Nick Drake has been everywhere recently because of the publication of Richard Morton Jack's Nick Drake: The Biography. Morton Jack was interviewed about his book on BBC Radio 4's Front Page last month, along with the actor Gabrielle Drake, who is Nick's sister. Click on the image to go to the interview. If you want to hear more about Nick Drake, listen to Morton Jack in a recent Word in Your Ear podcast.

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Embed from Getty ImagesLabour's self-elected sensible tendency has been busy today praising Keir Starmer's decision not to scrap the Conservatives' (indeed the Coalition's) two-child benefit cap. Leading it has been Polly Toynbee, who made her name as a journalist by revealing the reality of living in poverty. The favourite tactic of Starmer's cheerleaders has been to accuse anyone who questions his decision of wanting to promise the voters that an incoming Labour government will reverse every cut the Tories have made. This is a classic example of a false dilemma. In reality, there exists a vast territory between overturning everything ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Here's Lib Dem leader Ed Davey on Radio 4's Today programme: "We think there should be a special minimum wage for carers... People in this country would be more attracted to it." Lib Dem Leader Sir Ed Davey says there needs to be a 'revolution' in care and that a shift in policy could 'bring real change quite quickly'.#R4Today — BBC Radio 4 Today (@BBCr4today) July 18, 2023

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

The body of Kathleen Whiteside was being carried from the Lady Chapel at Liverpool's Anglican Cathedral on her way to her cremation yesterday afternoon. Yesterday, it was my privilege to represent the City of Liverpool at the funeral service for ... Continue reading →

Posted by richardkemp on But what does Richard Kemp think?

From Giles Wilkes, Ashes to ashes, The New European , July 6-12, 2023. "By many modern measures, the early 1980s was a rubbish time to be a British citizen. Hooliganisms (sic) and rioting were rife. Teen pregnancy was high and still rising, homophobia and racism were common. Crime had increased all the way through the post-war period. Everywhere reeked of tobacco and car engines spewed lead. Deaths on the road were much higher - drunk diving was more prevalent and set belts did not become compulsory until 1983. Inner city blight was a real problem ( a worse one I ...

Posted by Peter Wrigley on Keynesian Liberal

Former Lib Dem MP Nick Harvey is to become CEO of the European Movement. He had been MP for North Devon from 1992-2015. He was armed forces minister during the first two years of the coalition. He was Chief Executive of the Federal Party during Vince Cable's leadership. He was always seen as a bit of a eurosceptic in the party, as he had been the only Lib Dem MP to vote against the Maastrict Treaty back in 1992. However, in his new role, he wants to take Britain back into the EU. He said: I am absolutely delighted to ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

Residents have pointed out to us that, when Seafield Road was resurfaced some time ago, the 20mph reminder 'roundels' were not repainted. We took this up with the City Council and the Senior Engineer in the Roads Maintenance Partnership has responded positively as follows : "I will get an Order done to get these reinstated."

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End