Families in Blue Wall hit with £3,000 "Truss tax" in year since mini-budget New research reveals homeowners in London and the South East have seen their mortgage payments rise by £3,000 in year since mini budget The two 'Blue Wall' regions are the hardest hit, compared to an average hit of £2,000 across the country Those on a 2-year deal who remortgaged in the wake of the mini budget saw their mortgage rate jump by average of 1.69% to 5.17% Homeowners in London and the South East have seen their mortgage payments rise by a staggering £3,000 in the year ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

This post was written for Terence Towles Canote's 10th Annual Rule, Britannia Blogathon, where you will find plenty more articles on British cinema. What is the most successful piece of casting against type in a British film? There's Richard Attenborough's turn as a bull of a Sergeant Major in Guns at Batasi. There's James Fox as Chas in Performance, whose hooded eyes and half-smile haunt British gangster films to this day. And there's another candidate. How about Alec Guinness playing a hard-drinking officer in a Scottish regiment - red hair and all - who has been promoted from the ranks? ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

India is likely to escape the consequences of allegedly murdering a Sikh Canadian on Canadian soil. And this in turn will have consequences for democracy and political structures in India, the sub-continent's relations with the rest of the world, Canadian relations with its allies and the international rule of law. Let's start with the fact that the claim that Indian intelligence agents were responsible for the murder of Sikh nationalist Hardeep Singh Nijjar is – so far – an allegation. And that the government of Narendra Modi has dismissed it as "absurd." But, at the same time, it is inconceivable ...

Posted by Tom Arms on Liberal Democrat Voice
Fri 22nd

Home renovations

When my wife and I moved into our house, we made a list of the structural alterations we wanted to make. Fifteen years later, we thought it was probably about time we made a start. And so we have. Let's be clear, though, that this isn't exactly Grand Designs territory. Our house is a 1920s, three-bedroom, semi-detached ex-Council house in a small market town in Somerset. It's built very solidly but, as my neighbour takes great pleasure in pointing out, there isn't a straight line or a right angle in the place. What there is, however, is lots of space ...

Posted by Simon Perks on Simon Perks
Fri 22nd

Heading to conference

It's that time of year when bags are packed, train tickets are booked and we head to a town or city with a large conference centre. Yes, it's Lib Dem autumn conference and this year it is back in Bournemouth. It is however the first in person autumn conference since 2019 with covid and the passing of the Queen having cancelled the recent annual gatherings . So it will feel a bit strange meeting

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace

For many Liberal Democrats like us, rejoining the European Union is an article of faith and a top political priority. Helen and her family were advocates of European integration in the 1950s; William joined the Liberal Party when Jo Grimond was arguing for joining the EEC, Harold Macmillan was struggling to persuade his party, and Gaitskell was moving to oppose the idea. We're now back at a similar juncture: outside, increasingly aware of the costs of exclusion, this time with Labour edging awkwardly towards a half-commitment to closer relations, the Conservatives divided between realists wanting to re-establish a degree of ...

Posted by Helen and William Wallace on Liberal Democrat Voice

The saga of the Conservatives' proposed North West relief road for Shrewsbury has taken a farcical turn: From BBC News: Councillors voted to back £95m of extra borrowing, after the figure was accidentally included by mistake in a report over a planned bypass. The figure featured in a report on the North West Relief Road linking northern and western Shrewsbury. A finance director said he had been "confused" when the figure was mentioned in the council debate. Shropshire Council said the £95m figure that made its way into the report was not a true estimate. It had raised concern over ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

On Wednesday councillors had to get into the council to have rational debates through a group of people who could best described as irrational and at worst totally deluded. On Wednesday night we had a demonstration outside the Liverpool Town ... Continue reading →

Posted by richardkemp on But what does Richard Kemp think?

Have a Go was a radio quiz hosted by Wilfred Pickles that attracted 20 million listeners a week. I don't remember it, but I was surprised to find that I might have done, as it ran from 1946 to 1967. What I do remember is Round the Horne making fun of it - or at least I read that sketch in a book of scripts I was given for Christmas round about 1973. As I have said before, the problem with this column is not that Lord Bonkers is getting too old but that I am getting too old. Gove ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

In the interests of transparency, I am not impartial (is anybody?). I am a volunteer director of a community land trust (not named as I am writing for the community housing cause in general). Also I am no longer a party member largely down to becoming exasperated with national party housing policies and the focus on being electable locally thus encouraging nimbyism. This policy could go further but is comprehensive and well thought out. We cannot have arbitrary targets that are nationally set without paying the price. This cost was felt deeply during the COVID-19 pandemic with those in flats ...

Posted by Elizabeth Jones on Liberal Democrat Voice

It is the eve of the Liberal Democrats Federal Conference and I am just putting the final touches to packing my suitcase. It is also the first autumn conference we have held since 2019, which means that the annual interview with the leader is more important than ever. It is just a shame that Ed Davey has not used the opportunity to put forward a distinctive Liberal Democrat message focussing on our values of liberty, equality and community, married with clear internationalist principles. In his interview with the BBC, Davey talks about the economy, the NHS and the environment as ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Housing and planning policy continues to provoke controversy across the country. The UK desperately needs more homes, particularly decent, affordable homes. But instead, too many politicians are only interested in point-scoring, attacking their opponents as either NIMBYs who will block any housebuilding, or in the pocket of developers who want to concrete over the countryside. For years this Conservative government has paid lip-service to increasing housebuilding, but then repeatedly u-turned under pressure from their backbenchers, who simply don't want new homes built. It is in this context that the Liberal Democrats, at conference, will be discussing our new policy paper: ...

Posted by Dorothy Thornhill on Liberal Democrat Voice

Four principal authority council by-elections this week, with a full slate of Liberal Democrat candidates. That's a welcome one up on the last time these wards were up. First up, a huge swing to the Liberal Democrats and a move from fourth to an excellent position from which to take the seat next time: Immensely proud of the team achieving this result. Massive shift to us and underlines the Tories finished in Hull, after falling to 3rd in what was once their only ward on the council. Shows the progress we're making right across Hull, with both other parties going ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Liberal Democrat Deputy Leader Daisy Cooper has said the party will be using their Autumn Conference in Bournemouth this weekend to "fire the starting pistol" on its General Election campaign. The Liberal Democrats are looking to build on their four historic by-election wins and major local election gains in formerly safe Conservative areas. Liberal Democrat MPs will today hold a Blue Wall summit in Bournemouth with top candidates in marginal seats, discussing their strategy to win more Conservative seats and elect MPs who will act as local champions for their communities. On Sunday, the Liberal Democrats will become the first ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

Dundee Science Centre is part of Doors Open Day 2023 and has a great free to attend offer on this Sunday - 24th September - 9am to 11.30am. Booking is essential and families can explore science with FREE access to engaging exhibits, interactive workshops and fascinating demonstrations. Book at https://book.dundeesciencecentre.org.uk/tickets

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End