The Derbyshire villages of Derwent and Ashopton were demolished and then drowned when the Ladybower reservoir was constructed in 1944. In dry summers their remains are revealed by the receding waters, and Martin Zero and friends went to see them last summer.

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England
Thu 17th

Fitness for purpose

When my father was two years older than I am now, he had a series of heart attacks and never worked again. He died just over a decade later at the age of 61. By the time I was 35, I was the oldest living male on my father's side of the family. Genetics are clearly not on my side. I'm approaching my late 40s* now and I'm not ready to pack things in yet, so staying fit and healthy is important to me. There are, however, only so many hours in the day. And I can't afford to spend ...

Posted by Simon Perks on Simon Perks

The full agenda for the Liberal Democrat federal conference coming up in Bournemouth is now out, along with the reports to conference from various party bodies such as the Federal Board. The directory, with details of fringe meetings and the like, is also available. Agenda highlights include our new overall policy prospectus For a Fair Deal, Ukrainian politician Kira Rudyk, a question and answer session with Ed Davey, debates on housing and childcare, the latest party awards and much more. Registration, for both in-person and online attendance, is open and the party website also has all the associated policy papers. ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack
Thu 17th

The Joy of Six 1154

"Both ideologies involve a shocking indifference to evidence and data. They reflect a bulldog belief that Britain will always be better off pursuing its own path, rather than engaging with supranational negotiations and institutions. They share a distaste for 'experts' - economists in the case of Brexit, the world's scientists in the case of climate change. In many instances, Brexiteers and ecosceptics express the same paranoid suspicion of 'global elites' and 'globalist conspiracies'." Tory Eurosceptics are becoming ecosceptics, says Matthew d'Ancona. Peter Wrigley thinks delusions about Britain's standing in the world mean we aren't tackling the many political and economic ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

The Mirror reports that Rishi Sunak has been urged not to cave in as Red Wall MPs try to tear up the Government's green agenda in the hope of avoiding oblivion at the polls. They says that the under-fire PM has been told now is not the time to water down the Net Zero target of 2050 to please Tory malcontents: Backbencher Marco Longhi is leading calls for a referendum on whether to scrap it - despite Net Zero having been included in the 2019 Tory manifesto. It follows a call by former Home Secretary Dame Priti Patel to "pause" ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Hello, Mid Bedfordshire We don't yet know for sure about when a Mid Bedfordshire by-election will take place after Nadine Dorries redefined "immediately" with her promise to step down straight away turning into a longer-running saga. But there is an active Lib Dem campaign up and running for Emma Holland-Lindsay, with some lovely letter boxes to admire. Please do help if you can, in person or remotely, as Sarah Dykes's stunning victory in Somerton and Frome shows just what we can achieve when we pull together behind a by-election campaign. A huge thank you to everyone who contributed to that ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Liberal Democrat Voice

Michael's surgeries start again today after the school holidays and are as follows : Thursdays at 5.45pm prompt - West End Campus (come to reception area of St Joseph's RC and Victoria Park Primary Schools) Thursdays at 6.30pm prompt - Harris Academy reception area All welcome - no appointment necessary!

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End