Our Layla Moran, the first British MP of Palestinian descent, has been talking about how members of her extended family in Gaza have had to flee their home and seek refuge in a Church. She talked about this in the Commons yesterday when she questioned Rishi Sunak: As you are aware, Mr Speaker, my immediate family are from the west bank, but I have extended family in Gaza city. Their house was bombed by the IDF, so they went to seek sanctuary in a church—we are Christian Palestinians—and I am afraid to say that they are still there, because they ...

Posted by Caron Lindsay on Liberal Democrat Voice
Tue 17th

The Joy of Six 1171

"Heaving, oversubscribed, besieged by lobbyists and engulfed by the scent of power wafting from around the corner, the Labour conference this year was unlike any other I have ever attended. It was also the most mind-numbingly boring one yet." Jonn Elledge went to the Labour Party conference. Rob Parsons reviews Johnson at 10: The Inside Story by Anthony Seldon and Raymond Newell. "Young people are often excluded from decisions about mental health research and interventions. They tend to be seen as simply participants in research projects developed by academics who are often much older than they are. As a result, ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

The October Liberal Democrat Newswire reports on party award winners, the Mid-Bedfordshire by-election, an exciting new pamphlet and more.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

The scent of a fresh Nakba lingers in the air. Just a week ago, like so many others, I was taken aback by the unfolding events in Israel. It was a moment I could hardly fathom. At the time, I was going about my work in the home care industry, preparing breakfast for one of our clients. The background hum of the BBC, murmuring about Palestine, filled the room. I initially dismissed it as yet another minor incident and continued making scrambled eggs. However, when I finally turned my attention to the news, the gravity of the situation hit me. ...

Posted by Mo Waqas on Liberal Democrat Voice

Before he became a performer, Stanley Unwin worked on the technical side of radio:In 1940, Stanley successfully applied for a job at the BBC working on transmitters as a 'key thumper'. The Second World War was now underway and the Corporation desperately needed Morse operators across the country so he went off to do his bit at the Borough Hill transmitting station in Daventry.Writing the foreword to the history of the station - Daventry Calling the World - in 1998, Unwin remembered that:All of us at Daventry belonged to the Home Guard, having daily drills and rehearsals for potential air ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Our first annual Gateshead Lib Dem dinner was held last night and the guest speaker was Simon Hughes, former MP for Bermondsey. The dinner was held at Rosa Twelve in Low Fell. About 50 people there but I had been put on the same table as Simon. I've known him for over 20 years, since I first worked for the party. During his speech he talked about the need to appear to Labour voters as well ac

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace

You know what would be even better than four record book rewriting Parliamentary by-election wins in a row? Five. That's the opportunity we have with the Mid Bedfordshire by-election and our great candidate, Emma Holland-Lindsay. The issues that are big on the doorsteps are ones that will be familiar to us from campaigning all around the country – people feeling taken for granted by the Conservatives, worried about the cost of living and angry about the state of the NHS. And they think sewage should be sent to treatment plants rather than into our rivers and onto our beaches. Polling ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Liberal Democrat Voice
Tue 17th

No room for tax cuts

Infamously, Liz Truss went ahead and wrecked the UK economy despite expert advice which warned her of the consequences of her actions. It is unlikely that she and her faction will take much notice of the latest warning from the Institute for Fiscal Studies therefore, who argue that the government has no room for unfunded pre-election tax cuts despite having pushed through a "colossal" £52bn a year stealth raid on household incomes on Rishi Sunak's watch. Fortunately, Truss is no longer in charge, but her group remains influential and continues to exert pressure on UK Tory Ministers, many of whom ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Returning Officer John Lawrie started off the Scottish Lib Dems internal elections yesterday. Nominations are now open for candidates for office bearer positions and the party committees, along with representatives to Federal Party Committees and the Federal Council to serve for the next two years. It's a challenging time for the Scottish Party. The people elected at this set of elections will need to progress the 150 Rising project, to almost double our councillors at the next set of council elections in 2027, as well as get us through the General Election and prepare for the Scottish Parliament elections in ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

Just a reminder that, as the schools are closed for the October holidays, Fraser's usual weekly ward surgeries do not recommence until after the school holidays. However, we can still be contacted on any local issues or concerns - just e-mail westend@dundeelibdems.org.uk - many thanks!

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End