Siobhan Baillie, the Conservative MP for Stroud is in not water. The Stroud News & Journal has the story: Stroud MP Siobhan Baillie has issued an apology and says it was never her intention to claim sole credit for creating a Natural History climate change GCSE. She said in a Conservative Party leaflet and in a video on her website that she had created the qualification. But Mary Colwell, the writer and conservationist who led the campaign for the Natural History GCSE since 2011, says the MP played no active role in this and that she has never met her. ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

This week's Government meeting with China's Minister of Foreign Affairs will be the first visit of any UK Foreign Secretary to China in five years. Commenting on James Cleverly's planned visit to Beijing on Wednesday, Liberal Democrat Foreign Affairs spokesperson, Layla Moran said: James Cleverly should think again about whether this is the signal the UK should be sending out. At this very moment China is perpetrating genocidal crimes against the Uyghurs, increasing aggressive activity towards Taiwan, and pursuing illegal bounties against Hong Kong pro-democracy activists in our country. * News Meerkat - keeping a look-out for Liberal Democrat news. ...

Posted by News Meerkat on Liberal Democrat Voice

There's something amusing about a tiny socialist party that finds it has become rich by sticking to its principles. It's the stuff of a political Ealing comedy. BBC News reports: A tiny socialist party which fights for a moneyless society has amassed reserves of more than £2.6m, newly-published accounts reveal. The documents, released on Wednesday, show that the Socialist Party of Great Britain holds over £400,000 in cash and a further £800,000 in investment funds. The party also owns a property in south London, bought in 1951 for £4,000, which is now worth £1.3m. In the past year it received ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England
Tue 29th

The one and the many

When I was a student, our reading list for my first-year political science class featured the book Liberals and Communitarians by Stephen Mulhall and Adam Swift. It was interesting enough to read at the time, but two and a half decades later its message resonates ever more loudly. As the name suggests, the book considers the tension between two fundamental themes of political philosophy: liberalism and communitarianism. It does so by exploring the writings of a selection of liberal and communitarian thinkers – including John Rawls, Ronald Dworkin and Richard Rorty (representing the liberals) and Michael Sandel, Alisdair MacIntyre and ...

Posted by Simon Perks on Simon Perks

The Guardian reports that: Michael Gove is planning to rip up water pollution rules that builders have blamed for exacerbating England's housing crisis but which environmental groups say are essential for protecting the country's rivers. The housing secretary, with Thérèse Coffey, the environment secretary, will announce the move on Tuesday, according to several people briefed on the plans, alongside hundreds of millions of pounds' worth of extra funding to mitigate the potential impact on England's waterways. The decision will spark anger among environmentalists, who say it will further add to water pollution, as water companies are already dumping raw sewage ...

Posted by NewsHound on Liberal Democrat Voice

The Home Secretary's announcemnt yesterday that from now on the police will do all they can to tackle crime, begs the question as to what the boys and girls in blue have been doing up until now, and in particular why it has taken the Tories thirteen years to realise that things are far from satisfactory on the law and order front. What is more, from what I heard of yesterday's interviews, this latest initiative appears to be predicated on a wish and a prayer, rather than any serious commitment to properly resource the police. In particular, the claims around ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Fraser's weekly ward surgeries take place later today and every Tuesday during school term time. They are as follows : Tuesdays at 5pm prompt - Blackness Library Tuesdays at 5.45pm prompt - Ancrum Road Primary School All residents welcome - no appointment necessary.

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End