Jamie Graham has drawn up his list of the top 65 British films. When I saw that he had A Canterbury Tale at number 2, I feared for him. I have learnt to my cost that this is not a film you should slight in any way. Then someone explained that the films are listed in chronological order and that, with a few gaps early on, there is one choice for each year from 1939 onwards The usual way of reviewing such lists is to complain about the omissions. Why is there room for X but not Y? Why no ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

"For a Fair Deal" is the party's pre-manifesto policy paper, to be debated at the Brighton Conference. You can read it in full here. You'd think that, after 13 years of Tory misrule, and with the clowns in charge of the asylum for the past four, an opposition policy paper for the next election would be suffused with anger, outrage and frustration. Instead, this paper, to be discussed at conference, reads like a bland wish-list from some nice people. But, there again, maybe the working party has judged the mood of the electorate better than I. Look what happened to ...

Posted by Peter Wrigley on Liberal Democrat Voice

The BBC reports a second Town Council joining Flitwick in calling for Nadine Dorries to resign.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

The heavily trailed announcement about government support for chess has been made this morning - you can read the press release online. Forget the stuff about chess tables in parks, which dominated discussion on Twitter when these ideas were first discussed. The meat of the announcement is the support for schools and the funding for elite players. Malcolm Pein, the English Chess Federation's director of international chess is quoted in the release: The unprecedented grant funding will be transformational for English chess, helping to train more grandmasters and beginning the process of regaining England's former status as a force in ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Once more, predictions about the impact of Brexit on Britsh travellers have come to pass. We have already lost free mobile roaming within the EU, have to get visas for certain countries, overcome major obstacles if we want to settle abroad and face endless queues at airports when previously we could use the EU citizen lane, now we have lost the right to compensation when making journeys to the UK from non-EU countries on EU airlines. The Independent reports that the long-standing right to cash compensation of over £500 no longer applies for travellers making journeys to the UK from ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

All the papers for the Bournemouth Conference (September 23-26) are now available online here. * Paul Walter is a Liberal Democrat activist and member of the Liberal Democrat Voice team. He blogs at Liberal Burblings.

Posted by Paul Walter on Liberal Democrat Voice

Fraser's weekly ward surgeries take place later today and every Tuesday during school term time. They are as follows : Tuesdays at 5pm prompt - Blackness Library Tuesdays at 5.45pm prompt - Ancrum Road Primary School All residents welcome - no appointment necessary.

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End