NHS waiting list: Public are tired of waiting on this government that has given up London Assembly Liberal Democrats Back Motion to Condemn Hamas Terrorist Attacks NHS waiting list: Public are tired of waiting on this government that has given up Responding to the news that the NHS waiting list has risen to 7.7 million, Liberal Democrat Health and Social Care spokesperson, Daisy Cooper MP said: This is yet another damning indictment of this Conservative government's record on the NHS. They broke their promise to recruit 6000 GPs, broke their promise to build 40 hospitals and now they've broken their ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

This reunion was filmed three years ago for Mary Beard's Inside Culture programme.

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

I've been honoured to have many great guests on Never Mind The Bar Charts but wow... this time's guest really blew me away with his moving life story and with the thought of just how exciting it would be to see him on the national political stage.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack
Thu 12th

Green Book is back!

LDV readers with long memories will know that ten years ago a group of us published The Green Book - New Directions for Liberals in Government. We were urging the LibDems to adopt an approach to social and economic policy that put centre stage the need to preserve the natural world on which society and economy depends for its health, wellbeing and prosperity. We're back - and this time with a podcast series where external experts and party insiders explore the major challenges now facing the UK. Future sessions on Green Book Pod will tackle climate change and then Europe, ...

Posted by Mike Tuffrey on Liberal Democrat Voice
Thu 12th

Buying litter

I spotted this litter on my farm on Sunday. Indeed, I spotted it from a distance of about 200 metres. It is a balloon that had lost most of its helium gas, therefore causing it to fall to the ground. These balloons are killers. They drift out to sea where they can be ingested by marine life such as dolphins and seals. When that happens, the animal can choke to death. On land they can be ingested

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace

Rishi Sunak has told the Conservative Party conference that British politics are 'broken.' That will make it more difficult for his party to resist changes in the way we do politics - constitutional reform, as we nerds put it. It was the Conservatives that broke British politics, of course - or rather, populists inside and outside the party, cheered on by right-wing media (and American and Russian encouragement and funding) that swept aside established conventions on political behaviour and governmental restraint. A major new report on political reform, jointly published by the Institute for Government and the Bennett Institute for ...

Posted by Lord William Wallace on Liberal Democrat Voice
Thu 12th

Another Brexit mess

To be fair, this latest issue with Brexit may not have been on the side of the bus, but those of us opposed to leaving did warn that it would happen. The Independent reports that British citizens living abroad face being locked out of their pensions because of post-Brexit rules which see bank accounts shut down: Britain's exit from the EU has caused some British banks to re-examine which bank accounts they let non-UK residents keep open. And finance experts are warning that retirees living in Europe are struggling to access their savings as accounts are closed, in yet another ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

A reminder that, with the schools closed for the October holidays, Michael's usual weekly ward surgeries do not recommence until after the school holidays. However, we can still be contacted on any local issues or concerns - just e-mail westend@dundeelibdems.org.uk - many thanks!

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End