS say that Jeremy Hunt's economic plans have put Britain on course for drastic public sector cuts even more "painful" that the austerity period of the 2010s. The Independent reports on the IFS's view that the Conservative chancellor may have boasted of handing out the biggest tax cuts since the 1980s, but their experts say he offered no credible plan to deliver the huge spending cuts now required: The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) said "sharp" and "harsh" budgetary reductions were now needed, accusing Mr Hunt ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

White-haired Dutch politician Geert Wilders hates the label far-right. Neither is he particularly fond of being called an extremist or fascist. Wilders also dislikes Islam, the Koran, the EU, asylum seekers, and most foreigners in general. He is the avowed leader of the "Counter-Jihad Movement." He has been in and out of Dutch courts on hate charges; was banned for several years from Britain, Germany and Austria and has a permanent armed police guard to protect him from assassination. Wilders has attacked the Koran as a "fascist book", Mohammed as "the devil" and Islam is a "retarded culture." He does ...

Posted by Tom Arms on Liberal Democrat Voice
Sat 25th

The Autumn Statement

Readers longer in the tooth may remember the question with which the Liberals taunted the two major parties way back in the 1950s: "Which twin is the Tory and which as the expensive perm?"* This came to mind after hearing Jeremy Hunt's presentation of his proposals for the UK's economic future and Rachel Reeves's response. The Chancellor, Jeremy Hunt, certainly has the nicer smile, and the better jokes. In his introduction to his Autumn Statement he painted a bright and optimistic picture of a growing economy with falling public debt, inflation well under control and absolutely the place to be ...

Posted by Peter Wrigley on Keynesian Liberal

2pm to 3.45pm today sees the West End Christmas Afternoon Concert take place at Logie & St John's (Cross) Church Hall, Shaftesbury Terrace. Featuring the Harris Education and Recreation Association Choir, Dundee Youth Orchestra and Louisiana Fairytale Riverboat Jazz Band. All welcome and no booking required. Completely free of charge and includes complimentary tea and coffee. Other West End Christmas Fortnight events today include : 10am to 10.45am - Spex Pistols Christmas Family Workshops at Gallery 48, West Port - Handmade decorations with Cara Findlay and Sooz Gordon. Using some recycled and simple everyday items, your workshop hosts will show ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End