Sun 9th

The icing on the cake

David and I will get married on Saturday. My sister Esther has made the cake. She sent me this photo of it. The icing is on but the decoration is still to be done. I am banned from seeing it until we get to the reception!

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace
Sun 9th

Suits you, Sir

It has been nearly 15 years since I last bought a suit. I had 6 months' wear out of it before I moved on from my office based job in Lib Dem HQ to the world of self-sufficiency. Since then, the suit only came out of the wardrobe when there is a full council meeting in Gateshead or I have to attend a funeral or wedding. The suit is now showing 15 years of wear and tear and a modestly expanded

Posted by Jonathan Wallace on Jonathan Wallace

Let's look at what The Sun has said internal Conservative polling says about the Mid Bedfordshire Parliamentary by-election.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack
Sun 9th

Mr Big: Romeo

Here's a number 5 hit from 1977 that I can't recall hearing since. Listening to it today, I suspect Mr Big had themselves been listening to Jon Anderson. It was Mr Big's only top 30 single and was probably helped when the BBC announced a temporary ban on it becausse of complaints from Mary Whitehouse. The band's leader, who calls himself Dicken (as is his right in a free country), explained in an interview: But why was Romeo banned by BBC? What was wrong with it? Mary Whitehouse was involved with it; it was banned because of the explicit lyrics. ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Last Friday I went to the annual event organised by the Merseyside Asbestos Victims Support Group and, helped by a young man from family affected by the illness released doves in memory of those that had died from mesothelioma The ... Continue reading →

Posted by richardkemp on But what does Richard Kemp think?
Sun 9th

Tom Arms' World Review

Israel The upsurge in violence in Israel is no surprise. It is a direct result of the government's swing to the far-right. In fact Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu is, relatively speaking, now one of the more liberal members of his cabinet. The Prime Minister's time, however, is increasingly occupied by court appearances in an effort to fight charges of corruption, bribery and fraud. He also has to deal with the ongoing demonstrations against government plans to curb the independence of the Israeli judiciary. The daily business of fighting Palestinian terrorism is dominated by ultra-orthodox politicians. These include several West Bank ...

Posted by Tom Arms on Liberal Democrat Voice

Recently, the Green Circular route section from Mariner Drive to Gemini Crescent was blocked following heavy rain - see photo. There is also overgrown foliage. At the request of residents, we contacted the City Council about this and the Outdoor Access Officer advised : "The overgrown vegetation is private, and part of the Grianan Building landscaping, which is managed by Graham and Sibbald. I have contacted Graham and Sibbald and the Roads Maintenance Partnership who have assisted with issues like this in the past. The branches blocking the path have been removed."

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End