Thirteen bungalows are being demolished at Naseby Square in Market Harborough so that new 'affordable' homes can be built on the site. I happened past this afternoon and took these photos. Harborough FM reports: The occupants were first informed of the plan when they received a letter out-of-the-blue and have since been re-housed by housing association Platform Housing Group, which is carrying out the £7.5m re-development. A major campaign against the plan followed, with hundreds signing petitions against it. Marion Duffy, Chief Operations officer at Platform Housing Group confirmed residents rehoused will be given the opportunity to return and says ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

I know my crowd-pulling power #ldconf — Mark Pack [IMG: 🔶] (@markpack) September 26, 2023

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

During this parliament the Tories have introduced the requirement for electors to identify themselves with photo ID before they can vote. This is a blatant attempt to make it more difficult for groups more likely to vote progressively, such as the young , to exercise their democratic rights. We elderly (more likely to vote Tory, alas) have little difficulty as most of us have bus passes with our photos on them, which, unlike young people's travel cards, are acceptable. Happily the Liberal Democrats have adopted the policy to scrap the system when we get the chance. If you can identify ...

Posted by Peter Wrigley on Keynesian Liberal
Tue 26th

Home again

Life has moved down Souththough birthplace still owns my soul.May one ever leave?

Posted by AL Franklin on Maintain the Advance!

The Lib Dems have just completed their first in-person party conference since the last election. As a party that lets members set policy, our events are a bit more decisive in setting the agenda for us, compared to Labour and the Conservatives. Because this was the first event in a while I'm sure there were ... Continue reading Lib Dem Conference Highlights

Posted by returnoftheliberal on returnoftheliberal

In Liverpool old housing like this will be good for decades to come while we have knocked concrete monstrosities down within years of them being built. We must learn from our past. This week the Liberal Democrats at our Autumn ... Continue reading →

Posted by richardkemp on But what does Richard Kemp think?

The new political season is here. If there's something you want to say, remember that I enjoy publishing guest posts here on Liberal England. So if you've got an idea for a post you could write for this blog, drop me a line. As you can see from the list below, I accept posts on subjects far beyond the Liberal Democrats and British politics. I'm happy to entertain a wide variety of views, but I'd hate you to spend your time writing something I really wouldn't want to publish. So do please get in touch first. These are the last ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England
Tue 26th

MP and farmer

I went to the National Farmers Union meeting last night and bumped into fellow farmer Sarah Dyke, newly elected MP for Somerton and Frome. We had a useful conversation about which breeds of sheep we keep and which are the easiest to handle! (For me it's the Hebrideans as they have horns, just what you need to hold onto while shearing them!)Good speech by my old university friend Tim Farron on why

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace

I'm pleased to see that Ruttie remains in rude health, and it wouldn't be a visit it to Bonkers Hall without the Well-Behaved Orphans. And so another week with Rutland's most celebrated fictional peer draws to a close. Sunday Who should I spy on the lawn at breakfast but my old friend Ruttie, the Rutland Water Monster? Between you and me, I think she is getting jealous of all the attention being paid to Loch Ness. The next thing we know, she'll be waddling across the Oakham road and pulling faces at the motorists to get in the papers herself. ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

One word: humbling. That was my feeling as I listened to the remarkable conference speech by Ukrainian MP Kira Rudik on Monday morning. She is leader of Holos, the first Liberal Party to be elected to the Ukrainian Parliament. All one's everyday concerns were reduced to insignificance as we heard of the bravery and tenacity of Ukrainians under the most harrowing conditions. Their belief in the survival and eventual flourishing of their country, their incredible solidarity, is absolutely awesome. Just to see Kira's astonishing poise and searing honesty – as well as humility – on stage, was... well, er... humbling. ...

Posted by Paul Walter on Liberal Democrat Voice

Lib Dem Conference is at its absolute best when it debates a hotly contested issues. High quality speeches on both sides of the argument for Conference to decide upon. And if the leadership's position is looking threatened, they just roll out a big hitter like Tim Farron to deliver a barnstormer and get them out of trouble. Or, in the case of yesterday's debate, not. The issue in question was whether to have a national housing target. This has been debated at two Conferences in the recent past and on both occasions, Conference voted to retain a national annual target, ...

Posted by Caron Lindsay on Liberal Democrat Voice

The Guardian reports that Suella Braverman will be appealing to world leaders and political thinkers later today, to consider rewriting key refugee rules so they are "fit for the modern age". The paper says that the Home Secretary will be seeking to alter an agreement that she believes undermined UK plans to send asylum seekers to Rwanda by arguiing that the United Nations 1951 refugee convention must be reformed to tackle a worldwide migration crisis: Her words have prompted deep concern from refugee charities who claim she is urging the international community to "pull up the drawbridge" on people who ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Ed Davey will today (Tuesday 26 September) give his first Autumn Conference speech since becoming Liberal Democrat leader, firing the starting gun for the party's campaign at the next General Election. Ed Davey will put health and care at the heart of his speech, highlighting how the Liberal Democrats have led the way in proposing solutions to tackle the crises facing the NHS, on GPs, ambulances and dentists. He will accuse the Conservatives of breaking promise after promise on the NHS, from their failure to recruit more GPs to their pledge to build 40 new hospitals, adding that there should ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

Residents will recall our previous posts about proposed environmental improvements along the Perth Road district shopping centre. We are pleased to advise that the tender for this work was approved at last night's City Council Fair Work, Economic Growth and Infrastructure Committee. We had the following update from the project manager on the final proposals : "The designs were all completed as per previously agreed with community input and tender issued, since then we've been successful in obtaining funds from the United Kingdom Shared Prosperity Fund which has enabled us to deliver on the full package of works. In summary ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End