ITV used to broadcast Clapperboard, a film magazine programme aimed at children and introduced by Chris Kelly. As I remember it, it was better than most film programmes for adults. One item I remember in particular is a report from the set of the 1973 Peter Sellers film The Optimists of Nine Elms that featured him playing the ukulele, though I don't think the clip they showed is the the one above. My reason for writing about the film tonight is that I've come across a really good podcast about it. It's an episode of Goon Pod, a podcast devoted ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

When Sarah Dyke won her by-election, Parliament was not sitting. So it was yesterday that she was able to give her maiden speech in Parliament.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Yesterday, our newest MP, Sarah Dyke, made her maiden speech in the House of Commons, on the Levelling Up Bill: You can watch it here on Parliament TV. She promised to champion the cider industry, stand up for farmers and she told the stories of some of Somerset's key women, including her predecessor Mavis Tate who fought for women's rights in the 30s and 40s. She talked about the importance of real devolution and of making sure that the needs of people living in rural areas were taken into consideration when dealing with the cost of living crisis. Here is ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice
Wed 18th

Invest or decline

The Guardian contains an interesting report on the findings of the UK's National Infrastructure Commission. This independent body of experts has concluded that the UK's infrastructure needs a big cash injection, with public transport, home heating and water networks all in dire need of renewal. They say that investments, of about £30bn a year from the taxpayer and £40bn to £50bn a year from the private sector, would result in savings to the average household of at least £1,000 a year, higher economic productivity, and a better quality of life in the future: An overhaul of energy is at the ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

There was recently unfortunately again a lot of graffiti in the underpass across Riverside Avenue around Clovis Duveau Drive to Invergowrie. We took this up with the council's Rapid Response Team and are are grateful for its prompt response as the photos below show :

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End