John eschews (hem hem) his London haunts and visits the Kent coast. The YouTube blurb says: The two harbours walk from Folkestone to Dover in Kent, partly following the North Downs Way. This beautiful coastal walk follows the chalk cliffs with stunning views across the Channel ending at the famous white cliffs of Dover. We pass the Martello towers, Abbots Cliff Sound Mirror, Battle of Britain War Memorial, Samphire Hoe and Shakespeare Cliff. John has a Patreon account to support his videos and blogs at The Lost Byway.

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

They found themselves speaking in whispers as they came to the wood. There was no mistaking it for neither of the girls had seen anything like it before. The stunted oaks were not only growing out of the clitter of loose rocks but their branches sprawled out across the boulders, and rocks and trees alike were covered with a thick, grey moss. "What's it like, Peter?" Jenny whispered. "It reminds me of something." "Sleeping Beauty, Jen. Before the Prince kissed the Princess. I hate these trees with their clutching fingers. It's like the wood that poor little Snow White ran ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Privileges Committee: Sunak must back amendment on sanctions for Dorries and Rees-Mogg The Liberal Democrats have called on Rishi Sunak to confirm that he will support potential sanctions against Nadine Dorries, Jacob Rees-Mogg and five other Conservative MPs for undermining the Commons' partygate investigation into Boris Johnson. It comes ahead of a debate in the Commons on the Privileges Committee report this afternoon, including on a Liberal Democrat amendment that would refer the seven MPs for potential sanctions. If passed, the amendment would refer the seven MPs back to the committee, to decide whether their conduct amounted to contempt of ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

Leaving verges like this is just scruffy and leaves our area looking a mess. What we need is proper discussion between the council and residents about it is appropriate not to mow and what other options there might be. There ... Continue reading →

Posted by richardkemp on But what does Richard Kemp think?

One of the quirks of recent General Elections is that, for a lot of constituencies, the process of selecting a candidate has been somewhat truncated. But time is getting on, and the new boundaries are out, so it's probably time to make a start... If you haven't got a candidate in place already, you probably aren't a target seat, but you almost certainly have some goals that you wish to achieve, and the right PPC can help you to achieve them. So, your first step is to agree to start the process at a meeting of the Local Party's Executive ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

One of the less surprising pieces of Liberal Democrat selection news: I'm honoured to have been selected as the Lib Dem candidate for the new Westmorland and Lonsdale seat. There is no greater honour than serving our communities as our MP. — Tim Farron (@timfarron) July 10, 2023

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack
Mon 10th

Low Fell eFocus no. 126

The Low Fell Focus Team have been hard at work as usual and their latest eFocus newsletter was published last week. Issues covered include:Gateshead Leisure Centre to close on July 21st;Consultation on walking and cycling lanes;St Helen's Church Fayre;Shoplifting in Low Fell;Lyndhurst Bowling Club grant success;Low Fell Volunteer Gardeners thank Sainsbury's.You can read eFocus on this link.

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace

With the end of another, rather interesting, quarter, another update to PollBase, my database of British voting intention opinion polls since 1943 is now up. This time, as well as another quarter of polls, the update includes additional voting intention and leader rating data from Deltapoll from the last Parliament and this. Thank you to the firm for providing two handy historical spreadsheets to fill in gaps. Enjoy! P.S. For the very latest polls, see my polling scorecard and for the history of polls, how to spot the good from the bad and what the future holds for opinion polling, ...

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

I loved this tweet from the Sun's Kelvin Mackenzie, with its vision of tens of thousands of youngsters flocking to see Blur and Iron Maiden. Could it be that Uncle Kelvin is getting on a bit? He has reminded me of the time I met the woman who used to take down Jean Rook's Daily Express column over the phone. In those days Rook was billed as the 'First Lady of Fleet Street', but she never minded being told if one of her pop culture references was dated. If an alternative was suggested, she would say: "Is that better, dear? ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

I have heard too many times in the last few weeks that I am to resign as a Shropshire councillor, even that I have resigned. I am not resigning. I intend to stick to my aim of standing in 2025 for the unitary elections. I am sorry that at least one councillor is spreading false information. Gossip and loose tongues in a small town like Ludlow can be dangerous. The quidnuncs quickly make a reality of an unreality. Now back to my planned break to write about the quidnuncs in Weymouth in the eighteenth century and an awful lot more, ...

Posted by andybodders on

DUNDEE CITY COUNCIL - WEEKLY ROAD REPORT REPORT FOR THE WEST END WARD - WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY 10 JULY 2023 Brown Street (south of Douglas Street) - closed for 13 months until May 2024 for construction works. Greenfield Place - road closure for 5 days from Monday 10 July for street lighting works. Blackness Road - give and take for one week from Monday 10 July for street lighting works. Perth Road (at Riverside Drive) - temporary traffic lights from 9.00am on Friday 14 July to 6.00am on Saturday 15 July for Scottish Water work. Forthcoming Roadworks Forest Park Place ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End