Sharp rise in mortgage arrears should "ring alarm bells in Downing Street" NHS waiting lists: Sunak's pledge lies in tatters Welsh Lib Dem leader gives her reason for voting for Senedd Gaza ceasefire motion Braverman: What on earth will it take for Sunak to do the right thing? Sharp rise in mortgage arrears should "ring alarm bells in Downing Street" There has been an 18% rise in homeowners in mortgage arrears over the past year, the latest UK Finance figures have revealed. The data shows there were 87,930 homeowners in mortgage arrears worth at least 2.5% of their outstanding loan ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

I'm fascinated by the Liverpool Overhead Railway. When it opened in 1893, it became the world's first electric elevated railway. It escaped nationalisation in 1948, but closed in 1956 because the owners could not fund the necessary repairs. This film tells you all about it.

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Humanists UK report news of Lorely Burt, former Liberal Democrat MP and now member of the House of Lords: Baroness Burt of Solihull's Private Member's Bill, Conversion Therapy Prohibition (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) Bill, has been drawn first in the House of Lords ballot. As the first Bill to be drawn, it is possible that, if it received sufficient support, it could become law. Banning conversion therapy is supported by the public and is Liberal Democrat policy. As Wera Hobhouse said when the party adopted the policy:. The last three Conservative Prime Ministers have each promised to ban it, ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

My first reaction – several years ago – to one of Suella Braverman's pronouncements was one of exasperation and incredulity. But it was accompanied by a conviction that not even right wing Tories were going to support her extreme views. I was, of course, wrong. She not only proposes cruel treatment for vulnerable, underprivileged and desperate people who are either citizens or who want to be one, but she is now doing so from one of the most powerful positions in Government. She wants rough sleepers to die in the cold (it is apparently a lifestyle choice), she wants to ...

Posted by Mary Reid on Liberal Democrat Voice

Layla Moran's appearance last night on Newsnight involved, among other things, a remarkably eloquent pause when asked about Suella Braverman: Tonight I spoke again about the need to change the future of not just Gaza but the whole 75yr conflict. If we want two states for two people we need to find the political space for solutions that aren't just military. It's time to change where this ends. And also Braverman. — Layla Moran [IMG: 🔶] (@LaylaMoran) November 8, 2023

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack
Thu 9th

The Joy of Six 1177

"Mini motions are a new idea introduced by Scottish Conference Committee aimed at making it easier for members to make policy. Submitting a motion can be quite a formal and intimidating process, so they invited ideas summed up in a couple of hundred words. These would have 15 minutes each, a 3 minute proposal speech followed by 1 minute reactions. Conference then has an indicative vote on whether they want Policy Committee to work up the idea." Caron Lindsay attended the Scottish Liberal Democrats' autumn conference. Warwick Mansell looks at how the strict and draconian policies that some schools have ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

When King Charles made his speech on Tuesday, he mentioned that it was the first King's Speech for around 70 years. The content of the monarch's speech at the state opening of parliament is provided by the government to preview the laws and measures they hope to get parliament to pass in the coming year. [...]

Posted by haroldwoodcitizen on Harold Wood citizen's Blog

Layla Moran in her webinar to over 1,000 Party members last Thursday gave us much to think about. Layla reminded us that what often distinguishes us as Liberal Democrats is our strong sense of empathy and humanity, which naturally leads to a respect for human rights and international law. It is difficult not to be traumatised by the horrors we are witnessing on our screens day after day and feel heartfelt sympathy for the victims themselves, their surviving friends and family, and especially those who are here in the UK, worrying about their family members being held hostage by Hamas, ...

Posted by Anne-Marie Simpson on Liberal Democrat Voice
Thu 9th

Toys out of pram time

I don't suppose it's unusual for a government minister to sulk if they can't get their own way, but not many do it publicly, while having a temper tantrum that the most irascible toddler can only marvel at. Nevertheless, Home Secretary, Suella Braverman has managed to achieve peak Violet Bott with apparently little effort. The Guardian reports that Braverman has launched a full-throated attack on policing "double standards" after the head of the Metropolitan police gave the go-ahead for a pro-Palestine march on Saturday, Armistice Day. The paper says that the protests, which have brought hundreds of thousands of people ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Today is an in-service day at schools across Dundee and therefore schools are not open to pupils and the public. Therefore, Michael's usual surgeries at Harris Academy and the West End Campus do not take place tonight. However, we can be contacted at any time on Dundee 459378 or e-mail - many thanks!

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End