Wed 15th

The Joy of Six 1179

"The government's own analysis shows that social housing pays back 69 per cent of the grant used to build it within 30 years, and 110 per cent within 60 years through reduced housing benefit expenditure." Peter Apps sets out the enduring case for building social housing. Chris Harrop finds that the recent National Institute of Clinical Excellence review provides little evidence to support the use of electro-convulsive therapy to treat depression. Coco Khan longs to destroy supermarket self-checkouts. "Once young newcomers who spent their early years working under Biddy on Blue Peter are now able to reflect on those days ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

We've had the first polling since the Supreme Court ruling that the government's plan to send some asylum seekers to Rwanda is unlawful.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack
Wed 15th

Cabinet Churn

The political pundit Ian Dunt opens his very perceptive book "How Westminster Works . . .and Why It Doesn't" with a case study. In 2013 ambitious Conservative MP Chris Grayling joins the cabinet as Secretary of State for Justice. He understands that, since he's likely to be be moved on in a couple of years or so, or his party defeated at the coming election, to make his mark he has to move quickly. So he decides to privatise the probation service, even though, apart from being under-resourced, there was nothing particularly wrong with it - in fact it had ...

Posted by Peter Wrigley on Keynesian Liberal

So that's all fine then. Inflation has fallen to 4.6% and Rishi Sunak is a hero for delivering on his promise? Err, no. The champagne corks popping in Downing Street are a bit premature and research commissioned by the Liberal Democrats shows why. Commons Library and Liberal Democrat research shows that average earners have seen their annual wages eroded with a real terms cut of almost £700, the equivalent of a 3p rise in Income Tax. Our Treasury spokesperson Sarah Olney MP said: Rishi Sunak congratulating himself over today's figures will be cold comfort for all the hard-working people still ...

Posted by Caron Lindsay on Liberal Democrat Voice
Wed 15th

The rhythm of the year

Here in Somerset, the nights are drawing in. The leaves are falling steadily from the trees. And the ground underfoot is considerably muddier and boggier than it was before, if not completely submerged. Pretty much par for the course in this autumnal season. I don't like it, but there's not a whole lot I can do about it. There's a natural rhythm to the year, after all. And we can either fight against it or just roll with it. I prefer the latter. For people like me who grow much of their own food and spend a lot of their ...

Posted by Simon Perks on Simon Perks

This Monday the country awoke to the news that Prime Minister Rishi Sunak had finally sacked Home Secretary Suella Braverman. This was followed by the arrival of none other than former Prime Minister David Cameron at Downing Street, sparking rumours of a return to government. Cameron's place in Sunak's faltering administration was soon confirmed, making him the first former Prime Minister to return to government since Alec Douglas-Home served as foreign secretary (1970 to 1974). The top line here is that the current crop of Conservative MPs have been ignored in favour of someone outside of parliament, resorting to a ...

Posted by Richard Wood on Liberal Democrat Voice

There was never much of a chance that the Government's cruel plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda would be found lawful. And this morning, the Supreme Court announced that it was unlawful. But the Government in general and successive home secretaries in particular must have known that. And yet still they chose to blow what was probably millions of public money on pursuing this through the Courts as part of their culture war. For some, though, at the sharp end of this policy, so much harm has already been done. I can only imagine the fear felt by those ...

Posted by Caron Lindsay on Liberal Democrat Voice

Here's the full text of the amendment to the King's Speech motion in the House of Commons tabled by the Liberal Democrats regarding events in Israel and Gaza: At end add 'but respectfully regret that the Gracious Speech does not explicitly acknowledge that only a two-state solution can deliver the security that both Palestinians and Israelis deserve; believe that Hamas cannot be allowed to continue in charge of Gaza; further regret that it fails to address the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza affecting millions of innocent Palestinians, the ongoing hostage situation and the risk of regional escalation; believe it is increasingly ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Embed from Getty ImagesThe Leicester Mercury wins our Headline of the Day Award, revealing in the process that Ashby de la Zouch is not the genteel place many imagine it to be.

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Analysis by the Liberal Democrats, using a list of well-known otter habitats from the Wildlife Trust, has found that water firms dumped sewage over 650 times in otter habitats last year - lasting a total of 2,546 hours. According to the Express, the worst incident was near Portrack Marsh, where Northumbrian Water discharged sewage for 561 hours in the River Tees: Several firms discharged sewage into or nearby otter habitats, including United Utilities, Anglian Water and Yorkshire Water. Liberal Democrat Environment spokesman Tim Farron MP said: "This is a scandal. Otters must be saved from raw sewage ruining their homes. ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

I strongly support Shropshire Council's efforts to clamp down on cleaning up dog fouling. But the current proposals need a lot of improvement. In particular, the plan to fine dog walkers if their dog defecates in a public place are draconian and unworkable. I am concerned that the council is creating grey areas where people will be uncertain about the rules. The proposals would have benefited from detailed scrutiny before being issued for consultation. This is my draft response. Dozens of people have already provided me with feedback. I'd welcome more comments before I submit my final response. I would ...

Posted by andybodders on

Chris Skidmore (a Vice-Chair of the Conservatives 2018-2019) has called out his own party for heading in a "very dark" direction in demonising those who call for a rapid reduction in CO2 emission as a way of justifying the watering-down of net zero targets. Softening net zero targets might well encourage people to think they need not worry about climate change and can ignore the extremes of "Just stop Oil". It's a million miles from the responsible course of addressing climate change — and implicitly saying "we have a problem, and a plan to address it. There are echoes of ...

Posted by Mark Argent on Liberal Democrat Voice

We recently received concerns about late delivery and gaps in delivery of mail in the Forest Park Road area. We contacted Royal Mail regarding this and have since received the following feedback : "Thank you for your communication regarding your ward residents' mail deliveries in the Forest Park Road area of Dundee. Delivering a reliable service is out top priority, and I am very sorry for any concern caused. I have been in contact with the Customer Operations Manager at Dundee Central Delivery Office. They have confirmed that mail deliveries are currently taking place six days a week, when there ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End