A report from Historic England explains: The remains of the High Down Test Site are a rare example of a 1950s British rocket test facility, built at a time when the country was amongst a handful of nations at the forefront of rocket and missile technology. Internationally, large rocket testing facilities of this date are uncommon, restricted to the two Superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, and possibly France. It is also a visible reminder of the Isle of Wight's aviation heritage, in such specialised fields as flying boats, rocket powered interceptor fighter and hovercraft, and in particular ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Embed from Getty ImagesJane Dodds, the leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats, has called on the Welsh Government to help save the Centre for Alternative Technology in Machynlleth, which celebrated its 50th birthday earlier this year. She told the County Times: "I was saddened to hear of the news that the Centre for Alternative Technology in Machynlleth has been closed to visitors due to a lack of funds, placing 14 jobs at risk. "For many people, the centre was an entry point that opened their eyes to what was possible and practical when it comes to sustainable energy. "At a ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

There were 6 principal by-elections this week. Lib Dem candidates contested 5 of the elections. As well as scoring a terrific gain in Bolton, every Lib Dem candidate moved forwards and increased our vote share - some spectacularly so! The only place to start is Bolton MBC where there were 2 by-elections on Thursday. We gained Westhoughton North & Hunger Hill ward from the Conservatives with an 11% increase in our vote share (while everyone else went backwards). Congratulations to Councillor Deirdre McGeown and the whole team in Bolton on a superb win. Bolton MBC, Westhoughton North & Hunger Hill ...

Posted by Charles Quinn on Liberal Democrat Voice

The Guardian brings news of a Liberal Democrat councillor in Winchester: The controversy in Twyford began last year when a new road sign for St Mary's Terrace appeared minus the apostrophe. The former teacher Oliver Gray expressed his discontent. Consternation grew and the Lib Dem councillor Tony Bronk, who represents the village, formally put the question to Winchester city council... "Residents of St Mary's Terrace in Twyford were surprised and disappointed to find that when their street name plate was replaced last year it was missing an apostrophe," Bronk wrote... The [Liberal Democrat] council leader, Martin Tod, replied that while ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

South of the river again, this time to the recently reopened Level 10 Cafe at the Tate Modern and its views over the Thames.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Vince Cable has been writing at CommentCentral under the headline: Industrial strategy is vital to boosting growth. He bemoans the closure of blast furnaces in Port Talbot and Scunthorpe. He says: The closures seem to be a mockery of the optimistic story about a future based on green jobs since the closures are prompted by a wish to move the industry onto a less energy and carbon intensive (and more modest) footing, using electric arc furnaces to turn scrap back into steel. The government is putting in £1 billion to help finance the transition. But critics point to a dearth ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

This man has caused political chaos throughout the world not just in the USA. We must all hope that the American justice systems will hold him to account As I have put in this blog before the antics of Trump ... Continue reading →

Posted by richardkemp on But what does Richard Kemp think?
Fri 17th


The Guardian highlights a report by the left-of-centre Institute for Public Policy Research thinktank which has found that Britain's economy has lost billions of pounds in investment since 2010 due to government "flip-flopping" on its industrial growth plans as it churned through 11 different economic strategies. The paper says that industry bosses have warned ministers that more consistency is required to increase investment levels after more than a decade of instability, saying that the constant chop and change of government industrial strategy and a revolving door for senior ministerial appointments have undermined the country's ability to attract investment.: The IPPR ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Five Liberal Democrat candidates for the six principal authority by-elections this week, which is up two on the last time these wards were up.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Residents contacted us recently regarding a news story in the Courier about possible future infrastructure works that might see Network Rail require, in a worst case scenarios, require up to 207m in length of land within Magdalen Green with a maximum width of 1.3m. This would be to create a new passing loop to "enable an increase in the number of freight paths and passenger services". You can read the Courier item from earlier this month at : We contacted the City Council planning team to get further information and the Principal Planning Officer has updated us as follows ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End