Truss refuses to apologise for mini-budget while pocketing taxpayer handouts RAAC: Lib Dems win vote forcing govt to publish register of crumbling schools and hospitals Truss refuses to apologise for mini-budget while pocketing taxpayer handouts The Liberal Democrats have called for taxpayer-funded payouts to failed ministers to be scrapped, after Liz Truss today refused to apologise to households for the damage caused by her mini-budget. In 2022, Liz Truss was paid £18,660 in severance pay for her failed tenure as Prime Minister. Meanwhile, former Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng received £16,876 in severance pay, or £444 in taxpayers' cash for each day ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

The new political season is here, so if there's something you want to say, remember that I enjoy publishing guest posts on Liberal England. So if you've got an idea for a post you could write for this blog, please drop me a line. As you can see from the list below, I accept guest posts on subjects far beyond the Liberal Democrats and British politics. I'm happy to entertain a wide variety of views, but I'd hate you to spend your time writing something I really wouldn't want to publish. So do please get in touch first. These are ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Many of you will be leafing through James O'Brien's How They Broke Britain book soon – it should be an important and necessary critique of 21st century populist conservatism. While the Conservative party is in power 2/3rds of the time and we all know how broken Britain is, the Conservatives are shape shifters. Thatcherite Conservatism ... Continue reading How they broke Britain's buildings

Posted by returnoftheliberal on returnoftheliberal
Mon 18th

The Joy of Six 1163

"Liz Truss almost wrecked the British economy in her 49 days as prime minister, and is now working on a book, Ten Years to Save the West, to be published in April next year. Margaret Thatcher was initially reluctant to join the international speaker circuit following her 10 revolutionary years in power. But the shortest-serving politician in British history recently pocketed some £90,000 for a five-day trip to Taiwan during which she delivered a speech about the importance of standing up to Chinese aggression." Adrian Wooldridge says we are living in an age of political shamelessness. Ruth Bright argues that ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Last week European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyden, announced a probe into China's electric vehicle industry which apparently have benefitted from massive state subsidies. But it's not only such subsidies that should worry us - production in the Chinese car industry ignores human rights and climate change, and the European car industry is complicit. The global shift in manufacturing from Europe and North America to Asia has been well-documented. As factories have closed in the UK and the EU, the same companies have built up their manufacturing capability in China as well as trained and created a network of ...

Posted by Robert Harrison on Liberal Democrat Voice
Mon 18th

A railway to nowhere?

Nothing better defines the incompetence of this government than the farcical delivery of the HS2 project. Massively overbudget and behind schedule, this project is becoming a financial and political millstone around the government's neck, and will most probably be an intractable burden to the next half dozen governments as well. Rishi Sunak's solution apparently, is to scale it back in an effort to make it more affordable. but in doing so he is undermining the line's purpose and turning it into an even bigger white elephant. The Independent reports on claims that the Prime Minister is said to be keen ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

In 2022, the population of the UK grew by 606,000. In the year ended June 2022, 173,520 new homes were built in England. The mismatch between the two figures is one factor in rising rents. Our Party - more than any other – is the one which has been happy about immigration. We also have a policy on asylum seekers which would mean we were welcoming more asylum seekers to the country. Given that, it seems quite extraordinary that the Federal Policy Committee is seeking to remove a target for new homes from our policy. They say that "for the ...

Posted by Simon McGrath on Liberal Democrat Voice

There's been a lot of debate about the Party's proposals on housing policy for the past week or so, as evidenced by the series of articles on this website. There's another today from Simon McGrath, who has rather controversially linked one area of Party policy to this one. It's controversial merely because the Government don't do that sort of joined up thinking. The subject is of particular relevance to me this week, because I've just moved house, leaving my small, perfectly formed village in the Gipping Valley for a new home in the centre of Ipswich. Housing policy isn't just ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

DUNDEE CITY COUNCIL - WEEKLY ROAD REPORT REPORT FOR THE WEST END WARD - WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY 18 SEPTEMBER 2023 Brown Street (south of Douglas Street) - closed for 13 months until May 2024 for construction works. Seafield Road, Dundee - closed from its westmost end (in cul-de-sac) extending for a distance of no more than 20 metres in an easterly direction to facilitate a site access for a new housing development. Commencing Tuesday 22 August 2023 for 15 months. Riverside Drive - Phase 1: overnight road closure for carriageway resurfacing (7.00pm to 6.00am) from Sunday 17 September to Tuesday ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End