Jago Hazzard untangles the history of the railways of this corner of London. And there's a great first comment below the video on YouTube: The most amazing thing that only track people would know is when you are in the Brunel Tunnel at night when it is really quiet (lines under Engineering possession of course), you can hear the props of boats on the Thames as they pass above you. You can support Jago's videos via his Patreon page.

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England
Tue 10th

Starmer on Track

Starmer on Track I thought Sir Keir Starmer's speech to the Labour Party's Conference was highly competent without being actually storming. The content was formulaic as were the routine standing ovations (are they pre-arranged?) but enough to suggest that a Labour government will be different without being merely Tory-lite. Starmer put the "interruption" at the beginning to good use. It gave him an excuse to roll-up his sleeves - a better indication of being ready for the job than the hard hat and high-viz jacket Tories seem to prefer - and give the appropriate riposte that the party was now ...

Posted by Peter Wrigley on Keynesian Liberal

You don't have to follow me for long on Twitter to realise I rate the Economist, and also have an interest in industrial strategy, so this week's special section hammering it is essential reading for me. It is worth summarising and keeping it to hand – because for an industrial strategy to be any good,Continue reading "The Economist's assault on the new industrial policy"

Posted by freethinkingeconomist on Freethinking Economist

Draconian new rules are affecting asylum seekers in Home Office accommodation, and those who have been given leave to remain. If given leave to remain it is a time for rejoicing for an asylum seeker. They are safe, they won't have to be returned to the country they have fled from, and can begin a new life. But later in the day that the letter with good news is received, a whole set of new problems begin. Up till August 1st they had twenty-eight days to find somewhere to live, find a job, and probably claim benefits. Even with the ...

Posted by Suzanne Fletcher on Liberal Democrat Voice

It looks like someone stole Wendy Chamberlain's fish and chips at conference but she decided to style it out.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

There's an odd role-reversal between the Conservative and Labour Parties when you look at their internal politics. The Conservative Party is the one whose reputation is of a ruthless desire to win, and hence a flexibility in its views which change as circumstances alter. (It's often forgotten, for example, how even the Conservative Party of 1979 demonstrated this with its election-winning moderate pitch.) Yet despite David Cameron's desire to stop his party banging on about Europe, it's very much what they still keep on banging on about. Indeed, despite the Conservative Party also being the one with the reputation for ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

[Later. In fact Brian has been appointed as a non-executive director of the Met. The official press release is online.] Lib Dem Voice reports that the Liberal Democrat peer Brian Paddick is to become a non-executive adviser to the Metropolitan Police and will sit as a crossbencher in the House of Lords for the duration of this appointment. Congratulations to him - I'm sure he will give good advice. This story gives me an excuse to revisit a favourite piece of trivia: Brian Paddick is a relation of the actor Hugh Paddick, who is best remembered today as a member ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England
Tue 10th

Not such a safe place

The UK Government's plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda continued to unravel today with the Guardian revealing that a Human Rights Watch report has found that Rwandan authorities are coordinating a systematic campaign of repression at home and abroad against political activists, suspected dissidents and their family members. The paper says that the US-based rights group has detailed an alleged campaign of extraterritorial killings, kidnappings and intimidation, as well as arbitrary arrests and enforced disappearances on Rwandan soil: The 115-page report, which covers the years since 2017, also accuses the government in Kigali of routinely abusing global judicial and ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

The Liberal Democrats have announced that Chris Lucas will be their candidate for Hitchin at the next general election.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Former police officer and Liberal Democrat candidate for Mayor of London Brian Paddick is taking up a new role with the Met Police: Life peer Lord Brian Paddick and business leader Rebecca George CBE have joined Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley's most senior decision making board as non-executive directors. As non-executive directors Lord Paddick and Ms George will advise, bring independent oversight, external perspective and challenge into the Metropolitan Police Service as it goes through change and reform to deliver More Trust, Less Crime, and High Standards for Londoners. Lord Paddick joined the Met as a constable in 1976. As borough ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Metropolitan Police have announced that Lord Brian Paddick is joining them as a Non Executive Advisor. As a result he is stepping back from his position as a Liberal Democrat Peer to a non-affiliated Peer for the duration of the appointment. Lord Paddick said: It is with some sadness that I am leaving the Liberal Democrat Group in the Lords, but I know that they will continue to work as an extraordinary force within Parliament to represent the very best of Liberal Democrat values in this House. Liberal Democrat Leader Ed Davey MP said: I wanted to personally thank Lord ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

With the schools closed for the October holidays, Fraser's usual weekly ward surgeries do not recommence until after the school holidays. However, we can still be contacted on any local issues or concerns - just e-mail westend@dundeelibdems.org.uk - many thanks!

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End