Crumbling Hospitals: Lib Dems call for Rishi Sunak to explain why he ignored crumbling hospitals Sunak breaches rules again: Same old sleaze and scandal as Boris Johnson Liberal Democrats urge the Government to act on Voter ID Scheme Crumbling Hospitals: Lib Dems call for Rishi Sunak to explain why he ignored crumbling hospitals Following the report that Rishi Sunak blocked plans to rebuild hospitals with crumbling concrete three years ago, Liberal Democrat Health and Social Care spokesperson Daisy Cooper MP said: This new revelation is a disgrace. The Prime Minister has put the public's health and safety at risk for ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

Wimbledon is one of the top Liberal Democrat targets after the knife-edge result in 2019. Paul Kohler's campaign there has been given a boost by the news that the incumbent Conservative MP won't be restanding: It is with a heavy heart I will be standing down at the next General Election. This is a decision I have not made lightly and I thank everybody who has supported me over the last 18 years. — Stephen Hammond MP (@S_Hammond) September 14, 2023

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Tibshelf Sidings was once a busy spot on the railway and part of Britain's coal distribution network. Numerous sidings and a junction were sprawled out alongside the Erewash Valley line in Derbyshire. The complex closed in the late 1980s as the collieries in the area began to decline. Find out how to support this Trekking Exploration channel,

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

This just in from Kibworth Beauchamp Parish Council: An emergency footway closure and prohibition of waiting and loading is required on High Street, Kibworth Beauchamp for approx. 15m either side of no.70 on the 15th September 2023 for however long it takes to stabilise the mud wall (The TTRO lasts for 6 months) The Temporary Traffic Regulation Order will be implemented for public safety for Leicestershire County Council and associated contractors to facilitate safety zone around unstable boundary wall whilst works are undertaken. As you can see from the photograph above, this wall used to form part of a cottage. ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

This past week at the 2023 UK TUC Congress, trade unions stood in solidarity with Ukraine in the face of the fascist russian invasion, passing a motion from the Ukraine Solidarity Campaign. The motion, moved by GMB, seconded by ASLEF and supported by the NUM, supports the immediate withdrawal of russian* forces from all Ukrainian territories occupied since 2014; Ukrainian unions' calls for financial and practical aid from the UK to Ukraine; a peaceful end to the conflict that secures the territorial integrity of Ukraine and the support and self-determination of the Ukrainian people; the full restoration of labour rights ...

Posted by Jack Meredith on Liberal Democrat Voice

A local press release brings the news: Local Liberal Democrat members have chosen Calum Miller as their candidate for the next general election in the newly-created seat of Bicester and Woodstock. It's time for a fresh start in Bicester and Woodstock. This is my home and my community. It would be an honour to represent my neighbours and fellow residents. — Calum Miller [IMG: 🔶] (@CalumMillerLD) September 13, 2023

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

In submitting our amendment to the motion on Tackling the Housing Crisis (F31), ALTER is not wanting to change anything called for in the policy paper that will, we hope, be adopted nearly unanimously. Our purpose is to remind Conference that we can and must use our existing policy on tax reform, namely Land Value Taxation (LVT), to solve the underlying cause of the crisis. We call for the commitment in the 2013 policy paper Fairer Taxes, endorsed by Conference that year, to be honoured. This was to conduct "early in the next Parliament .... a full-scale review to look ...

Posted by Tony Vickers on Liberal Democrat Voice
Thu 14th

Rejoining by stealth?

I thought one of the main reasons for Brexit was to free ourselves from all those European institutions, whatever the cost. The announcement by the current Brexit government that the UK will rejoin the Horizon Europe programme must be a source of concern for those who thought withdrawing from the EU was a great idea. All those Brexiteers must be fuming that a fundamental plank of Leave has been

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace

The campaign for fair, equal votes is bread and butter politics for most Lib Dems. The idea that governments can win power on a minority of votes while other parties go significantly under-represented weakens the claim that the UK is a representative democracy. This is seen time and time again, with 2019 a particularly brutal example where the Conservatives gained a majority on just 43% of the vote while our own party gained over a million votes but fell back in the Commons. First Past the Post leads to unrepresentative parliaments and unrepresentative governments – frequently resulting in policies that ...

Posted by Richard Wood on Liberal Democrat Voice
Thu 14th

Betrayal of a generation

In the aftermath of the 2010 General Election, in which the party stood on an explicit platform to abolish tuition fees and many MPs made the doomed NUS pledge, the party took the catastrophic political decision to reverse track within the coalition to raise fees. Regardless of the individual merits of the tuition fee reforms as a policy, and however much the party went blue in the face shouting "graduate tax" at anyone that would listen, the decision – the betrayal – tainted the party in the eyes of young people and the wider electorate and was an early domino ...

Posted by James Bliss on Liberal Democrat Voice
Thu 14th

Another Brexit failure

The Guardian reports that new public sector lenders created by the government since Brexit are investing two-thirds less than the UK was receiving from the EU's European Investment Bank. The paper says that the thinktank UK in a Changing Europe has compared the record of the European Investment Bank with the work of new Treasury-backed institutions including the UK Infrastructure Bank (UKIB) and have found it wanting: The EIB invested an average of £6.4bn in the UK between 2009 and 2016 in real terms, peaking at £7.5bn in 2016 - the year of the Brexit referendum. By contrast, the successor ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Michael's surgeries take place today and every Thursday during school term time. They are as follows : Thursdays at 5.45pm prompt - West End Campus (come to reception area of St Joseph's RC and Victoria Park Primary Schools) Thursdays at 6.30pm prompt - Harris Academy reception area All welcome - no appointment necessary!

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End